Sunday, January 22

The #1 Way I Built My Confidence : Terri

The #1 Way I Built My Confidence

True confidence in an inside job.

Your life will never change until your thinking changes.

How do we change our thinking?
Where do you start?

Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.
-Romans 12:2

Its a two step process.
1. You have get rid of that old way of thinking.
2. And fill up with a whole new way of thinking about yourself, about your future, about where you are headed, about your potential.

We have to overcome deception.

How do we do that?

The entrance of God's Word brings light.
-Psalm 119:130

Every time you hear the Word, a light goes on in your mind.

Faith comes by hearing.

You start believing in yourself a little more, through a steady diet of hearing the Word of God.

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

The other thing I want to share with you is about praying confidently.

God is my constant companion.
-Psalm 23

I had to just set a goal for myself to start hearing the Word of God consistently.

God is the cure for the insecure.

Saturday, January 21

Minimum Viable Prioritization : Developer Tea

You want to prioritize three main categories of task organization:
1. The Have-To s
2. The Need-To s
3. The Want-To s
This is how you prioritize.

How to ID Deception : Terri

This month I've been talking about tailor-made temptations.

Satan works through deception.

1:48 to 3:10 

The greener the grass, the greater the deception.

That's exactly how the Satan works.

Don't become entangled again with the yoke of bondage you once put off.
-Galatians 5:1

A dog returns to his vomit.

That's exactly how Satan wants to work in your life.

You have to wake up and realise he wants his house back.

1. Guard your heart with all diligence.

The way you guard your heart is guarding your 5 physical senses.
You have to guard what you allow your eyes to see, ears to listen to, your mouth to taste, your hands to touch, your nose to smell.
Guard those things as if your life depends on it. Why? Because it does.

2. Keep your spirit fed.

You have a flesh, and you have a spirit.
And whoever you feed the most, is gonna make the decisions in your life.
When temptation comes, who is going to make the decision, the one that's the strongest.
You have to keep your spirit fed.
If you continue in my Word, then are you my disciplined ones, you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
-John 8:31-32
Get on a plan to hear the Word of God at least once a day.
Do something to build your spirit, so you make spirit led decisions.

Thank you Ms. Terri!!!

Friday, January 20

Wednesday, January 18


We came back from Goa yesterday.
Thank u God for a beautiful and nourishing vacation.

Now, when I think Goa, I think,
1. Beaches
2. Sunsets
3. Shacks
4. Coconut trees
5. Naariyal paani
6. Churches & Chapels
7. Colourful houses
8. Konkani language

Tuesday, January 10

Be YOURSELF - (Whoopi Goldberg) : Evan Carmichael

Common Goal Setting Pitfalls and How to Fix Them : Terri

Sheila's Goals

Common goal setting pitfalls:

1. Your goals aren't in writing.
Michael Jackson
'When the vision is clear, the results will appear.'

2. Your goals are too vague.
'Vague goals produce vague results.'
Your mind has nothing to target when you are vague about your goals.

3. You have too many goals.
'If you aim at too many targets, you miss all of them.'

4. Your goals have no deadline.

5. Your goals are out of sight.
'Out of sight, out of mind.'

(People with goals succeed, because they know where they are going.)

Monday, January 9

How to Build Confidence | Robin Sharma

How to Build Confidence:

Confidence is a practice. Confidence is a muscle.

1. Study the alchemy.
Even just labelling a setback as a failure, triggers something into your mindset to release cortisol, the fear hormone, which blocks your best performance.
Study the alchemy, which is, where other people are seeing a failure or a setback or even a little problem, you want to look for the gold, you want to train your brain.
You want to practice seeing the setback or the dark time as fuel to leverage your growth.
If you are experiencing some kind of setback, whether it's large or tiny, you want to train your brain to see the treasure within the lead.

2. Flow with the seasons.
A life beautifully lived is a series of seasons.
Stop resisting the natural seasons of life.

3. Bulletproof your TBTF.
(Tight bubble of total focus)
Nothing toxic, nothing distracting, no interruptions can get in.
How do you get to flow?

4. Understand that the brain has a natural negativity bias.
You simply focus on where you are winning.
I cursed the fact I had no shoes, until I saw the man who had no feet.
-Persian proverb

5. Stop comparing.
Here's the reality, "Almost every single one of us alive today, we're struggling, we're struggling with something, we're struggling with a job issue, a financial issue, a health issue, a relationship issue, a spiritual issue.
We're all just trying to figure it out. We all have something we want to work on in our lives.
That's the human journey.
Stop comparing your life, because you know what, everyone has something that they are working on.
19:55 to 20:30

Saturday, January 7

5 Simple Self Care Tips + Challenge : Shannon Sullivan

Incorporating more self-care in your daily routine.

Self-Care 5-Day Challenge

1. Indulge in a bath, or a face mask.

2. Indulge in your fav. sweet treat without guilt.

3. Re-read your fav. book or buy a new book to read.
(5 or 10 min timer)

4. Get outside and take a walk in nature.

5. Write down 3 to 5 things you are grateful for.

Self Care Tips | Lucy Moon

Self-Care Tips:

1. Taking breaks when you need them.

2. Make sure you are drinking enough water.

3. Exercise.
Ex. Take a walk

4. Eat a piece of fruit.

5. Socialize
Make time to talk to people you care about.

6. Make your bedroom a you space, a calm space.

7. Treat yourself.

8. Write it all down.

9. A Hot Drink.

10. Getting enough sleep.

Look after yourself.

Friday, January 6

Strong Boundaries Improve Relationships : Julie Hanks

Set Strong Boundaries to Improve Relationships

We need to include ourselves in the people that we love and care for.

Skills of Assertiveness

1. Self-Reflection
Reviewing past patterns.

2. Self-Awareness
In this situation, what do I think, feel, want and need.

3. Self-Soothing
What do we do, we tend turn it up or turn it down?
How do we find that middle ground and calm ourselves, so we can communicate effectively.

4. Self-Expression
Self-expression is the words and action to back it up.
Taking action is assertiveness too, its not just saying the words.

5. Self-Expansion

Tuesday, January 3

Simple Goal Setting Techniques That Actually Work : Terri

1. Get a notebook and a pen.

2. Imagine it's December 31st.

3. Write down your goals.

5. Write them for 30 days.
Write them down everyday and don't look back to what you wrote the day before.

Sunday, January 1

New Year

Happy New Year 2017 :)

Toss Your To Do List - Julie Hanks

1. Try a Ta-Da List
What did I do today that no one will notice unless it doesn't get done?
What did I do today to provide physical or emotional support to someone else?
What did I do today that made life better than yesterday for myself and for those I love?
What did I do today to take care of myself?

2. Make a "To-Be" Goal
Have a To-Be goal for that day.
Limit it to one thing.
Who we are and our personal qualities matter so much.

3. No More Than 3 Rule
