Sunday, December 28

In hometown...

Hugged my mom.....
p.s.: If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.

Tuesday, December 9

Facial Skin

Had two blood-filled pimples on my chin one after the other...


Happy Anniversary Mummy n Papa... God bless u both...
Thank u God for such nice parents...

2 years :) happy anniversary to us!

We celebrated our two years yesterday... Hubby took day off from work...
Thank u God for everything...

Husband gifted me a mobile phone (android). I gifted him a sweater.
Sister n brother-in-law gifted us a beautiful photo-frame.

Thursday, November 20

Good news

Yesterday munmum bhaiya n bhabhi had a baby boy :)
God bless them!

Wednesday, November 12


Life is all about having some 'me'-time, doing the regular, Growing, having fun...
Doing the regular & having fun...

Thursday, November 6

Aaj Abhishek ki chhutti hai... Guru Nanak Jayanti... He is not feeling well since yesterday... Pet dard aur headache ho raha hai...

Friday, October 31

Birthday Woman (year: 2014)

It was my birthday on 5th.
I was in Gangtok.
A wonderful year came to an end.
Last year I was in Haridwar at the time of my birthday.
Thank you God for the wonderful journey, for all the wonderful experiences.
I have evolved as a human being, as a home-manager, as a relative, as a programmer(engineer).
I have let in more love, respect n laughter.
I have understood myself more and taken better care of myself.
In the meantime, I :
completed 1 year of marriage.
started learning android application development. (100 tiny tutorials)
went to jbp in nov n may.
went to har in nov n march.
went to sikkim for family vacation.
wrote thought for the day.
found some time to pursue dancing. (jun to sep approx.)
cooked kheer, paneer, curd sandwich, pasta, pavbhaji, pulao.
played cards.

p.s.: Husband gifted me a bag(tan color) and a card <3
Yesterday was my Father's Birthday. God bless him n family.
Papa, Ma, Bhupendra bhaiya, Anshu bhabhi were here till 12th October. She underwent 2 operations. Hope she heals fast. God bless her.
Papa, Buaji, Phuphaji, Shanu, Meenu were here for 2-3 days.... They came on 16th October...

Saturday, October 25

read on the web

Don't be so hard on yourself for not having it together all the time, for not knowing all the answers.
You don't always have to be sure of who you are, otherwise there' be nothing left to discover.
You don't have to know where you're headed or have a clear vision of the bigger picture.
Sometimes taking one tiny step at a time is more than enough.
Sometimes slowing down just to feel the wind blow against you is the beauty of life right there.
Wander, be unsure when it is natural to be. Let yourself breathe.
We're all rushing for no reason anyway.
--S.C Lourie

Saturday, October 18

Friday, September 26

Will leave for our first 'Family Vacation' in a few hours.
Bye blog!

Thank u God, Family, Sikkim n the people over there :)

Tuesday, September 23

Papa from Haridwar and Mamaji are coming today evening. Mamaji ko kuchh kaam hai.

Saturday, September 13

Happy Weekend

Balance work n relaxation. Spend time with partner, loved ones.
Be kind to yourself. Pamper yourself.

Thursday, September 11


Listening to Maahi ve... from Highway.

Saw 'The Wedding Date', 'Love and other drugs' on TV yesterday n day before.

Tuesday, September 9

How to Use Your Anger to Help Yourself (tinybuddha)

1. Anger can help you know yourself better.

I understood that the intense anger I experienced when my husband lied to me shows I deeply value honesty and openness. This allowed me to prioritize these qualities in future relationships.

Keep in mind that when someone does something that makes you angry, you have the opportunity to learn what your personal values are.

Also, when anger strikes, take a step back and ask yourself why you’re angry. Are you offended by something that was said to you? This might mean that there is a hint of truth in what the other person said.

Contemplate offensive comments with an objective mind. If you realize there’s some truth in the statement, use it as an opportunity to become a better person. If you conclude that the comment has no real basis, then you can send it to the trash folder of your mind.

2. Anger can help you raise your energy level and move out of depression and despair. 

Based on scientific studies of the energy associated with human emotions, anger calibrates at a higher energy level than hopelessness, apathy, or despair.

My anger propelled me to try new activities and meet new people to show the world I was reclaiming my dignity and my future.

Next time anger surfaces, let it drive you to take positive action and to change the unpleasant circumstances in your life.

3. You have the power to select how to express your anger.

Angry people are portrayed as bitter or aggressive, but this doesn’t have to be the case for you.

Kickboxing became my physical outlet to release any residual angry feelings. You could choose to express your anger through journaling, sharing your feelings with a trusted friend, or going for the fastest three-mile run of your life!

4. You decide how long to be angry.

I realized that although I could use anger in positive ways, it was stealing my ability to be happy.

I knew I deserved to be happy again, so I reminded myself that I had a choice to let go every time my angry thoughts surfaced. Over time, it became easier to return to a state of peace and contentment.

You can choose to take advantage of the lessons in your anger, and then let the feelings go. Tell your anger that you’re too busy making the best out of your time to allow him in your life for long! 

Thursday, September 4

10 Tips to Nurture Your Creative Life: Making Time and Space (tinybuddha)

By mere chance, I picked up a book on simple living at the library. It was spring, and while everything came to life around me, I felt—well, in retrospect, I think I felt nothing. A sort of apathy had taken over. Sitting on the back steps of my patio, flipping through that book, something clicked.

For me, simplicity and creativity go hand in hand. I spent over a year simplifying my life—decluttering, meditating, and becoming very purposeful about what I wanted and needed, and how those two things are different.

Writing (and all creativity) needs space. It needs intention and purpose. Like grass, it needs to be watered, and how can you water it if you’re so busy attending to all the other “things” in your life?

Here are 10 tips to find the time, energy, and space for your creative life (essentially, how to water your grass):

1. Say no.

To invitations and purchases, to guilt about disappointing others and items you don’t need. We all have our weaknesses—mine is shoes, my partner’s is helping people—but learning to say no, is really the first step in simplifying your way back to creativity. It isn’t selfish to honor your creative self; it’s self-care.

