Monday, November 20

3 Focus Factors : Developer Tea

3 Focus Factors

1. How do you focus when the work is boring, when you are doing something that is mundane?
How do you manufacture interest?
Create a challenge.
Manufacture a challenge that will allow you to focus.
Eg. Give yourself a time limit, and that can be your goal.
Remind yourself how that smaller piece fits into the bigger whole.
Remind yourself why this thing is important in the first place.

2. The problem of aimlessness, not knowing what to focus on.
Always have a contextual default fallback.
Create the list of the things that you are going to use as fallbacks.
Having ways to create value.
Eg. - Learning
- Calling / texting a loved one.

3. You may believe, unfortunately, that focus is about getting the most out of every single minute that you have.
Focus is not something that you practice 24/7 in an active way.
There's a difference between focus and mindfulness.
Focus takes energy, intention.
Allow yourself to shut-down.
Give your brain a chance to revive and recuperate from the heavy lifting that you did earlier in the day.

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