Thursday, July 16

Rest in Peace Mr. Sushant Singh Rajput [21/1/86 - 14/6/20]

The brightest star,
the greatest guy.

May God bless his soul!
Lots and lots of Love & Prayers! <3 <3

"They tried to bury us. They didn't know we were seeds."

"Picture abhi baaki hai mere dost."

"God will have the last word, and it will be good."

"God's grace is sufficient for you, for His power is made perfect in weakness."

"God knows the plans He has for me, plans to prosper me, plans to give me hope, & a future."

"It's not over yet."

"Whoever is trying to bring you down, is already below you."

"Janm kab lena hai aur marna kab hai, ye hum decide nahi kar sakte, par kaise jeena hai woh hum decide kar sakte hain."

"No one is above the laws of nature."

(Don't take anything personally.)

You are a fighter. You are strong in God, & in His mighty power. You will be back better, stronger, and mightier.

Wednesday, July 15

3 Ways To Trust Your Intuition (Listen To Your Inner Voice) : Bridget Nielsen

3 Ways To Trust Your Intuition (Listen To Your Inner Voice)

1. To go in and to ask, at the deepest parts of our being, what is next, who are we, what is aligned, what is not aligned, which direction do I go, what step do I take next?
And that's really all that's important is what step do I take next?
Moving back to that untainted spirit essence that you have that knows and that trusts. Moving back into that place and going, ok, well then, how do I? What are the indicators, energetically and physically, of something being off or on, and how is guidance communicating with me?
Your Higher self, your body communication, your emotional intelligence.

2. How is intuition communicated through you uniquely?
This is different for every person, but there's some general commonalities that we can go into.
We are being asked to move into the heart, into the feeling space. It knows a lot.
nervous system
Notice when those certain body indicators, when those certain reactions come up, and use those communications.
All of these different parts of our body are intelligent.
The more that we give value, the more that we acknowledge, particularly the subtle communication, the more that can come online, and we can increase and turn up the volume of it to assist us.
The communication is in the subtlety, the communication is in the silence, in the solitude, and in that serene place then we can hear what's going on.
Moving past the programming, and setting aside some stillness, a moment to really tune into the subtlety, the communication that's happening for you uniquely, in your physical body, in your energetic body.

3. Knowing
Deepening into this space of knowing, of intuition, of your own body's communication.
Acknowledge and bring in the inclusion of our whole body, our whole being.
When we're on, then we can truly be in touch, and know what is the best next move.
Deep intrinsic connection with our soul.
Trust within self.
Move in the direction of your core natural self.

Tuesday, July 14

EMPATH Empowerment - Your Extrasensory Superpower : Bridget Nielsen

Signs You Are An Empath : 3 Key Elements

Signs You Are An Empath

Journaling is a must.
Clear up your space.

Mental Health SELF CARE » How to Stay Positive on Difficult Days : Simple Happy Zen

Mental Health SELF CARE » How to Stay Positive on Difficult Days

1. Watch the content you consume (especially in the mornings).

2. Watch things that are uplifting and positive.

3. Go into 'protective pod mode' and temporarily shut out the world.

4. Don't lose perspective, focus on gratitude.

5. Don't take yourself too seriously, and see things with some humour.

6. Slow down your movements.

7. Find an activity that brings you joy and positivity.

8. Random acts of kindness for others.

Thank you!

Wednesday, July 8

Grounding For Ascension & Spiritual Development: Bridget Neilsen

As above so below.

How To Connect With Your Spirit Guides!: Bridget Nielsen

How To Connect With Your Spirit Guides!

Everyone has guides.

These guides that are always with you, you could call your Primary guides.

There's many other kinds of guides that come and go.

The primary way to begin connecting with your guides is one through basic intention, through the intention of connecting specifically with them.

They're very subtle, and that's something to note.

Often times, in one case if you're not feeling them, that might just be that you're on track, and it's a subtle energy that they are using to guide you.

Begin to attune to how you perceive.

