Monday, August 29

7 Morning routines for success : Evan Carmichael

1. Start Preparing The Night Before.

2. Have a Family Moment.

3. Turn on Music.

4. Have (lemon) water.

5. Workout.
Gives you momentum. Get your body moving.
(even if it is for 15-20 mins)

6. Remember Your Why.
Start the day with it, to give you energy for the day.
Remind yourself of that everyday.
You want that every morning.
So that you set yourself up for success that day.

7. Do a Task that Gives You Energy.
Have something that you do that reminds you of the importance of the work that you are doing.
And get encouragement and feedback and momentum to help you grow your business.


How to KEEP GOING - Evan Carmichael

Les Brown

Brian Tracy

Kobe Bryant

Robert Herjavec

Tyler Perry

John Paul DeJoria

Ted Turner

Denzel Washington

Salman Khan

Robin Williams

Sunday, August 28

10 Things You Can Clean with Dish Soap! - Clean My Space

My Laundry Routine! : Clean My Space

7 Ways to Make Cleaning Fun! - Clean My Space

1. Ear candy: Music / Podcasts / Youtube videos.

2. Make a list.

3. You can burn calories while you're cleaning.

4. Measure time.

5. Cleaning cooking show - talk to the camera.

6. Find stuff that is cute and fun and attractive to whatever suits you and tools that work really well.

7. Clean with somebody or something else present in the room.

Remember to take breaks.

(Give yourself a reward for cleaning.)

How to Clean Bathroom Fixtures

How to Clean Your Shower Head! - Clean My Space

How to Clean A Bathroom - Clean My Space

Quick & Easy Shower Cleaning Routine! - Clean My Space

How To Clean A Toilet in 3 Minutes! : Clean My Space


I have become a woman.

Friday, August 26

Books Article

11 Inspirational Self-Help Books That Will Actually Inspire You, Because Sometimes Living Is Difficult

Staying Motivated To Get Fit : Kalyn Nicholson

5 Quick Workouts For Your Everyday Routine : Kalyn Nicholson

Dance Workout Video w/Nikki | Rachel Talbott

Fun Workout Routines | MyLifeAsEva

Lets get active.

1. Sprinting

2. Soccer

3. Distance Running

4. Dancing

5. Basketball

Healthy Food & Fitness Ideas! | Aspyn Ovard

5 Ways To Get Fit For Summer - Kalyn Nicholson

1. Running

2. Sets of Stairs

3. Body Weight Exercises

4. Jungle Gym

5. Yoga


5 Ways to Get Fit for Back to School! | Aspyn Ovard

Tuesday, August 23

The True Purpose of Life - Robin Sharma

Spring has passed. 
Summer has gone. 
Winter is here... 
And the song I meant to sing remains unsung. 
For I have spent my days,
stringing and unstringing my instrument.
-Rabindranath Tagore

Are you being busy being busy?

Reconnect to the best within you that you may have lost.

Start being that person, that human being, that creative force, that business builder, that mother or father, that athlete, that humanitarian, that force of good that you have always wanted to be, beginning right now.

Chase physical and mental ENERGY - Evan Carmichael

Sunday, August 21


Parents-in-law were here since 18th. They left today.
They had gone to Mamaji's place to attend the inaugration ceremony.

Saturday, August 20

Apps most used

Some of the most used apps on my smartphone:
1. Keep
2. Clock
3. Photos
4. Saavn
5. YouTube
6. Camera
7. Phone
8. WhatsApp
9. Maps
10. Fit

Friday, August 19

Jessica Alba's Top 10 Rules for Success : Evan Carmichael

1. Anything That You Want, You Can Achieve

2. Be Driven By Resistance

3. Treat People The Way You Want To Be Treated

4. Use Feedback To Improve Your Products

5. Create Products You're Proud Of

6. Encourage Others To Be Creative

7. Hustle

8. Know Your Weaknesses

9. Don't Be Defined By Your Mistakes
Something I had to learn as a woman in business, is:
a) To ask for help.
b) To not be afraid of criticism.
c) To be ok with not knowing, but learning.
d) To not be defined by your mistakes.
You have to malleable, you have to surround yourself with really smart people.

10. There Is Always A Way To Do It Better.

Sheryl Sandberg's Top 10 Rules For Success : Evan Carmichael

She is so inspiring!!! Thank u Evan!!!

1. Have Impact
This is all about scale.

2. Think Big
Think ahead about where you're gonna be.

3. Go For Growth
Growth moves everybody up.

4. Communicate Authentically

5. Hire Big
I mean ahead of where you are.

6. Don't Just Talk, Really Listen
You're gonna have to not just talk, but really listen. 
And you have to go one step further, which is, not just listen but find a way to get people to actually tell you the truth.

