Facial Steaming
There are many benefits of facial steaming for skin.
Source: healthmunsta
This is by far the easiest and quickest way to get rid of blackheads naturally. This remedy softens and loosens up your face, naturally driving the blackhead out.
Never do facial steaming while your pot is still on the burner! First remove your container from the heat source carefully onto a flat surface before you can continue. If you aren't careful, you might burn or scald your body!
What you need:
- Pan for boiling water
- A large fluffy towel
- Lemon rind (optional)
Bring to a boil 3 to 4 cups of purified water. Remove the pot from heat source after it has begun to boil. Plop a lemon rind into the boiling water and fetch a large towel. Sit with the towel draped over your head and place your face over the steam, like a tent. Not too close or it will scald you! Stay in that tent for as long as you can. (It might be hard when you're doing it the first time but after you get used to it you can stay in longer). After 3 to 5 minutes, remove the towel and wash your face as you normally do. Avoid harsh cleansers. Pat dry with a soft fluffy towel.
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