Saturday, April 12

Late Winter: Cheeku

Ate cheeku in the morning :) They were too sweet n awesome...
bought them from mangal baazaar...

This healthy fruit is filled with natural sugars that can give you plenty of energy.
Chiku is low in fat and high in dietary fiber, potassium and a variety of vitamins.
Chiku is very rich in dietary fibre, which makes it a good laxative. Besides that, it protects the outer membrane of colon from carcinogenic toxins.
Ripened sapotas are a good source of minerals like potassium, copper, iron and vitamins like folate, niacin and pantothenic acid.
Even small babies who do not have teeth yet can enjoy the health benefits of chiku because it is such a soft and mushy fruit.
Chiku actually has all the skin-friendly nutrients in it. But the most notable one is Vitamin E that helps you glow with good health.
Chiku has plenty of Vitamin C that is extremely potent for fighting of bacterial infections.

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