7. Take Responsibility

8. Measure Results, Not Face Time

9. Find Something You Really Believe In

10. Careers Are Not Ladders, But Jungle Gyms

Monday, August 15

Ratan Tata's Top 10 Rules For Success - Evan Carmichael

1. Communicate with your employees

2. Take Chances

3. Persevere

4. Build Trust

5. Be Humble
You can make a difference if you so desire.

6. Have Heroes

7. Be Yourself

8. Make a Difference
Each one of us can make.

9. Be Motivated by Competition.

10. Do What Can't Be Done.

Dollar Store Organization! Easy Ways to Organize : Brittany Vasseur

EASY Pantry Organization : Brittany Vasseur

1. Remove Everything.

2. Wipe down pantry / storage area.

3. Divide into groups.

4. Measure and Plan.

5. Container options.

6. Put it Together.

DIY Desk Organization : Brittany Vasseur

Independence Day

Happy Independence Day!!! I love my India!!!

Sunday, August 14

Thursday, August 11

Main gate (from the archives)

The nameplate is handmade and gifted by my mother.

Dining area (from the archives)

Kitchen light

We had to buy a new kitchen light on 6th from Sec-9, as the circular CFL was not available anywhere. It comes with a 2-year warranty. I have kept the bill.
The new light is nice and bright :)
Thank u God.

10 Lazy Girl Hair Hacks That Will Change Your Life

How To Live Your Dream Life! : Kalyn Nicholson

1. Make a Dream Board.

2. Do some research.

3. Start Planning.

4. Act as if it's already yours.

5. Love & Take care of yourself; Work with what you have.

6. Embrace & Enjoy the journey.

7. Go at it full force; Be a boss.

7 Quick + Easy Hairstyles! | Reese Regan

Wednesday, August 10

Top 10 FOCUS Strategies for Entrepreneurs - Evan Carmichael

Kobe Bryant
Focus on each day and have a plan in place of how you want to improve and how you want to get better and stick to that plan and trust the fact that every day you stick to the plan will get you to your end result.

Tim Cook

Donald Trump
You can't take your eye off the ball.

Robert Kiyosaki

Aliko Dangote

Tim Grover
You have to control the situation, don't let the situation control you.

Kevin Plank

Dan Pena
Focus on the few, not the many.

T. Harv Eker

Elon Musk
Focus on signal over noise.

Are You Running From Your Future? : Terri

Fear is an enemy. Fear is a thief. Satan is the one behind it all.
Satan wants to paralyse you with fear.

One of the most effective and most powerful weapons God has given us is our mouths.

What you repeatedly hear, you eventually believe.
You believe your own self more than anybody.

And the most powerful thing for you to speak out of your mouth is the Word of God.
That sends Satan running.

You get on the offensive side by speaking the Word of God out of your mouth.

1. I sought God and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.
2. Fear not, there is nothing to fear, for God is with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God.

Speak them out of your mouth consistently.

Face those fears and do exactly what God put you on this earth to do.

FOCUS - Evan Carmichael

It's Never Too Late : Terri

Don't let Satan talk you out of your destiny.

God is expecting you to pick up that call, answer it and start pursuing what He put you on Earth to do.

How do you stay motivated?

I have glorified You down here on the Earth by completing the work that You gave me to do.
-John 17:4

God has a specific assignment for your life.

Some of the ways you groom yourself for success is by feeding yourself on the Word of God.

I feed myself the Word of God everyday.

Whatever you are facing right now, don't allow it to be a setback, don't allow it to cause you to shrink back in fear.

Every person has had to overcome obstacles. You are not alone. God has you in the palm of His hand. He's still gonna take you to your destination.

Monday, August 8

Don't Just Learn To Code, Learn To Create | Justin Richards | TED Talks


1. Eyebrow threading
2. Eyelashes
3. Glowy complexion
[Renew, Highlight, Refresh]
4. Shiny Hair
5. Sun-kissed Face
6. Cat-eye liner
7. Tousled Hair
8. Fitting Wardrobe
9. Moisturized Skin
10. Smile


We (husband n me) went to the malls today. We checked out Nexus phones.
Bought slippers for me. The previous ones had broken.
Bought two toothbrush holders for bathroom.
Bought spoon stand for kitchen. The previous one was rusted and broken.
Bought a beautiful candle stand for centre table.
Thank you God.

