Sunday, November 26

Eckhart Tolle's Top 10 Rules For Success : Evan Carmichael

Eckhart Tolle's Top 10 Rules For Success:

1. Take the small steps that lead to greatness.
It's the small steps.
When the writing happens, there's a notepad and a pen, there's the present moment, and there's a stillness.
I'm just true to this moment, what this moment requires.
By being true to this small moment, something great arises.

2. Enjoy the journey.
I'd rather be here now.
Most of your life is the journey. The arriving is relatively rare, the marriage, graduation.
Yes, of course you know you are going that way but this step is still to be enjoyed.
Ultimately, your whole life consists of the step you're taking at this moment.

3. Find satisfaction in your work.
My identity wasn't derived from that anymore (failure / success).
It's a cheap substitute for who I really am.
The work that is happening, the teaching that is happening is transforming people's lives, that's very satisfying. I don't get any personal satisfaction though, because I don't feel it as this separate me produced it.

4. Ask the right questions.
It's very easy to mistake an impulse that comes to you for some deeper answer that comes out of the stillness.
Any decision-making process you have.
On one level facts are need to be looked at. What is the situation? Sometimes facts are not clear enough or you don't have enough facts, and you become still, and see what questions you can ask? Somebody may be able to supply more detailed facts.
But in order to ask the right question, you already need a moment of stillness.
The first step as you become alert and still is another question.
A very important thing in decision making process is not to come up with a decision but to ask the right question, that can elicit what you need in order to arrive at a decision. And in order to ask the right question, there needs to be that alert stillness for a moment and in that alert stillness you kind of listen within and then a question comes.

5. Your inner purpose.
Inner purpose is, aligning your life fully with the present moment, so that you are no longer out of alignment with the present moment, which leads to the state of dissatisfaction that we talked about that is the reality for many people.
You cannot go beyond the state of dissatisfaction through some future goal that says one day I would like to be in a state of fulfilment or satisfaction. No.
You have to enter the state of fulfilment and satisfaction by becoming one internally with the present moment.
You inner purpose is that alignment with where you are right now, even if it doesn't look like the life purpose you want for the next 30 years. Whatever you are doing now, to be total in doing it, no matter what it is, to be true to life, by being true to this moment.

6. Direct your attention.

7. Be compassionate with yourself.
Be compassionate with yourself, because no human being can act beyond their level of consciousness.

8. Don't get stuck in unhappiness.

9. Contribute to a better world.

10. Change your state of consciousness.
Be still meaning go that place where the mind is no longer operating, you are just conscious without thinking, and that is the level where the eternal resides.

Bonus: Don't waste your life energy.

"Make it as EASY as POSSIBLE!" - Timothy Ferriss : Evan Carmichael

2 crappy pages per day.

Friday, November 24

My 3 most important commitments in life

My 3 most important commitments in life, things that I hold myself accountable for:

1. Health (& grooming) and Spirituality
(At the end of the day, I ask myself,
1. "Did I sleep well, and for how long?"
2. "Did I journal morning & evening?"
3. "Did I exercise?")

2. Work and Learning -- Software Engineering -- Android App Development
(At the end of the day, I ask myself,
1. "How many lines of code did I write today, and towards what (15 mins)?")

3. Love and Rel. -- Self-Compassion, my family members, my good friends.
(At the end of the day, I ask myself,
1. "Did I speak to my ma for 5-10 mins?"
2. "Did my spouse and I walk together and share our day for 5-10 mins?"
3. "Did I give him a compliment today, anything that he has done or a certain quality about him?"
4. "Did I speak to my sister in the past week for 5-10 mins?"
5. "Did I speak to a good friend of mine (Anshu / Shilpi) in the past week for 5-10 mins?"
6. "Did I speak to MIL in the past week for 5-10 mins?")

p.s.: Did I dance? -- just for enjoyment

Monday, November 20

Cool Facts published on Google Play Store

Published my first android app on Google play store 'Cool Facts'.
Thank you so much God :)

p.s.: If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.

3 Focus Factors : Developer Tea

3 Focus Factors

1. How do you focus when the work is boring, when you are doing something that is mundane?
How do you manufacture interest?
Create a challenge.
Manufacture a challenge that will allow you to focus.
Eg. Give yourself a time limit, and that can be your goal.
Remind yourself how that smaller piece fits into the bigger whole.
Remind yourself why this thing is important in the first place.

2. The problem of aimlessness, not knowing what to focus on.
Always have a contextual default fallback.
Create the list of the things that you are going to use as fallbacks.
Having ways to create value.
Eg. - Learning
- Calling / texting a loved one.

