Sunday, April 30

Dance Day

Belated Happy International Dance Day!!!

Four Ways to Become Less Judgmental: Julie Hanks

4 Ways to Become Less Judgmental:

1. Cultivate Empathy

2. Practice Self-Reflections

3. Seek Common Ground

4. Stay In Your Business

Wayne Dyer's Top 10 Rules For Success : Evan Carmichael

Wayne Dyer's Top 10 Rules For Success:

1. You can't give away what you don't have

2. Don't identify yourself with what you accomplish

3. As you think, so shall you be.

4. Be open-minded.

5. Change the way you look at things.

6. No one likes being told what to do.

7. There are no justified resentments.

8. Stop finding excuses.

9. Walk down another street.

10. Don't die with your music still in you.

Saturday, April 29

Building Your Intuition : Developer Tea

the ability to make quick decisions.

The most valuable practice that you can do is pointed at pattern recognition.

As a developer, you are going to go through times when you feel very incapable.
These are things every developer goes through.
As your intuition builds up, so will your proficiency.
And your intuition only builds up when you are practicing and when you are practicing with the intent to recognize patterns.


I am 3_. I am young. And I am grateful for that.
Thank you God. <3.

How To Stop Competing With Other Women: Julie Hanks

Why women compete:
1. To cover up insecurities.
2. To prove worth.
3. Fear that there is a limited supply of success.
4. Belief that there is only one winner.

How To Stop Competing:

1. Look inside instead of side-to-side for self-worth.

2. Quit comparing.
Someone else's success has nothing to do with us.
Other people's lives have nothing to do with us.
And somehow we think it's related.
"Comparison is the thief of joy."
-Theodore Roosevelt

3. Practice an abundance mindset.

4. Appreciate all things beautiful.

Friday, April 28

How to Stop Comparing: Julie Hanks

Stop Comparing:

1. Change Your Lens
Let's value those intangibles.

2. Celebrate "What Is"
"Comparison is the thief of joy."

3. Clarify Your Values
What do you value? And focus on that.
And if other people value something else thats fine.

4. Celebrate Others Strengths
Good for them.

Thursday, April 27

Varun Agarwal: From failing in engineering to co-founding a million-dollar company

Love Your Body From The Inside Out : Julie Hanks


Another tip is to view your body as an instrument and not as an ornament.

Think about all the incredible things they do for us every day. Even the simple, everyday functions of walking, breathing, and eating are amazing if you stop and think about it.

So the next time you find yourself regarding your body with a critical eye, stop to consider how good it is to you.

Finally, I encourage you to focus on your health (instead of obsessing over pounds, inches, and what the scales tell you). Treat your body right by eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep.

The kinder you are to your body, the kinder it will be to you.

Continually remind yourself how lucky you are to have it.

Balancing Great Expectations With Reality : Julie Hanks

Monday, April 24

Family Get-together

Had lunch with my sis and my cousin sister-in-law (juhi) at Sagar Ratna.

Friday, April 21

5 Steps for Creating a Balanced Life : Ana Mascara

1. The Promise of 3 

2. Set Goals in All Areas of Your Life

3. The Separation Error 

4. Prioritization and The Power of No 

Saturday, April 15

Measure your Progress

Take a few minutes each week to do a weekly recap.
Any goal worth setting is worth measuring.

Measuring your progress is important if you want to get those positive emotional effects.
Track daily goals. Take 30 seconds to write out what you got done today. This helps us to get an overview of our day personally, and see how productive we’ve been.
Complete a monthly personal review. Schedule a 30-minute meeting with yourself to occur in 1 month, and to recur every month after that. Make the meeting non-negotiable, and if for some reason it has to be rescheduled, reschedule it but don’t cancel it.

Every goal needs to be assigned both a measurable unit (to quantify success) and a unit of time (against which you’ll measure your success).

Thursday, April 13


Today our cleaning helper initiated the project of cleaning the floor tiles of our living room / area.
Thank u God.

Wednesday, April 12

Plan a get-together

1. A Clean Home
2. Clothes
3. Utensils
4. Food
5. Games

5 Easy Tips to Help You Concentrate : Ana Mascara

1. One thing at a time.

2. Set a time for yourself.
Know approximately how much you're gonna be studying for.

3. A sprinkle of positivity.
Like you're ready. You are in it to win it.
Small things that make you feel better about yourself.

4. Be Active
Have a rough paper or notebook where u can write while reading.

5. What did I learn
Summarize each chunk of what you've studied in your head.

Monday, April 10

Positive Thinking: Facing Your Inner Critic : Ana Mascara

How to Stop Procrastinating // Symptoms & Solutions : Ana Mascara

1. Overthink until you sink.
2. An excuse for my excuse.
3. Pushing mountains.
4. The Big Apple - Take Small Bites.
5. Guilt Tripping - Accept & Forgive.
6. Zombie Nation - Slump Survival Kit.