Saturday, August 6


Shah Rukh Khan's Top 10 Rules For Success : Evan Carmichael

Very inspiring!!! Thank u Evan!!!

1. Love What You Do

2. Keep it Simple

3. Just Do It

4. Acknowledge Your Insanity

There is no such think as normal.
Normal is just another word for lifeless.

5. Be Yourself

2 greatest gifts life has given you:
1) The freedom to fail.
2) The ability to say with your head held high, 'I don't know'.
Be yourself because everyone else is taken.

6. Be Grateful
Stand in front of the sea.

7. Take the Leap

8. Give

9. Work

10. Be the one that Tries

Discovery of Fire in Kathak - Gauri Jog

p.s.: If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.

Thursday, August 4

Love, No Matter What | Andrew Solomon | TED Talks

5 Maxims for Maximum Success - Robin Sharma

1. No idea works until you do the work.

Execution on the ideas.
Ideas don't work unless execute on them.

2. To double your income and impact, triple your investment in personal development and professional education.

3. A problem only becomes a problem when you choose to see it as a problem.

See it as an opportunity to grow.

4. The caliber of your practice determines the quality of your performance.

5. Success lies in a masterful consistency around the fundamentals.

Keep it incredibly simple.

The Cure For Fear - Robin Sharma

The skill of self confidence | Dr. Ivan Joseph | TED Talks

Louise Hay's Top 10 Rules For Success : Evan Carmichael

So nourishing! So inspiring! Thank you!

1. Love Yourself
Loving yourself is the most powerful thing you can do.
I am talking about just really respecting and appreciating this incredible, magnificent being that we are.

2. Be Mindful Of Your Words

3. Don't Be Resentful

4. Learn How To Think Successfully
Your thoughts create your life.

5. Help Others

6. Be Calm
All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe.

7. Do Affirmations

8. Keep Working on Yourself

9. Be Thankful

10. Believe that only Good lies Ahead

A. P. J. Abdul Kalam's Top 10 Rules For Success : Evan Carmichael

Super duper inspiring!!! He is a hero!!! Thank u Evan!!!

1. Learn How To Handle Failure
Any task you do you come across problems.
The individual or the Project chief should become the captain of the problems and defeat the problems and succeed.

2. Imagine the Outcome
Imagine the outcome in the mind.
With imagining and constant effort, all the forces of the Universe work for that inspired mind, thereby leading to inventions and discoveries.

3. Be Righteous

4. Fight To Be You
Every youth wants to be unique i.e. you.

5. Break Through Limitations
History has proven that those who dare to imagine the impossible are the ones that break all the human limitations.
By breaking the limits of their imagination they changed the world.

6. Keep Learning
Learning gives creativity. Creativity leads to thinking. Thinking provides knowledge. Knowledge makes you great. 

7. Be A Teacher

8. Work With Integrity

9. Follow Your Dreams

10. Inspire Others

Narayana Murthy's Top 10 Rules For Success : Evan Carmichael

1. Be Nimble

2. Start Mentoring

3. Be Courageous

4. Respect Your Competitors

5. Stick to your Ideas

6. Be in a Great State of Mind

7. Walk the Talk

8. Be Prepared to Seize Luck

9. Be Trustworthy

10. Don't take yourself too seriously
While we take our work very seriously, we don't take ourselves very seriously.

Azim Premji's Top 10 Rules For Success : Evan Carmichael

Very Inspiring! Thank you!

1. Find Your Purpose

2. Fail As Fast As You Can

3. Cherish Your Strengths

4. Be Persistent

5. Get Ideas From Customers

6. Earn Your Rewards

7. Deal With Disagreements

8. Disrupt Your Industry

9. Practice
How is it done?
Its done by practice. Integrity is practice. Leadership is practice. Innovation is practice.

10. Start Small

Wednesday, August 3

How To Get Motivated In Life! | Kalyn Nicholson

1. Getting up earlier in the day.

2. Music (Dancing).

3. Working out.

4. Eating healthy.

5. Drinking tons of water.

6. Keeping your space clean.

7. Planning.

8. Journaling.

9. Listening to audiobooks.

10. Take yourself out. Dress yourself up. Making plans.

11. Go to a library or a cafe.

12. Treat yourself every now and then.

Do You Have the Body Language of Success? : Terri

93% of the way we communicate is non-verbally, through body language.

One of the signs of an insecure person is poor posture.
The #1 sign of an insecure person is the lowered head.

Thou, O Lord, are a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of my head. -Psalm 3:3

That's a sign of confidence, a lifted head.

Body language is important.

Stand up straight with your shoulders back.

Not to cross your arms while socializing.

