Wednesday, September 13

How To Eliminate Self Doubt Forever & The Power of Your Unconscious Mind | Peter Sage

The undisputed first law of personal growth is this:

People will never rise above the opinion of themselves.

The first law of relationships states that:

No one can ever love us more than we love ourselves.

We are also creatures of habit.

The brain weighs 1/50 th of the body weight but takes up 20% of all of the calories.

If you make a decision over and over again, then rather than take up critical thinking which is meant to serve you intelligently, it hands it over to the midbrain, and it becomes an unconscious behaviour or pattern or a habit. You don't even question it.

We are using our conscious brain only a small amount of time, that critical decision-making. 95% of the time people are sleeping awake.

The ant and elephant analogy.
How do you get that elephant moving in the right direction?


Environment trumps will. 
Our intention will always be beaten by our environment, over time.

We don't get to choose whether or not we get programmed. We are programmable by design. We can only choose how we want to be programmed.

The law of conformity.
If you hang out with nine recreational drug users, you're most likely going to become the tenth, or you'll leave the environment.

How do we change that?

1. Stop putting the wrong things in.

We are adaptation machines.

Stop putting the wrong programming in.

The two biggest things that impact us unconsciously more than anything else are:
- The mainstrem media.
- Our peer group of who we hang with.

Love your family, choose your friends.

2. Start putting the right things in.

Podcast, inspirational interviews, books.
By exposing yourself to the kind of information that supports your potential, your greatness, and where you want to go.

3. Get the things that shouldn't be in there out.

Find those unconscious patterns.
Address your unconscious programming.
Create the best habits that you can by programming yourself consciously.

Work on yourself.
Mastering our sense of self.

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Thank you!!!

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