2. Have fun.

Creativity is about creation, and creation is fun. It should be enjoyable. If it doesn’t appeal to you, don’t force yourself to do it—because “should” is very different than “want.”

3. Keep the editor away.

The editor has her place in creative “work”—like when I write book reviews or polish stories for publication—but she has no place in the creative sphere. Figure out a way to keep her busy or send her packing, and only call on her when her not-picky voice might actually be useful.

4. Be curious.

Embrace your curiosity as a natural state. Curiosity is key. Without it, creativity can’t thrive.

5. Expect and embrace imperfection.

Perfection is creativity’s enemy.

6. Toot your horn.

I’m terrible at this but I’m learning. People love to talk about creative endeavors—and it is inspiring to see how and what others are doing. Don’t be afraid to say, Hey, I painted that or Hey, I wrote a poem.

7. But don’t compare.

The grass is not greener anywhere else. You’re just looking at it from a different angle, and perception can be deceiving.

8. Keep it simple.

Don’t run out and buy anything you think you need to be creative. Creativity isn’t about items—though you may need brushes or a pencil or paper—it’s about the act. Start small, start with what you have.

9. Allow space and time.

Creativity really only needs space and time, two of the hardest gifts to give yourself. Clear a corner in your home, forgo a night out with friends, and begin.

10. Make it a routine.

This might sound anathema to creativity—it’s all about inspiration right?—but it’s actually the key. The grass doesn’t get green from the occasional heavy watering. It gets green from regular tending.

Creativity is the same: Attend to it everyday—the results are worth the effort.

Wednesday, September 3

When Life Doesn’t Meet Our Hopes and Expectations (tinybuddha)

The organs inside the human body sit next to one another, but they do not touch one another. They sit within body cavities but they do not touch the cavity.

Rather, they are separated from their surroundings by a membrane of space.

Perhaps we can apply this ingenuity to the way in which we live our lives.

As we experience the various emotions and events that we encounter in a given day, we feel jolts and grates and frictional rubs. We are affected by each one.


Because unlike the organs in our body, we live directly apposed to the events of our lives. As such, the slightest shudder feels like an earthquake. Every scratch feels like a flesh wound.

What if we could learn to live our lives with a thin layer of space between us and the events that we experience?

With this thin layer of space, we can perhaps keep the tempest that surrounds us in perspective. And at arm’s length.

Perhaps it is a thin layer of space between us and our lives that makes living possible.

Mother n child

Sunday, August 31

Invoke the Relaxation Response Together

The relaxation response is the physiological antidote to the stress response discovered by Dr. Herbert Benson more than 30 years ago. According to Benson, you can invoke the relaxation response through the repetition of a sound, phrase, or movement while setting aside intruding thoughts by returning to the practice at hand.

Here are some easy ways you can invoke the relaxation response:
  • Abdominal (belly) breathing
  • Progressive muscle relaxation
  • Prayer
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Tai Chi
  • Jogging
Choose one of these stress-busting activities, and practice it together.

7 Habits of Highly Happy Marriages

Use these as a check list – if you are doing all of them, great! If not, pick one and start this week. And remember, habits can only be changed one day at a time.

1. Talk about your day. Every day. By creating little moments of connection, you are ensuring the “communication highway” in your relationship is free of roadblocks. Having little conversations every day, makes it much easier to have big conversations when those moments come. Habits are done daily. This one is non-negotiable if you want a healthy, happy relationship.

2. Kiss. Every day. Notice a theme? It’s not “kiss when you go on date” or “kiss when the kids aren’t around,” it’s “Kiss. Every day.” Marriage researcher John Gottman recommends a 6-second kiss every day. It should be long enough to feel romantic and will be like a love vitamin – nurturing connection and intimacy in your marriage.

3. Defer Decisions until you can talk about them privately. This means, you make an agreement with your spouse not to accept invitations, decline opportunities or give an answer to anyone about almost anything, until you have talked about it and made a decision together.

Over the years we’ve been married, my husband and I are now both trained to say, “Let me talk it over with my honey. I will get back to you,” whether it’s an invitation to the movies or a request to volunteer. This is a pro-active way to avoid disagreements, misunderstandings and resentment.

4. Prioritize. Make it clear to your spouse and to the world that your priority is your marriage. Knowing this makes it easier to make decisions every day.

Asking a question like “Will this nurture and develop my relationship or take me away from it?” or “Is this aligned with my priorities?” before you make a decision gives you the opportunity to step back and make sure you are moving in the direction you want to go before you make a commitment that can hurt your relationship.

5. Express Gratitude. Everyday. Expressing gratitude feels good to YOU because you are looking for the positive things to celebrate and acknowledge in every day. It feels good to your HUSBAND because he in turn, feels celebrated and acknowledged. If you are not in the habit of expressing gratitude, start with this step and read Fawn’s fabulous article about how to write a “Husband Gratitude List” here.

6. A.E.O.D: Accept Each Other’s Differences. Fawn wrote a great article about how important this is back in 2011. In it, she said, “Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that the qualities that make our spouses different are also what make them great.”

It really is okay if you never want to go bowling and he never wants to do yoga. I was recently interviewed for a podcastand we spent an hour talking about what to do when you and your spouse aren’t on the same page – the bottom line is that accepting each other’s differences is one of the keys to helping the relationship last, long after your passions for jobs, hobbies or other adventures has passed.

7. Give some Vitamin F2 every day. What is Vitamin F2, you ask? Flirt and Fun. And yes, I just made it up. We usually get instructions to *take* vitamins. How about giving some every day to the love of your life?

Think of marriage like a marathon, it’s long, you will get tired, and you need the water of motivation to keep you going.Laughing together and keeping that spark of flirtatious love alive will add a little joy to every day – even the hard ones.

Two Great Questions You Should Ask Your Husband…Today

Here it is:

“On a scale of 1-to-10, with 10 representing the wife you believe I have the potential to be, what would you rank me today?”

