Monday, January 9

How to Build Confidence | Robin Sharma

How to Build Confidence:

Confidence is a practice. Confidence is a muscle.

1. Study the alchemy.
Even just labelling a setback as a failure, triggers something into your mindset to release cortisol, the fear hormone, which blocks your best performance.
Study the alchemy, which is, where other people are seeing a failure or a setback or even a little problem, you want to look for the gold, you want to train your brain.
You want to practice seeing the setback or the dark time as fuel to leverage your growth.
If you are experiencing some kind of setback, whether it's large or tiny, you want to train your brain to see the treasure within the lead.

2. Flow with the seasons.
A life beautifully lived is a series of seasons.
Stop resisting the natural seasons of life.

3. Bulletproof your TBTF.
(Tight bubble of total focus)
Nothing toxic, nothing distracting, no interruptions can get in.
How do you get to flow?

4. Understand that the brain has a natural negativity bias.
You simply focus on where you are winning.
I cursed the fact I had no shoes, until I saw the man who had no feet.
-Persian proverb

5. Stop comparing.
Here's the reality, "Almost every single one of us alive today, we're struggling, we're struggling with something, we're struggling with a job issue, a financial issue, a health issue, a relationship issue, a spiritual issue.
We're all just trying to figure it out. We all have something we want to work on in our lives.
That's the human journey.
Stop comparing your life, because you know what, everyone has something that they are working on.
19:55 to 20:30

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