Thursday, February 28

5 Steps to Recovery from Codependency : Counselor Carl

"I will no longer be a people pleaser. Instead, I will be a people respecter, including respecting my own needs and feelings."

5 Steps to Recovery from Codependency:

1. I must overcome denial that keeps me trapped in doing the same unhelpful mindless behaviours over and over without ever asking myself, 'Why am I doing these things?'.

A basic truth of emotional healing is that you cannot fix a problem that you deny.

2. I must educate myself about codependency and what makes healthy relationships healthy. I must understand the skills and beliefs that produce healthy relationships so I have a vision of where I want to go.

3. I must become familiar with my codependent patterns by observing them until I can see them clearly, and thus, am ready to take steps toward healthy changes in my relationships.

Mindfulness means intentionally and non judgmentally being open to the present moment with an attitude of curiosity.

4. I must feel the fear and shame and do it anyway - the fear that if I take care of myself in a relationship, then I will be rejected and abandoned, the shame that if I say 'no' or ask for what I want then I'm being selfish.

5. Progress not Perfection.

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