When asking this question, there is something incredibly important to first consider. You have to create a welcoming environment for him to give his most honest response.

If you can do that, this one question may be the catalyst that takes your marriage from good to great or from great to extraordinary.

Follow-up question:

“Can you give me a list of 6 things I can do to become a better wife?”

Let me tell you, that question is golden.

Here are two things that question does: 1) It shows your husband you care enough about your marriage that no matter how great it is, you want it to be better; and 2) It causes him to think about -and appreciate- all the things you already do right.

For fun, while you’re waiting for him to give you his list of 6 things (it took my husband 2 days and a gentle reminder), try writing your own list of 12 things you think will be on his list. This exercise was a huge eye opener for me. Of the 12 things I’d included on my list, only one was actually on his. The 6 things he gave me were minor tweaks I could do easily. But what he was looking for was consistency.

10 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know about String

August -- Monsoon

Its raining :)

Saturday, August 30

Hacker Earth Programming Problems

Submitted my 1st problem solution on HackerEarth :)

p.s: if this isn't nice, i don't know what is.

Saturday, August 2

Values - tinybuddha

Ideas for fun

1. Watch a light movie. (laugh out loud)
2. Eat out. (date)
3. Play: cards, uno, scrabble, TT
4. Go out: Bowling, Air hockey
5. Other activities: Boating india gate, sound n light show red fort, kingdom of dreams show, dilli haat festival, rashtrapati bhavan-mughal garden 15 feb-15 mar, doll museum, railway museum.

read short stories, mag.
watch a movie
create something
listen to music

Monday, July 28

Happy 3rd Saavan Somvaar :)
Cherishing the green surroundings...

Friday, July 18

Thursday, July 17

Months and Seasons according to Hindi Calender

1. Chitra : Vasant
2. Vaisakh: Vasant
3. Jyestha : Grishma
4. Aashaad : Grishma
5. Saavan : Varsha
6. Bhaado : Varsha
7. Ashwin : Sharad
8. Kartik : Sharad
9. Margashirsh : Hemant
10. Poos : Hemant
11. Magh : Shishir / Shita
12. Phalgun : Shishir / Shita

Bhaado, Ashwin, Kartik Months

Bhaado will start from 11th August 2014, Monday.
It falls in Varsha Ritu (Monsoon Season).
Festivals in Bhaado:
Shri Krishna Janmashtami: 18th August (Krishna Paksha / First half of the month)
Ganesh Chaturthi - Chaturdashi (10 day festival): 29th August - 8th September (Shukla Paksha / Second half of the month)

Ashwin will start from 10th September 2014.
It falls in the Sharad Ritu (Autumn Season).
Festivals in Ashwin:
Navratri (9 day festival): 25th September - 2nd October (Shukla Paksha / Second half of the month)
Dusshera: 3rd October

Kartik will start from 9th October 2014.
It falls in the Sharad Ritu (Autumn Season).
Festivals in Kartik:
Karvachauth: 12th October (Krishna Paksha / First half of the month)
Diwali: 23rd October (Amavasya of Kartik)
Gyaras: 3rd November

Saavan 2014

Saavan has started from 13th July 2014, Sunday.
It falls in Varsha Ritu (Monsoon Season).
Saavan Somvaar: 14th, 21st, 28th July and 4th August.

Festivals in Saavan:
Saavan Shivratri: 25th July (Chaturdashi / Krishna Paksha)
Hariyaali Amavasya: 26th July
Hariyaali Teej: 30th July (Shukla Paksha / Second half of the month)
Rakshabandhan: 10th August (Saavan Poornima)

In Hindu calendar Shravan month is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Whole month is considered auspicious to seek blessing of Lord Shiva.

Monday, July 14

Thursday, July 10

Saw "Just go with it", "The Notebook" recently.

Tuesday, July 1

Saturday, June 28

Weekend - Sat

We went to Pandara Road, Gulati, for family lunch.
I drove car today in Noida. Wagon R :)

Monday, June 23

Wednesday, June 18

Sunday, June 15

Weekend - Dinner

Yesterday, we had a dinner get-together at our place.
Puja, Nidhi didi, Aseem came with family....
It was good...

Travel - Vacation - Break

We like to take one trip every year :)
Thank u God.

Friday, June 13

Learn Setting Boundaries

Most of us don’t know how to set boundaries. We’re taught to put others ahead of ourselves. (This is especially true for women, but there are plenty of men who have the same issue.)
During a workshop I heard Cheryl Richardson say something that stuck with me: “If I spend my life pleasing people, I spend my life.”
Up until that point I realized I didn’t have any boundaries, I had definitely been spending my life. I was just about emotionally bankrupt when I finally woke up.
As you begin to set boundaries, remember that each time you set a healthy boundary, you say “yes” to more freedom. Take a deep breath, and commit once again to having the courage to jump into your future. This exercise will help you start small and begin acting from a clean, clear place.
Your New Self-Love Map: Setting Your Boundaries
1. Make a list of what you want, but don’t yet have, in different areas of your life.
Make sure to include work life, home life, relationships, health, finances, spiritual path, and any other areas that are important to you.
2. Make a list of what you will never tolerate again in your life.
For me, this list included my husband’s threats and demands, as well as my own need to overachieve.
3. How would you like to strengthen boundaries in various areas of your life?
  • I want to strengthen my boundaries around health by ___________.
  • I want to strengthen my boundaries around finances by ___________.
  • I want to strengthen my boundaries around relationships by ___________.
  • I want to strengthen my boundaries around fun by ___________.
  • I want to strengthen my boundaries around ________ by ___________.
4. Choose three of these boundaries that you are willing to set in different areas of your life this week.
Commit to making these changes. In some cases, you might have to declare your boundary to someone else, such as “I’m not going to pick you up from work every day.” In other cases, you may just take a different action to set your boundary.
The three boundaries I will set this week are:
  • ___________
  • ___________
  • ___________
5. If you worry about someone else’s reaction to a boundary you have set, speak in your mind to the person’s higher self, requesting understanding, reason, and compassion.
Then, offer the same to this individual when you declare your boundary. If you can remain calm, it will be easier for the other person to stay calm, too. Practice what you will say in the mirror or to a trusted friend, if necessary, in order to keep your composure.
6. If you need to set a boundary with an adult who is very dependent upon you, visualization can help.
After one of my presentations, a woman came up to me and said that she would never be able to leave her husband because he can’t live without her. He may believe that, but his belief doesn’t make it true.
If you need to set a boundary with an adult who is very dependent upon you, try visualizing that you have an invisible thread connecting your solar plexus (the flat area in the center of your torso, between your bottom ribs) with the solar plexus of this person.
Imagine what it would be like to cut that thread, and visualize placing your loved one in the arms of his/her higher self. Is it frightening? Do you feel like you’re abandoning him/her?
If you have an attachment to someone else that is dysfunctional, this exercise is a way that you can begin to disengage from that attachment so that both of you can grow into the independent people you’re meant to be.

