Monday, September 4



Because we live in a more masculine-oriented world, that means we oftentimes have to step into our masculine energy.
This means that we have to constantly be transitioning back and forth between these energies. That's not always easy.
It's really important to have quick little tools like this to help us switch back into our feminine energy, and connect back to ourselves again.

1. Activate your senses with something specific.
Getting back into our feminine energy is really all about slowing down, and getting back into our body. Getting out of our mind. Just being present in the here and now. One of the quickest and easiest ways to this is to activate your senses. So turn on at least one of those five physical senses that you have. Think about all the tiny little things that activate this for you, and that make you feel good.
Pick your thing, or a few things if you want that drop you down into your body.
- Smell : Perfume.
- Taste: Something sweet, eg. a banana, or some raisins, or lemonade.
- Sight: Colours, Flowers, Greenery.
Using this, and activating your senses is going to help you bring you back to your feminine energy.  Use that same thing over and over again every single time that you decide, that you done being in your masculine energy, and you want to come back home to your feminine energy. The more you do this, the quicker, easier, and more powerful this becomes.

2. Get yourself in water.
A shower is the most practical everyday option.
Water is considered a very feminine element.
Showers are powerful.
Be intentional with it.
Think about it like a meditative experience.

3. Change your clothes.
Change your clothes into something more feminine.
The clothes that we wear can make a huge impact in how we feel.
It’s totally up to your own interpretation.
It won’t be the same for everyone, so there is no right or wrong way to do it.
It changes the way that you feel.
If I want to feel a certain way, one of the quickest tricks for me, is to look the part.
It will naturally help you to radiate feminine energy from the inside.

4. Focus on the process.
Instead of focusing on the outcome, focus on the process. This is a very quick and efficient mindset shift that you can use, to get you back into your feminine energy. It works wonders.
Being feminine is about slowing down, and focusing on the beauty of the process.
You can enjoy the process.
You can see it as an act of creation.
My goals and everything that I want to achieve is an act of creation, it's an act of birthing something into life, it's an act of art.
It's a mindset shift that adds a lot of simple joy and pleasure to my life.

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