Sunday, March 6

Kati Morton - Personal Boundaries: 5 ways to teach people how to treat us properly!

1. Notice when we reinforce bad behaviour.

2. Recognize that you have the right to walk away.

3. Understand that we have the right to say NO, if something is not in our best interest.

4. Recognize that we have insight about unhealthy relationships and we can act on that.

5. Stick with it!
4:45 Think to yourself: "Is it more important that other people like me or that I like me?"
And that's where true compassion, true love, true life comes from is self-respect.
Respecting who you are. Recognising your strengths. And taking time to notice those, to write those things down. Taking time to recognise what's so wonderful and great and unique about you because everyone has those things, and once we begin this process, stick with it, because I'll tell you this, you're worth it.
"I love myself..." 
"I respect myself..."

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