Summer Menu

1. Kaale Chane
2. Poha
3. Aloo Sandwich
4. Aloo Paratha
5. Moong Dal
6. Sevai / Jave

1. Lauki
2. Torai
3. Kaddu
4. Bhindi
5. Arbi
6. Beans
7. Shimla Mirch
8. Baigan
9. Paneer
10. Rajma/Chhole

1. Noodles
2. Pasta
3. Pav Bhaji

1. Idli
2. Cheela

Thursday, June 12

Monday, June 9

music - dance

A dance class has started in our club MWF from 7:30 to 8:30 pm.
I am quite happy about it :)

Android Application Development Tutorials

Completed 85 (out of 200) tutorials of Android App(lication) Development on The new boston education :)

ps: if this isn't nice, i don't know what is.

Weekend - Outing

Went to GIP yesterday...
bought a top, and purchased some grocery...

Saturday, June 7

Weekend - Jhalak

Saw Jhalak dikhla jaa 1st episode from 9 pm to 11:15 pm with hubby n papa-in-law...

Thursday, June 5

Weekend - Movie

Saw "Highway" last Sunday at home...


Jhalak season 7 is starting on 7th june sat, 9 pm.
Yesterday evening Anu bhaiya's father-in-law came with papa and stayed here.
Papa dropped him at bus stop after breakfast today.

Shalini bhabhi ke kaan mein wax deposit ho gaya hai... I spoke to her today on phone.

Mujhe scalp mein pimple ho gaya hai. Dard hai.

Meri maa ko bukhaar aa gaya hai...

Meri sis ka back ache pehle se better hai. Thank u God.

Wednesday, June 4

My father-in-law is here. He came yesterday. 
Anu bhaiya is admitted in Apollo hospital.
God bless him! May he get well soon.

Friday, May 30

Aaj bohot jyada aandhi toofaan aaya, aur thodi baarish hui.....
The dust rose so high, i couldn't even see the MIG buildings in front, not even the road, nothing.
It was a blanket of moving dust.

Wednesday, May 28

Monday, May 26

Weekend - Movie

Saw "Break ke baad" on TV on Sun.
It was also the opening of a new shop "Magic Tree" in our club.

Saturday, May 24


Unpacked and arranged some things...
Folded clothes...
Went to the pool... first time...

At our home, both the bathrooms are clean and sparkling... Abhishek cleaned...

Monday, May 19

There is, ... , equal n opposite.



Sunday, May 18

Friday, May 9


Today papa saw the pic on my wallpaper and said that i'm photogenic...

Today (yashu's sangeet) kshitij, mohak, yash n anusha said that bua/mausi aap bohot acchi lag rahi ho...

p.s.: if this isn't nice, i don't know what is.

Wednesday, April 30

Leaving 30th evening...
God bless us n keep us safe!

Monday, April 28

Wedding in the family

Dress up.
1. Toiletries kit (+ hair acc. +safety pins)
2. ug kit
3. Clothes
4. Basic makeup kit
5. Bling, bangles
6. Footwear pouches
7. Purse/Bag
8. Basic medicine kit

Thursday, April 24

Use Comparisons for Growth Instead of Feeling Inferior

When we notice that uncomfortable feeling of envy arising, we have a decision to make: We can beat ourselves up over the gap between where we are and where they are, or we can ask ourselves: “What is this comparison telling me about what I’m wanting/needing right now?” and “What can I learn from this person to get myself closer to where I want to be?”

One of these options is based on ego gratification and external validation; the other is based on self-compassion and a desire to live the best life we can.

Making this choice isn't necessarily easy to do in the moment, but it is possible.

- Hannah Braime

Monday, April 21

Stretching ---------------- Laughing

compliment yourself in 10 ways .....

1. I have pretty fish-shaped eyes!
2. I value holistic health n read a lot about it!
3. I am a pro at preparing a salad bowl.
4. I am good at designing, writing, compiling, debugging, running programs.
5. I am confident.


Saw 2 States with hubby, brother-in-law, cousins-in-law...............
Then ate Pasta at Prego, donuts at dunkin donuts....
Abhishek bought some stuff for himself from tgip.

On Sun, went to HKV...
Then to Puja's place....

Abhishek cleaned the bathrooms.

Wednesday, April 16


We (sister n me) went to Hauz Khas Village yesterday for my lehenga (yellow n orange) trial.
Bought footwear (casual neutral slip-ons) from metro, south ex. 2, really needed it...

Monday, April 14

Weekend - Movie

Sunday - Saw "Frozen" (animation movie) with abhishek n bhaiya at home 

Sunday, April 13

Weekend - Movie

Saw Bombay Talkies at home on Sat.


Daily meditation brings in the healing light of God. This light penetrates the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy fields helping us dislodge stagnant blocked energy that leads to imbalances, disease and the illusion that we are separated from God.

During meditation, the light of our God self moves through the physical body assisting in the healing of all organs, tissues, blood and bones. Meditation reduces pain!

“ I ask for all things that no longer serve my highest good to be released with ease and grace”


The number one priority in my life is my relationship with my Source of being.

