Saturday, July 23

The Work / Life Equation : Developer Tea

The Work / Life Equation:

Three suggestions-

Definition of work.
(What is work and what isn't. Some people incorrectly think of whether or not u're enjoying ur day rather than whether or not you're meeting your goals. the long-term happiness when u're meeting your goals and short-term satisfaction when u've had a so-called good day.)

Work: Energy we're spending.
That might help us understand what work actually means.

1) Where your Energy is going everyday? where your Time is going?
Start thinking more about your energy.
Think about where you're putting your energy?

2) Set your values.
your priorities.
What you want to cultivate in the course of your life?
Your values determine your direction and give u a constant place to derive your goals.
Goals are just an expression of your values.
A value cannot be accomplished, but rather it can only be followed.
Where your energy goes, in relation to your values?

3) Do your research.
We rely on our feelings far too often.
Determine, Is that Energy adequately moving me towards my Value set??
Is it adequately accomplishing my Value set??
How much do I want to spend my energy in this area?
Go ahead and look at it through the lens of your values.

"And all this culminates into actually spending your Energy on the things that you Value."

1. Health (Physical, Spiritual)
2. Love & Relationships
3. Creating, Engineering, Programming
4. Balance
5. Gratitude

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