Sunday, July 24

What You Must Do During Difficult Times : Terri

Satan wants you to get a victim mentality and feel sorry for yourself.

Don't ever ever ever, never ever, under any circumstance, at any time, feel sorry for yourself, ever.
-Keith Moore

We all go through storms. We all go through difficulties.
Satan wants you to give up. He wants you to turn your back on the whole plan of God.

Abrahim Lincoln

Don't ever give up on your dream.

God is the control tower. He sees the big picture. He knows what you're going through.
He can guide you through the storm.
Don't ever get out of touch with God.
Talk to Him about everything.

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable. -Psalm 91:1

Spend time with God, even if it is 5 minutes.

God, I don't know how You are going to turn this around, but I trust You. My eyes are on You.

Schedule your priorities. Schedule time with God.

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