[Prioritize your life by making this the essential and foremost responsibility you have. Your primary relationship needs to be with yourself, not your family, business, country, culture, or ethnicity.]

Louise L. Hay

Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.
I am not talking about vanity or arrogance or being stuck-up, for that is not love. It is only fear.
I am talking about having a great respect for ourselves and a gratitude for the miracle of our bodies and our minds.

How perfect you were when you were a tiny baby.
Babies do not have to do anything to become perfect; they already are perfect, and they act as if they know it.
You were like that.
We were all like that. Then we began to listen to adults around us who had learned to be fearful, and we began to deny our own magnificence.

Louise Hay

when there are problems, we don't need to fix problems so much, we need to fix our thinking and our attitude about how we respond to them.... and then you get less and less...
-- louise hay

Saturday, April 12

Late Winter: Cheeku

Ate cheeku in the morning :) They were too sweet n awesome...
bought them from mangal baazaar...

This healthy fruit is filled with natural sugars that can give you plenty of energy.
Chiku is low in fat and high in dietary fiber, potassium and a variety of vitamins.
Chiku is very rich in dietary fibre, which makes it a good laxative. Besides that, it protects the outer membrane of colon from carcinogenic toxins.
Ripened sapotas are a good source of minerals like potassium, copper, iron and vitamins like folate, niacin and pantothenic acid.
Even small babies who do not have teeth yet can enjoy the health benefits of chiku because it is such a soft and mushy fruit.
Chiku actually has all the skin-friendly nutrients in it. But the most notable one is Vitamin E that helps you glow with good health.
Chiku has plenty of Vitamin C that is extremely potent for fighting of bacterial infections.

Friday, April 11


1. Watch a movie with hubby.
2. Play bowling or air hockey with hubby.
3. Peddle boating with hubby (eg. india gate)

Thursday, April 3


Walk your way to health.
Eat your way to health.
Sleep your way to health.
Wash your way to health.


Maid has not been coming since Tuesday.... She came Tuesday morning n she was not feeling well.....
I had milk, bread for breakfast and made pasta for lunch.
God bless us all...


Went to Hauz Khas Village with Puja on 1st April.....
Have finalized a lehenga............
Have an appointment for tomorrow 1:00 pm for the same....

Sunday, March 30

Weekend - Movie

Saw Notting Hill on Sat....
Saw When Harry met Sally, Bridget Jones Diary on Sun... 

Thursday, March 27

Home Sweet Home


1. Dining room: 27th March (almira), 3rd april (table, chairs)
2. Bedroom 1: 5th April
3. Bedroom 2: 5th April, have to clean sideboard.
4. Living Room: 2nd April
5. Kitchen: 24th Feb
Fridge: 2nd april (bottom part)

- 29th march, 30th march
- 3rd April, 5th april (linen)

Tuesday, March 25


1) Cooking instructions - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Fruit/Salad/Neebu paani/Green chatney (op.), Table setting, Utensils arranging, Malai handling

2) Floor Cleaning, garbage handling, once a month - cleaning dustbin+mopping cloth, (morn. + eve.) Utensils cleaning, kitchen slab, gas stove, once a month - utensils holder+cleaning cloth.

3) Newspaper & living room setting, Center table wiping

4) Clothes / Linen - Washing-drying / Folding/ Give-take ironing / Keeping in almira

5) Switching on the RO

6) Keeping leftover food in fridge.

1) Toilet Cleaning instructions, emptying beforehand, garbage handling, cleaning cloth

2) Dusting, Changing bedsheet, Arranging almira (take husband's help as and when, music)

3) Kitchen Cleaning -- Tap(harpic), Almiras wipe, Tiles wipe

4) Food n Non-food Grocery buying : Mangal Bazaar, Lotus club, Big Bazaar, Keeping it in Almira/Fridge

1) Write down what u get n what u spend. (excel file)
2) Clothes - Ezee wash
3) Clothes - Drycleaning give-take
4) Cleaning -- Microwave, Fridge

Tomato Soup Recipe

Tomato Soup recipe:
3 tomatoes
1 carrot small
2 catori
2 whistle
powdered jeera

Hair (massage)

Monday, March 24

Hair - Scalp

1. Massage your hair with oil before going to bed and wash it in the morning when you wake up and comb while it is still wet to reduce breakages. This is to help increase blood circulation to the scalp. Furthermore, combine about 10 drops of sage and rosemary essential oils and use it. You can also use olive oil. Carrot oil is also good.

2. You can brush your hair to increase blood flow to the scalp. Do this for about 3 minutes. It also helps in sebum distribution.

Skin -- Blocked pores

A gentle way of dealing with blocked pores is to use a clay facial mask. You can either put it over the whole face, or simply only over the nose. The advantage of the latter is that you don't have to sit there with a stiff face, waiting for the clay to dry. The fine clay in those masks will pull the blackheads right out.

How to Stop Blackheads Forming
The best way of getting rid of blackheads is to stop them forming in the first place. The best way to do that is to clean your face regularly with a mild soap, ideally at least twice a day.

Exfoliate regularly
Many people fail to realize the importance of regularly exfoliating the skin. Remember that one of the causes of blackheads and acne is the accumulation of dead skin cells. Make it a habit to exfoliate your skin twice weekly using a gentle facial exfoliant. This will ensure that you slough off dead skin cells and allow new ones to surface.

Reduce stress
Did you know that stress is also one common cause of blackheads? It messes up with your hormones and triggers overproduction of sebum. You might notice that you get acne and blackheads when you are studying for exam week, rushing for a deadline, or failing to get enough sleep. Keep your schedule in check and manage your time more efficiently. Also exercise regularly and practice yoga and relaxation techniques. Try to get plenty of sleep every night, as much as possible. This allows your body to recover and have enough energy the next morning.

Skin -- Taking Steam

 Facial Steaming

There are many benefits of facial steaming for skin.
There are many benefits of facial steaming for skin.
Source: healthmunsta
This is by far the easiest and quickest way to get rid of blackheads naturally. This remedy softens and loosens up your face, naturally driving the blackhead out.


