Monday, April 11

Julie Hanks: Find The Voice To Say "No"

So Important:

Find Your Voice To Say "No"

Its important for us to accept that we have limitations and that's ok.
Everyone has limitations.
We have limited time and energy. And it's our responsibility to decide where we're going to invest our time and energy.
And it's ok. We don't have to feel guilty about it.

1. 'No' is an important boundary.
It separates them from us. Its a way we establish a sense of ourself as different from other people. That's actually a healthy part of development.
'No' says, "I'm the boss of me". 'No' is an important way to say, "I am in charge of me".
It is sort of an empowerment word.

2. Saying 'No' prevents burnout.
Being able to say no limits your commitments so you can take care of yourself and feel happy and healthy and take care of what matters most.

3. Saying 'No' helps you get what you want.
When we get overwhelmed and over-committed the first things to go are the most important. 
Saying 'no' is important so we can say 'yes' to more important things.

Tips for saying 'No':

1. Knowing and accepting that everybody has limitations and we don't have to feel bad about that.
2. 'No' is an honourable response.
3. 'That just doesn't work for me.' Thanks for asking. That just doesn't work for me.

You are incharge of your own life.

That just doesn't work for me.
No one ever died from being disappointed.

Helpful phrases for saying 'No':

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