Practice good posture.

Be Confident! : Terri

Insecurity is a dream thief.
Satan hopes you stay insecure.

God wants you to develop confidence to step out and do what He's telling you to do. It's gonna require confidence.

If you are uncomfortable, do it.

That's one of the ways you know you're growing.
When you stop growing, you stop.

Many people have had to overcome that fear in a big way and just do it.

Even if your knees are shaking and you've got that queasy feeling in your stomach, just do it anyway.

That means you are growing.

And it'll be easier and easier the next time.

Build your confidence. Do it anyway.

Start just taking a step at a time.

Build yourself up from the inside out.

Start hearing the Word consistently.

Every time you hear the Word, Faith comes.

Faith comes and fear goes.

Tuesday, August 2

Accelerated Learning: How To Get Good at Anything in 20 Hours

Planner Update - Rachel Talbott

Ellen DeGeneres's Top 10 Rules For Success : Evan Carmichael

So inspiring!!! So important!!! Thank u Evan!!!

1. Be Exactly Who You Are

2. Live Your Life With Integrity

3. Share Positive Energy

4. Care About Your Fans

5. Be Honest
I think what saved me is me being honest.
Instead of making business more important, I made my soul and my life more important.

6. Show People Your Brain

7. Appreciate Your Experiences

8. Be Kind

9. Be Grateful

10. Just Dance

Monday, August 1

Health, Beauty, and related

I. Planning & Managing Time+Energy:

1. Find your Time Map : Terri [<3]

2. Dream Distractions : Terri

3. It's Never Too Late : Terri

4. Effective Goal Setting Tips : Terri

5. How I Plan : BV [<3]

6. How To Make a Vision Board : BV

7. How To Be More Productive & Organize Your Time Better! : CJ [<3]

8. How to Be A Morning Person! : CJ

9. Planner Update : RT

10. Staying Motivated To Get Fit : KN

11. How To Be a Morning Person : KN

II. Life:

1. Approach Life With Confidence : Terri

2. Get Your Bounce Back : Terri

III. Morning and Evening Rituals:

1. Use Your Morning Ritual To Get Ahead : Terri

2. 7 Morning routines for success : Evan

3. Healthy Morning Habits : RT

4. Healthy Bedtime Habits : RT

5. My Morning Routine! : BV

6. My Night Routine! : BV

7. Morning Routine: How I Stay Healthy! : CJ

8. My Everyday Night Routine : CJ

9. How To Organise Your Morning Routine

10. Organisation Night Routine - Prepare For Tomorrow

11. How To Use Yoga To Drastically Improve Your Mornings

12. Shower Meditation

IV. Fitness

1. 5 Ways To Get Fit For Summer : KN

2. 5 Quick Workouts For Your Everyday Routine : KN

3. Dance Workout Video w/Nikki : RT

4. 5 Easy Workouts : RT

5. How to track your workout routine : AC

6.  Fun Workout Routines

7. 5 Ways to Get Fit for Back to School! : AO

8. Healthy Food & Fitness Ideas! : AO

V. Self-Care, Pampering, Relaxation :)

1. My Lazy Morning "Routine" : RT


3. DIY Spa Day Recipes : RT (Summer)

4. How To De-Stress! Tips For Loving Yourself & Being Happier : CJ

5. 10 Ways To Be Happy & Healthy : Rachelleea

6. 5 Ways To De-stress, Relax : Rachelleea

7. Me Time & Self Care

8. Lazy Day Routine : KN

9. 5 Simple Self Care Tips + Challenge : SS

10. Self Care Tips

11. Taking a break and Personal Boundaries : KM

12. Inspiration

IX. Clothes
(Wear silhouettes, colours and fabrics that enhance your natural beauty)
(1. kurtas, 2. tops)
(Add accessories / jewellery)

Housekeeping and related - videos

Cleaning, Organizing, Decorating and related

1. House
1. Habits for a clean house : BV [<3]
2. How To Clean Fast! : BV
4. DIY Household cleaning hacks : RT
5. Last Minute Party Prep Tips + Tricks : RT
6. Spring Cleaning Motivation! : MM
7. SPRING CLEANING: Melissa's Decluttering Lessons : MM
8. 30-Minute Daily Organizing Using Timer : AC
9. Declutter with Me! Easy Ways to Organize Your Space : BV [<3]
10. Dollar Store Organization! Easy ways to organize : BV

8. Everyday Countertop Cleaner : MM
9. Care Tips for Your Kitchen Finishes! : MM
10. How to Clean Kitchen Cabinets
11. Small Kitchen Appliances Organization