Never do facial steaming while your pot is still on the burner! First remove your container from the heat source carefully onto a flat surface before you can continue. If you aren't careful, you might burn or scald your body!
What you need:
  • Pan for boiling water
  • A large fluffy towel
  • Lemon rind (optional)
Bring to a boil 3 to 4 cups of purified water. Remove the pot from heat source after it has begun to boil. Plop a lemon rind into the boiling water and fetch a large towel. Sit with the towel draped over your head and place your face over the steam, like a tent. Not too close or it will scald you! Stay in that tent for as long as you can. (It might be hard when you're doing it the first time but after you get used to it you can stay in longer). After 3 to 5 minutes, remove the towel and wash your face as you normally do. Avoid harsh cleansers. Pat dry with a soft fluffy towel.

Skin -- Orange peel powder

Saturday, March 22

Weekend -- chhutti

Went to TGIP today....
Got hair spa and hair cut done....
Ate Chinese food at Mandarin Trail with Abhishek n Bhaiya...... Food was nice :) Thank you God.

Clothes -- Ezee wash

1. Ezee
2. Big utensil

1. Clear n clean the area near the sink.
2. Pour 2 caps of ezee liquid detergent n water in a big utensil.
3. Take the lightest cloth first n dip it.
4. Rinse (neck, sleeves maybe) with light hands, squeeze n keep aside.
5. Repeat that with remaining clothes.
6. Throw the soap water, fill the utensil with fresh water.
7. Dip the lightest cloth, clean n keep aside, repeat with remaining clothes.
8. Fill the utensil with clean water.
9. Dip the lightest cloth, clean n keep it on the tap maybe (or hang directly in the balcony if color is bleeding), repeat for remaining clothes.
10. Throw the water, clean the utensil, keep clean clothes in it.
11. Keep the utensil above newspaper on a chair.
12. Hang all the clothes (inside out if needed) in the balcony for drying.
13. Fall in love with urself :)

Hair - Scalp cleaning

Things needed:

1. Shampoo, conditioner (op)
2. Bucket, Mug
3. Towel

1. Fill the bucket with warm water n keep aside.
2. Hang ur towel in the shower area.
3. Clean the floor.
4. Pour some shampoo (u can mix 2) in the mug. Dissolve it in warm water.
5. Clean ur scalp n hair with shampoo solution.
6. Rinse thoroughly under the shower.
7. Apply conditioner at the ends.
8. Separate hair with hands n rinse thoroughly.
9. Remove extra water n wrap a towel around.
10. After a few minutes open ur hair, divide it in 4 sections, comb.
11. Fall in love with urself :)

Time: I guess 20 + 25 = 55 mins


@1:40 p.m. : ab mere room ki balcony mein bhi dhoop aana shuru ho gayi hai.....
Yesterday I went to TGIP, Sector-18 by auto, on my own....

Friday, March 21

Bought a book "men r from....." from TGIP....
Went to Shahpurjaat, Delhi with puja, for clothes for yashu's wedding...


Currently Reading:
1) Tao Te Ching
2) The Start-up of You
3) Men r frm Mars, Women r frm Venus
4) Magazines on rent
5) HT City

Friday, March 14

happy holi 17th mar

Leaving for haridwar tonight..............
Happy Holi in advance :)
God bless us!

Wednesday, March 12

Skin -- Face cleaning

1. A bowl of hot water.
2. cleanser, scrub, mask, moisturizer, lip balm
3. towel

1. Pin up and tie ur hair away from the face.
2. Wash ur face with a cleanser.
3. Take steam for 10 mins.
5. Lightly scrub ur face, wash off and wipe.
6. Apply pack from one end to the other, let it dry for 15 mins. (read a mag. in the mean time), wash off.
7. Apply moisturizer, lip balm, fall in love with urself :)

Time: I guess 50 mins - 1 hr
It was windy n it rained a lot the previous night.


Yesterday, went to Sec-41/50 market for the first time on my own by auto....... :)
Got eyebrows done, hair trimming.....
Bought apples....

Sunday, March 9

Weekend -- chhutti

Puja, Arpit n Abhilasha had come home today.................................................

Wednesday, March 5

4:00 pm - 2 kids neeche are shouting holi hai holi hai... asking a relative to throw baloons at them from the balcony.....
holi is on 17th march :)

Winters - March

Its still cold.....................
but dhoop in afternoon has become stronger..... one starts feeling warm......

Tuesday, March 4

Winters - Orange

Ate an orange, sitting in the sun :)

~ 1 pm : ab mere room ki balcony mein dhoop aane lagi hai :)



I respect and love myself enough to recognize when something isn’t healthy for me, and I am confident enough to set clear boundaries to protect myself.

Friday, February 28

Winters - Feb

Ab kitchen balcony mein dhoop aana shuru ho rahi hai...

@3:00 pm : It is raining heavily.

Thursday, February 20


- Don’t let your body overheat, eat more cooling foods, cut down on sugar and get more fresh air.
- Also keep the body more alkaline by avoiding foods that make the body acidic (meat, dairy, alcohol, caffeine, sugar) and adding more alkalizing foods like green veggies and wheat-grass juice.

Cooling foods:
1. watermelon
2. cantaloupe/honeydew melon
3. cucumber
4. fennel seeds (saunf)
5. coconut water
6. pomegranate
7. leafy greens
8. moong bean
9. grapes
10. lemon
11. apple
12. banana

Alkaline foods:
1. Root vegetables: carrots, radishes
2. Cruciferous vegetables: cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli
3. Leafy greens: spinach
4. Garlic
5. Capsicum
6. Lemons: Lemons may be the most alkalizing food of all.
7. watermelon
8. orange
9. tomato
10. ginger

excellent post

Skin -- Acne

Saturday, February 15

Winters - Feb

It rained yesterday.... Cloudy the whole day... Cold.... Windy...

