Thursday, February 28

7 Tips for Dating After Being Hurt: Be a Shopper Not a Seller : Counselor Carl

1. Be a shopper, not a seller!

So, be a shopper, not a seller, and keep looking until you find someone who brings benefits to your life rather than problems.

2. Healthy relationships are created through respectful negotiation, which requires skills, such as assertiveness, setting boundaries, and conflict resolution.

It takes two people to build a healthy relationship, so both you and a potential partner must possess healthy relationship skills, or at least be willing to learn them.

You must shop for a partner who possesses the skills for creating a healthy relationship, and you must be that person as well.

3. Do not ignore red flags, which are behaviours that indicate a person is incapable of being a healthy partner.

4. Get to know the person over time and in many situations, so you can observe all sides of a potential partner.

5. Ask lots of questions, listen carefully, and see if the other person does the same because it's a positive sign if you both are shoppers.

6. Do not avoid conflicts!

7. Be a shopper, not a seller!

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