Monday, April 11

Julie Hanks: Boost Your Emotional Energy

Very important:

June Theme "Find Energy".

Emotional Energy: An aliveness of the mind, happiness of the heart, and a spirit filled with hope.

E'motion = Energy in motion

Ways we can boost our emotional energy:

1. Pursue your Passions.
Passions and what we feel strongly about are information about why we are on the planet.

2. Live on Purpose.
Taking your passion and taking it beyond yourself.
Having a bigger purpose for why you're on the planet.

3. Just Say "No".
to things you don't wanna do.
What do I want?
What you want really really matters, and its important to tune into that, and if you said no to things you don't wanna do, you'd have more emotional energy.

4. Distance From Draining People.
Setting boundaries in relationships is really important.

5. Invest in Important Relationships.
This is the most important thing you can do to energise your emotional life.
We are born to connect with each other.

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