Monday, July 11

How to Stay Ultra Inspired - Robin Sharma

Inspiration is fundamentally important.

I encourage you to protect your inspiration.

Some of the best ways I know of how to do that:

1. The Power of Circulation

If you want to be inspired, get out there.

2. Nature

Nature walk.
Reading while walking.
Breathe in the air.
Look at the lush scenery.
Connecting with the earth, soil.
Connect with the nature.
I am grateful for ...

3. Sunset Ritual

Watch the sunset.
What inspires me are the most simple pleasures.

4. Connect with your loved ones

Those conversations with your family will inspire you.
What's most important to your family are experiences versus things.
What's most important to our happiness are not things but experiences.

5. The "I am" 25 Practice

It involves the journal.
 eg. I am more humble.
I am more prosperous.
I am more inspired.
Do that 25 times in journal on a regular basis.
It creates a blueprint within your subconscious mind of the elite performer you want to become.
That thinking will become your way of being.

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