Friday, January 10

Next top 5 (super awesome) verses from Tao Te Ching

6. Living Untroubled by Good or Bad Fortune
-- see wholeness in place of good or bad fortune.
-- know that all is subject to change.

7. Living by the Three Treasures
-- the first and most important treasure is what true courage stems from. when you radiate love and respect for all, including yourself, you'll be aligned with the Tao, which will protect you as if you were a baby in the arms of a loving mother. you're not in competition with anyone, so don't feel as if you must defeat another person or compare yourself on any level.
-- being satisfied with less rather than more results in great generosity. so be willing to take only what you need, and don't accumulate or hoard.
-- we're all instruments for Tao or God. humility is akin to surrendering to a force greater than your ego, giving credit to that Source, and being grateful for any wisdom and influence that's given to you by that power.
-- as you notice examples of simplicity and humility in those who are in positions to lead, make every effort to emulate the same qualities in your daily interactions.

8. Living with Awe and Acceptance
-- God created all things in such a way that they are not outside himself, as ignorant people falsely imagine. Rather, all creatures flow outward, but nonetheless remain within God.
-- avoid self-limits.
-- accept your body as a perfect creation.
-- allow your life to unfold in accordance with its own nature.

9. Living Self-Mastery
10. Living by Being Here Now

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