4. Living n Dining Space
1. Cleaning tips and motivation : BV

5. Bathroom
1. How to Clean A Bathroom : MM
2. How To Clean A Toilet in 3 Minutes! : MM
3. Quick & Easy Shower Cleaning Routine! : MM
4. How to Clean Your Shower Head! : MM
5. How to Clean a Mirror Tutorial : MM
6. How To Clean Your Bathroom! : BV
7. How to Clean Bathroom Fixtures

6. Laundry
1. My Laundry Routine! : MM
2. How Long Does It REALLY Take to Fold the Laundry? : AC

7. Car
1. Clean Car Hacks & Organizing Tips : RT
2. Car Organization Ideas : BV

8. Misc
1. 5 Benefits of Getting Organized : Terri
2. 7 Ways to Make Cleaning Fun! : MM
3. 10 Things You Can Clean with Dish Soap! : MM
4. 10 Cleaning Uses for Baking Soda : MM

9. Festival Decor
1. Holiday DIY Decor Ideas : RT
2. Getting Ready, Holiday Decor & Last Minute DIY Gifts : RT
3. Fall Decor & DIY Around The House : RT
4. Around The House (Easy Floral Arrangements & Centerpiece Ideas) : RT
I. Brittany Vasseur (La Jolla CA)
II. Rachel Talbott (Los Angeles CA)
III. Alejandra Costello (Washington DC)
IV. Melissa Maker / Clean My Space (Toronto Canada)
V. Sarita Upadhyay (Bangalore)
VI. Abhilasha Mehta (Pune)

House Areas (Frequent cleaning, Deep cleaning):
1. Kitchen
2. Bedroom
3. Bathroom
4. Living & Dining Area
5. Balcony

1. Fridge
2. Microwave
3. Kitchen sink and tap
4. Kitchen cabinets (pantry)
5. Kitchen countertop, tiles
6. Cooking range and knobs
7. Wooden stand/shelves in kitchen
8. Area under kitchen sink
9. Glass door and window
10. Wooden door and handle/knob
11. Toaster, sandwich maker, mixer, food processor, (juicer)
12. Exhaust fan
13. Electric Switches

1. Dresser + Mirror
2. Study table/Desk + chair
3. Bed (wipe and change sheet)
4. Wooden door
5. Glass door and windows
6. AC, fan, tube-lights
7. Closet
8. Bed-cabinet
9. Doormat
10. Electric Switches
11. Combs
12. Laptop
14. Curtains

1. Bathroom sink
2. Bathroom faucets
3. Countertop
4. Glass shelves
5. Mirror
6. Toilet
7. Dustbin
8. Shower glass door + handles
9. Tiles
10. Floor
11. Mat
12. Switches
13. Wooden tiles
14. Wooden door
15. Exhaust Fan
16. Electric Switches

Dining & Living Area-
1. Dining area bottom cabinets
2. Crockery cabinets
3. Dining area drawers
4. Dining area countertop
5. Dining table
6. Chairs
7. Fans, Tube-lights, AC
8. Electric Switches
9. Centre table
10. Sofa + Cushions (wipe and change covers)
11. Wooden shelves and showpieces
12. Intercom, router, set-top box, TV
13. Small table and table-cover
14. Wall-hangings
15. Glass doors
16. Curtains
17. Wooden door
18. Nameplate, toran

1. Washing machine
2. Balcony railings
3. Ladder
4. Clothes drying stands
5. Electric Switches

1. Walls

Happy Saavan Shivratri!!!

p.s.: happy second saavan somvaar!

How Long Does It REALLY Take to Fold the Laundry? : Alejandra

How to Organize a Small Linen Closet : Alejandra

Serena Williams's Top 10 Rules For Success : Evan Carmichael

So inspiring!!! Thank u Evan!!!

1. Work toward your goals.

2. Never give up
I went on the courts with just a ball and a racket and a hope. That's all I had.
Never give up coz you never know what can happen, you never know who you can inspire and who you can influence.

3. Stay Calm

4. Believe in yourself
It requires self-belief. You have to believe in you. You have to be your biggest and best cheerleader. Never stop believing in yourself. Always support who you are.

5. Always aim to improve

6. Surround yourself with positivity

7. Be hungry for success

8. Take it one step at a time
Whenever I enter a tournament, I just play one match at a time. I don't get too far ahead, I don't think about the future. I just have my mind focused on that one event and that one match and that one point.

9. Prepare yourself mentally

10. Train hard
There are obviously days, I don't feel like training, but there's no day that goes by that I feel like losing.