3. You may believe, unfortunately, that focus is about getting the most out of every single minute that you have.
Focus is not something that you practice 24/7 in an active way.
There's a difference between focus and mindfulness.
Focus takes energy, intention.
Allow yourself to shut-down.
Give your brain a chance to revive and recuperate from the heavy lifting that you did earlier in the day.

Thursday, November 16

Newz : Github

Successfully updated my Newz android project on Github.
Thank you God.

Estimating Sandwiches: Why the Gut Doesn't Work, and How Small Is Better : Developer Tea

Estimating Sandwiches: Why the Gut Doesn't Work, and How Small Is Better

Scale might slow us down in our day to day operations.
I'm likely to take longer per sandwich to make 100 sandwiches than I would to make 1 sandwich.
However I'm much more likely to make each sandwich faster on an average, if I'm making only 5 sandwiches. Because the support I need to make 5 sandwiches is about the same as I need to make 1 sandwich.

The same principles are true when it comes to software.
When we are building at scale it is very easy to need a larger infrastructure. It becomes more of a management problem when we need a larger infrastructure to scale.
Now, ultimately, that scale is important in order to support the job that we have.
What you do with your code, what you do with your software, will change to support the new scale that you are working at.

You have similar overhead issues when you start scaling an application.

Remember that estimation is affected by all of these things.

How can we estimate better?

Estimate smaller things.
Don't try to estimate the big project or multiple things.
Only estimate things that you have a high amount of confidence that your estimation is relatively correct.
When you estimate smaller things, there is less room for error, there is less room for you to make a mistake. That is fundamentally the important part of estimation, is trying to limit the number of places where you might make mistakes in that estimation process.

Wednesday, November 15

The 3 Things you Shouldn't Be Doing As A Developer : Developer Tea

The 3 Things you Shouldn't Be Doing As A Developer

1. Staying up late.

2. Using gut for estimation.

3. Optimizing the small things before fixing the big things.

Tuesday, November 14

Make MISTAKES! : Evan Carmichael

Focus Week - Deconstructing Distractions : Developer Tea

Focus Week - Deconstructing Distractions

There are two types of Focus:
1. Active Focus
active chosen conscious focus.
eg. solving a problem.
2. Sensory Focus
eg. the doorbell ringing, a loud noise.

We can't choose which type of focus our brain is engaging in.

Rather than trying to eliminate the distractions as they occur, try to eliminate the source of the distraction.
Treat the distraction as the symptom and find the underlying cause.
De-structure the things that lead to those distractions.

Monday, November 13

3 Morning Routine Tasks Every Developer Should Do : Developer Tea

Three things you can do every morning:

1. Perform a simple task.
something that is simple and that you have full control over.
eg. brushing ur teeth. drinking water. ...

2. Journal.
Be mindful about your day.
Be proactive.
Write it down.

3. Automating the fight against your bad habits.

Friday, November 10

Happy Winter!

The winter season has begun.
Happy Winter 2017-18!!!

Winter Season:
1. The brown blanket is out.
2. The jacket and sweaters are out.
3. The socks are out.
4. The thermals are out. 14/11

About me

Tanushree Varshney
Software Engineer - Android
Currently, creating an android app 'Newz'.

3 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Resumé In Just 10 Minutes : Developer Tea

3 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Resumé In Just 10 Minutes

What is it exactly that you want to happen when somebody reads this resume?

1. Prioritize results and readability over everything else.
Deleting extra stuff.
Get to the highest impact fewer things.
Clarity of results and readability.

2. Remove exclusive language.

3. Write your personal mission statement and introduction letter.
Rewrite these.
1) At the very top of your resume, you need to explain, why this resume even exists, why are you even going for this position, why do care about development? This should only be 1 or 2 sentences. You need that space for other stuff.
2) Introduction letter:
This letter needs to be personal. Connect personally. Understand who this person is that you are sending the letter to and what they are looking for?
Explain your interest, explaining your values. Why you even care enough to send this letter?
Write a personal letter, that is from the position of, 'What are my motivations'?

Always seek that purpose driven way of thinking and communicating.

Tuesday, November 7

Market work

Off-white leggings and dupatta (biba) from pantaloons.
Blue denim pants from vero moda.
Antique golden earrings from westside.
UGs from lifestyle.
Peach t-shirt from pantaloons.
on 25th & 27th Oct. Really needed them.

Monday, November 6

Gujrat (year: 2017)

We returned from Gujrat yesterday. It was papa's birthday (diamond jubilee) on 30th.
Thank u Somnathji and Dwarkadheeshji for darshan.
Thank u for taking us and bringing us back safely.
Thank u for papa and ma.
Thank u for a good time in Kutch and Ahmedabad.
Thank u for time with family members.
Feeling grateful.

We travelled a lot by road.
Now, when I think Gujrat, I think,
1. Cotton farming
2. Salt
3. Windmills
4. Nomads & Camels
5. Shepherds