Tuesday, February 11

Green dhaniya chatney recipe

1. Fresh dhaniya
2. 1 Tomato
3. 1/4 or 1/3 Onion
4. Green chilli
5. Salt
Little pudina (optional)
Neebu ras (optional)

Friday, February 7

Next top 5 (super awesome) verses from Tao Te Ching

16. Living in Obscurity
i. Strive to know oneness by seeking awareness of opposites.
ii. Withdraw yourself and allow others. As Lao-tzu says, you must deliberately grant others the right to expand, but take your own lesson from the fish that endure and stay in the deep waters of your Tao-directed soul.

17. Living with Constancy
i. This too shall pass.
ii. Everything you notice is in a cycle of coming and going.

18. Living Contentment

19. Living with Immunity to Evil

20. Living Without Sickness

21. Living Without Excess

22. Living by Melting into Harmony

23. Living by Decreasing

24. Living Softly

25. Living the Elusive Paradox

Monday, February 3

Winters - Feb

Yesterday was the foggiest day of the season... Couldn't see a thing from balconies... all white... Later at noon sun came up...

Friday, January 31

Winters - Jan

It was sooo foggy yesterday.... cold today.....

Food Personality :)

Your Food Personality is:

Fast and Fresh!

You value healthy, good tasting foods and prefer streamlined recipes to save time while using fresh ingredients as much as possible. You enjoy the process of making recipes from scratch, but time is often short so you need to be efficient by selecting recipes that you can make quickly. Because you enjoy cooking you tend to cook more complex meals on weekends when you have more time. During the week, simpler recipes with fewer ingredients and fewer steps are the keys to your meal preparation process.


Plan simpler meals, such as casserole, broiled or roasted meats, steamed vegetables, salads, and fresh fruit desserts for busy nights. Save recipes with longer preparation times and multi-step meals for weekends.
Healthy foods are nutrient rich—or have a large amount of vitamins and minerals for their calories. The more nutrient-rich foods you can include in your diet the more balanced and healthy your overall diet will be. Nutrient-rich foods are:
  • Low-fat and fat-free dairy
  • Whole grains
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Eggs, beans and nuts
Take advantage of the time you spend cooking on the weekends by cooking larger quantities and freezing some for later. In addition to our double duty meals try these tips:
  • Cook extra rice, put into a container, and refrigerate or freeze. On a busy night, microwave it, stirring occasionally, until heated through, then use as you would fresh.
  • Chop a whole onion, even if you only need part of it right now. Store the rest for another meal.
  • Grate extra cheese and store it in a zippered plastic bag in the freezer.
Other suggestions for the Fast and Fresh Personality:
Planning meals in advance can help you save time. Our Meal Planner helps you balance your diet over the course of each week. Be sure to check out the Fast + Fresh Shopping List to ensure you have healthy, convenient foods in your pantry, fridge and freezer.
For more meal planning ideas, read these articles:
The following recipes are ideal for the Fast and Fresh personality because they contain fresh ingredients without complicated steps and will occasionally include a jar of sauce or other packaged food as a timesaving step.


Search more "Quick to Prepare" recipes.

Wednesday, January 22

Music Affects Body (read on blogs)

1. Music directly affects chemicals called neurotransmitters which relay information in our head.

2. Music reduces stress by reducing cortisol levels, a chemical in your brain that causes you to feel stress in the first place.

3. Music helps boost your immune system. It raises immune markers in your system, creating more antibodies to fight disease. Over time, the body can learn to recognize certain types of music (particularly choir or classical music) as immune boosting, continuing the improvement of the immune system.

4. Listening to music engages many areas of the brain in both hemispheres, which is why it can create brain activity other methods, like conversation, can't. Another area it engages is the hippocampus, which would be a hilarious name for a school for aquatic mammals but in reality is the less impressive region of the brain which handles long-term memory storage.

5. When you're locked in your room, listening to your old N'Sync CDs, have you ever noticed your foot tapping on its own? That's not just because you have terrible taste in music. It's because the portions of the brain which deal with rhythm and movement are so automated that it requires no conscious attention to move to a beat.

6. Through its judicious use in our schools, workplaces, and daily lives, we can stimulate our intelligence and unlock our creative potentials. In its broadest sense, the Mozart Effect reveals a path to a higher, more comprehensive IQ than any of us had previously envisioned.

7. Listening to your favorite song can boost your feelings of well-being. A research team from Germany found that listening to “pleasant music” boosted levels of serotonin in test subjects. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for giving you good feelings and, strangely enough, regulating your bowel movements. The study also found that listening to “unpleasant music” had the opposite effect of decreasing serotonin levels. At any rate, this explains why you feel so good after an awesome jam session, why your favorite song can help you move on after something traumatic, and why people become fans of a particular band; they develop a mild emotional and physical dependency – almost like a drug.

“There’s something about music and engaging in musical activities that appears to be very stimulating for the brain and body,” says neuroscientist Dr. Petr Janata of the University of California, Davis. Singing favorite songs with family and friends, playing in a band or dancing to music can also help you bond with others. “It’s a way of synchronizing groups of people and engaging in a common activity that everyone can do at the same time,” Janata adds.

Scientists continue to explore the relationship between music and health. While they search, try turning on the radio or grabbing your guitar. Enjoy whatever music brings your way.

read in a blog (liveboldandbloom)

How to meditate properly

I would suggest you begin your practice of meditation with just 5 minutes a day. As with any new habit, attach your meditation practice to a “trigger” — a previously established habit like brushing your teeth or having your morning coffee. This trigger is a mental cue to insert your new meditation habit into your daily schedule.

read in a blog (daveywaveyfitness)

While good nutrition and exercise are important, equally important are coping with stress to curb emotional eating, staying mentally focused on what you want to achieve, becoming spiritually grounded to trust yourself, and last but definitely not least, using the power of your mind to follow through.

1. Choose your words wisely.

Eliminate the following from your vocabulary: Try, should, can’t. These disempowering words add struggle to the journey towards your goal and weaken your confidence. For example:

Change: “I’ll try to take a walk today” to “I will (or, I won’t) take a walk today.”
Change: “I should eat a salad” to “It’s good for me to eat a salad.”
Change: “I can’t exercise this week” to “I choose not to exercise this week.”