The Secret to Motivation : Ana Mascara

Let's talk about FAILURE // Overcome Failure : Ana Mascara

How to be Consistent // Make Success Automatic : Ana Mascara

1. Repetition
Observe your actual routine (not your ideal routine) and then find ways how you can integrate the behaviour in that actual routine.
2. Motivation as a Matter of choice
You have a choice.
Its upto you to decide.
3. Keep Track until you Are on Track
4. The Power of Social Accountability
5. The FAIL principle
Fail Assess Internalize Learn
If you have a hiccup, keep going.
Don't fail once, give up forever.

10 Psychological Tips to Stay Focused & Avoid Distractions : Ana Mascara

1. Distractions as self-soothing techniques.
2. Applied Metacognition.
3. The Easy Way Out.
4. Organization and External Interruptions.
5. Overthinking & The Power of Now.
    Focus on the present situation, on the Now.
6. Rumination: Distractions of the Mind.
    Turn off your mind.
7. Respect Your Brain's Schedule.
8. Avoid Multitasking.
    Batch processing.
9. Grab Your Attention.
10. Engage Your Senses.

Saturday, April 8

The Secret to a Clean and Organized Home

1. Having a daily cleaning routine or a weekly cleaning routine.
(every single day is key)
Stick it on your fridge and do it every single day.

2. Feeling the urge to Purge.

3. Getting it actually organized.

10 Active Reading Strategies // Study Less Study Smart : Ana Mascara

1. Read / Summary Method
- When you read, have a notebook next to you.
2. Marginal Notes
- Summarize the takeaway points of each paragraph.
3. Think Like a Teacher Method
4. Memory Boost Method
5. Mind Maps
- One mind map per chapter.
6. Study Guide
7. The Einstein Strategy
8. Personal Connection
9. Post-It Notes Summaries
10. Practice Tests

How to Study for Long Periods of Time : Ana Mascara

1. Create Your Own Study Bubble
2. The Time Factor
3. Plan Your Time
4. Active Reading is Key
5. Play some music

Study Triggers // Get Motivated to Study : Ana Mascara

Study Triggers:

1. Observe your behaviour / routine.

2. What behaviour do you want to elicit?
What behaviour do you want to trigger?
It has to be pretty specific: eg. read chapter 5,
look at my planner,
do a particular programming challenge.
If you want to just have in mind what you have to do that day, post-it notes are your best friend.
Make it easy for yourself.

3. Get Creative - Have fun and make your own triggers
7:30 The book is open. The notebook is open. The pen is right there.
It's all ready. It's gonna get harder and harder for you to not do it.

4. Don't Give Up - Keep at It

6 Smart Ways to Use Sticky Notes : Ana Mascara

1. Trigger
- To trigger a desired behaviour through the use of images or quotes anything that will elicit in you a feeling.
2. Setting Goals
3. Motivation
4. The Flashlight Technique
- Put it in the book to highlight important things or theories to help you out.
5. Active Reading
6. Study Game

Monday, April 3

Break Your Addiction to Work

1. Redefine success

2. Refocus your attention

3. Reset expectations

4. Experiment with digital detoxes

5. Practice mindfulness

6. Prioritize your health — for the sake of others

How to Visualize What you want Correctly

Law of Attraction

Why You Need Audacity : Terri

The audacity to believe in our dreams.

I don't know how God's gonna do it, but I have the audacity to believe.

The only limitations we have are the ones we put on ourselves.

God wants you to develop audacity.

How does it start?

1. Build the audacity to believe in yourself.

David encouraged himself in Lord the God. -1 Samuel 30:6

God is the master in making champions out of nobodies.

You have to believe in yourself.

2. Build the audacity to grow yourself.

To invest in yourself.

As a person thinks in her heart, so is she. -Proverbs 23:7

Your daily habits are leading you closer to, or further from, the dreams that God has put in your heart.

1. Listen to motivational teaching consistently.
Faith comes by hearing. Every time you hear the Word faith comes.
2. Read great books.

Sunday, April 2


I had set a goal for myself, to complete the treehouse tutorial "Intent and Broadcast Receivers" by 31st march, and I accomplished it.
Yay!!! Congratulations to me!!!
I hope I revise it, and get a chance to use the skills I learned, in a project.
Thank u God :)

p.s.: If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.

Happy Summer of 2017 :)

Happy Warm months <3
Happy April!