Monday, June 1

TED Talks

Link 1:
1. Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action
(People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it and what you do simply serves as the proof of what you believe. "I believe...")

2. Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation
3. Larry Smith: Why you will fail to have a great career
4. Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work
(A positive mind works better.)

Link 2:

Link 3:
1. Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive creative genius
2. Brené Brown: The Power of Vulnerability
3. Meg Jay: Why 30 is Not the New 20
4. Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation
5. Ken Robinson: Schools Kill Creativity
6. Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action
7. Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are
8. Sheryl Sandberg: Why we have too few women leaders
(Sit at the table-believe in yourself-negotiate for yourself-own your own success, Make your partner(spouse) a real partner, Don't leave before you leave-your job better be really good to go back, it needs to be challenging, rewarding, you need to feel like you're making a difference)

Link 4:

1. Brené Brown: The Power of Vulnerability
(Researched Connection. Worthiness: people who have a strong sense of love n belonging believe that they are worthy of love n belonging. Wholehearted. What they had in common. courage - to be imperfect; compassion - to be kind to themselves first and then to others; connection - as a result of authenticity - they were willing to let go of who they thought they should be in order to be who they were; they fully embraced vulnerability. We live in a vulnerable world.
you are imperfect and you are wired for struggle but you are worthy of love n belonging.
- to let ourselves be seen.
- to love with our whole hearts even though there is no guarantee.
- to practice gratitude n joy. to feel vulnerable means i'm alive.
- to believe that we're enough. "I am enough".)

2. Meg Jay: Why 30 is Not the New 20

3. Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are
(We are also influenced by our non-verbals; our thoughts n our feelings n our physiology(hormones: testosterone, cortisol). Can u fake it till you make it? Do our non-verbals govern how we think n feel about ourselves? Do our bodies change our minds? Can power posing for a few minutes really change your life in meaningful ways? Its about you talking to yourself. "Our bodies change our minds, our minds change our behaviour and our behaviour changes our outcomes." Don't fake it 'til you make it. Fake it 'til u become it. 2 minuties. Get your testosterone up. Get ur cortisol down. Try a power pose.)

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