In the long run, being positive and honest with yourself keeps you strong.

2. Make it easy.

Start to take your accomplishments in stride. For example, after eating healthfully for a few days or exercising after work, respond as if this were a common occurrence. Say to yourself, “that felt so good” or “that was easy.” In this way you’re creating an inner vision of new habits being something you do naturally and easily rather some extra-special feat. Over time this outlook helps you weave new behaviors into your life as the normal course of events.

3. Start a success journal.

Keep a notebook by your bed. Before going to sleep, write your answers to this question:
"What steps did I take today to care for my mind, body and spirit?"

For example:
“I parked away from the store entrance to walk farther.”
“I didn’t beat myself up for overeating at lunch.”
“I took ‘Me’ time to read an inspirational book.”

Writing in your success journal trains your mind and brain to scan your experiences and find the healthy choices you’re making. Your attention shifts away from looking only at what’s “not working” to notice what’s going well. Your memory becomes imprinted with images of taking good care of yourself, inspiring you to keep moving forward.

4. Ask your body what it needs.
Take some time today—every day—to get quiet, go within and ask your body what it needs from you. For example, close your eyes and draw your attention inward. Take a few breaths to settle yourself. Then, ask your body:
“What do you need today so you will feel loved and well-cared for?”

Listen and follow through with what you hear. Take that relaxing bath. Get up and go for that walk. Guidance that emerges from your body wisdom is more important than any information you’ll find elsewhere.

5. Think into the future.

Ask yourself: “How do I want to feel one hour (or one day) from now?”

This powerful question helps you anticipate the results of your choices, guiding you to choose wisely.
For example, before entering a food-challenging situation, imagine how you want to feel as you drive home. Taking a moment to close your eyes and visualize your desired result, and the feeling attached to that result, energetically aligns your mind and body to help you make choices that move you in that direction.
What is important is this present moment and the choices you make today. As Abraham Lincoln said, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Here’s to creating a healthier you in 2014!

read in a blog (mindbodygreen)

Sometimes the only thing standing between you and your best health is your priorities. Resolve to take care of your emotional and spiritual self. Happy people tend to have no battles in their diet. They listen to what their bodies tell them about what and how much they need. Maybe you'll drop some pounds, or maybe you'll realize that you’re beautiful just the way you are. Start from within.

-- Andy Jacobs

Winters - Jan

Yesterday was the second coldest day of this season.... cold, windy, cloudy...

What Losing 100 Pounds Taught Me, read in MindBodyGreen

But deep inside, I still am and always will be a fat girl, with a fat girl’s awareness that the world is not nearly as nice as it sometimes seems right now.

Tuesday, January 21

'How to Maintain Healthy Habits and Stop Sabotaging Yourself', read in tinybuddha

1. Identify your behaviors and habits.

Take a moment. Listen to the ways you speak to yourself, the way you feed yourself, your hygiene and sleep habits. Which of your habits and behaviors would you not allow your (inner) child to do?

2. Identify the repercussions of the behavior.

Get clear on how the actions you’re taking and the thoughts you’re thinking are in direct conflict with your happiness.

3. Understand why you developed these habits.

I reached for the chocolate for a jolt of pleasure, a way to escape the reality.
Identifying where you get pleasure in engaging in self-sabotage can be immensely helpful in overcoming it.
This was an unconscious way of parenting yourself, and now that you recognize it, you can begin to consciously parent yourself in a way that supports the person you want to be now.

4. Create “house rules.”

If you have a particularly hard habit to break that you know is detrimental to your well-being, consider making it a “house rule.” When something is non-negotiable it removes the inner dialogue where we bargain with ourselves and makes it a lot easier to stick with it.
So look back at what you identified as the repercussions of your behavior to inform why the rule is in place and the desires you want to move toward.
For example, one of my “house rules” became not eating candy before lunch. Whenever a chocolate craving hit, I told myself “You don’t eat chocolate before lunch because it will make you feel icky and makes you feel bad about your body. Have chamomile tea instead.”

5. Hone your self-parenting skills.

In addition to making them non-negotiable and adding a “because,” be sure to reward yourself when you’ve resisted temptation and followed your own rules.
Be infinitely patient with yourself, as you would be with a child. If you slip up once, instead of throwing everything out the window, have a conversation with yourself.

'Why We Don’t Do What We Want to Do and How to Start', read in tinybuddha

“The truth is,” she said, “if you can’t put fifteen minutes a day into your art, then you’re making an excuse.”

Once I accepted that my mindset was the only thing really getting in the way of my “impossible dream” of a consistent, prolific art practice, I committed to trying this fifteen minutes a day idea, as an experiment, for one month.

I admit I was skeptical that fifteen minutes would be enough to accomplish much, and I couldn’t imagine that such a short amount of time would even begin to satisfy my hungry inner artist. But waiting until I had big chunks of time to work in my studio had gotten me nowhere.

For over a decade I’d lamented that I never had enough time to do my art. Surely, even fifteen minutes would be better than nothing.

Sometimes we make excuses to avoid unpleasant things, it’s true. But human psychology is complex. Perhaps just as often we make excuses because we want something so much it hurts.

“If I do this thing that I really want,” we might think, “I might prove once and for all that I’ll never be any good at it.”

Or, “If I try, I might fail.”

Or, “If I step into this bigger identity for myself, I’ll have to let go of my comfy, old identity. People might expect more of me, or they may be threatened or disappointed.”

And, ultimately, “If I do this, everything might change, and change is hard!”

No wonder we resist! It feels so much safer not to try at all.

How to break the cycle? By looking resistance square in the face and taking responsibility for finding a way instead of finding another excuse. By acknowledging what is really important, and committing to making it a priority.

It won’t happen overnight, but my fifteen minutes a day commitment to my art showed me that baby steps, over time, will take you further than you ever imagined.