Wednesday, July 15

3 Ways To Trust Your Intuition (Listen To Your Inner Voice) : Bridget Nielsen

3 Ways To Trust Your Intuition (Listen To Your Inner Voice)

1. To go in and to ask, at the deepest parts of our being, what is next, who are we, what is aligned, what is not aligned, which direction do I go, what step do I take next?
And that's really all that's important is what step do I take next?
Moving back to that untainted spirit essence that you have that knows and that trusts. Moving back into that place and going, ok, well then, how do I? What are the indicators, energetically and physically, of something being off or on, and how is guidance communicating with me?
Your Higher self, your body communication, your emotional intelligence.

2. How is intuition communicated through you uniquely?
This is different for every person, but there's some general commonalities that we can go into.
We are being asked to move into the heart, into the feeling space. It knows a lot.
nervous system
Notice when those certain body indicators, when those certain reactions come up, and use those communications.
All of these different parts of our body are intelligent.
The more that we give value, the more that we acknowledge, particularly the subtle communication, the more that can come online, and we can increase and turn up the volume of it to assist us.
The communication is in the subtlety, the communication is in the silence, in the solitude, and in that serene place then we can hear what's going on.
Moving past the programming, and setting aside some stillness, a moment to really tune into the subtlety, the communication that's happening for you uniquely, in your physical body, in your energetic body.

3. Knowing
Deepening into this space of knowing, of intuition, of your own body's communication.
Acknowledge and bring in the inclusion of our whole body, our whole being.
When we're on, then we can truly be in touch, and know what is the best next move.
Deep intrinsic connection with our soul.
Trust within self.
Move in the direction of your core natural self.

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