Take some time and truly be quiet, and truly be present.

In that receptive place is where you're going to connect.

The key is to note the essence of it, because it's an actual frequency signature.

When you then sit down again to connect, then you can tap back into that frequency bandwidth, and that is your communication channel that is now open.

Depending on the kind of frequency you're emanating and the more you create, the more that you're going for it in whatever category in your life, the more guides you get, and the more support it attracts.

Asking, and intending, and they'll come.

Sometimes it's your intuition, sometimes it's a guide, and sometimes it doesn't matter. Just take that, and run with it.

Quieting yourself, and paying attention, and being excitedly receptive.

Monday, July 6

Cultivating Prana, Chi and Life Force Energy | Etheric Body Activation : Bridget Neilsen

Cultivating Prana, Chi and Life Force Energy | Etheric Body Activation

1. Chigong

2. Meditation

A mind quieting practice.

3. Pranayama

If you have breath, you have life.
Breathing practices.

Friday, July 3

How To Handle When Friends & Family Don't Get You | Bridget Nielsen

How To Handle When Friends & Family Don't Get You

One of the reasons you're different is because that's one of the things you're meant to do in the family.

Rather that doing, it's more about being. It's about being the vibration. It's about being that change within our own selves, and being the change in interacting with other people.

The emanation of love, the emanation of compassion, the emanation of really being receptive and listening to where they're at, and what they may need at that certain level or whatever they're going through, and that will be the fastest way.

We have to understand that sometimes people aren't going to get us and to be ok with that, and truly once we are ok with that, they often start to get us.

All you need to do is be yourself, all you need to do is express that.

How To Set Boundaries as an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person : Bridget Neilsen

How To Set Boundaries as an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person

1. Understand your own energy, your own innate essence and frequency.

It's very important that we're gonna have to stop caring what people think because that incessant need to be wanted and loved has to go to the side just for a minute and you and your self-love and your self-consideration has to be first.

Get yourself into nature, get yourself into a quiet space, say no to these things, so that you can start to get to know yourself, start to get to know your own energy and frequency and what you need. Get into your own feeling body. You turn your empathic ability inward and you sense you, you feel and understand you.

2. Cultivate and build your energy.

Building your etheric body which is also your aura. You're building your field of energy.

Set a field, an energetic field of your own essence and energy.

This is a gift. It can show you how it wants to be utilized.

3. Make it a practice.

Thursday, July 2



Focus on the process, instead of the result.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.
-Lao Tzu

Thank you!

Benefits Of Being An Empath : 3 Key Elements

Benefits Of Being An Empath

Different areas that your sensitivity is reaching into. Your sensitivity gives you the ability to be able to sense:

1. Thinking
2. Feelings
3. Experiences that have happened to people
4. Feel and notice and connect how 3 of these actually start to create what happens around them
5. Notice how all of these are all connected

These are the four different areas that you are able to pick up on.

Home-remodeler for people's minds and hearts.

3 steps to help you to be able to do this:
- Create a collage about who you are. To be able to come to centre, get balanced on the inside.
- A music list.
- Write a few things that you loved about the day.


Remember that we can help others best by taking care of ourselves first.

"Start by envisioning someone you know who may be in pain or may have gone through a stressful event," he says, "and then envision them being relieved of that suffering." He says it may be helpful to repeat a phrase silently in your mind, such as: May you be happy and be free of suffering.
"Encouraging the focus on the person's well-being and happiness, instead of their distress, actually shifts our brain's pathways from experiencing painful empathy to the more rewarding areas of compassion," Davidson says.
He adds: "For the most part, people don't actually want you to feel their pain. What they want is your help and compassion."

Wednesday, July 1

Roles: Diplomats

To address this sense of inadequacy, many Diplomats find they must let go of comparisons to other people. 79% of Diplomats say they consciously compare themselves to others either often or very often. By releasing these comparisons, Diplomats can free themselves to do things their own way, in their own time – rather than fretting over whether they’re successful yet.