Monday, June 29

A Life of Productivity - Highest leverage activities

There are just a few tasks in every area of your life (like your mind, body, emotions, relationships, career, finances, and fun) that contribute most of the value in each area. For example, there are likely just a few activities in your work through which you contribute 80–90% of your value to whomever you work for.
One of the best ways to accomplish more is to identify and then work on the highest-leverage tasks in each area of your life, because these are the activities that give you the greatest return for your time, energy, and attention.

How do you go about identifying them? Tracy recommends that you do four things:
1. Make a list of everything you do over the course of a typical month, and figure out the main tasks you’re responsible for in your work.
2. Ask yourself: If you could only do one thing on that list all day long, which item on the list would add the most value to your company?
3. Third, ask: “If you could do only one more thing on your list of key tasks, which would be the second activity that contributes the most value to your company?”
4. Finally, ask yourself what the third most important task is.

thy whys of work

What am I building today.
Who n how is it affecting today.
What did I learn today.
Was I kind to myself today.

Thursday, June 25

short-term goals

1. Finish the book in 1 month. (1 hour approx.)
2. Apply the serum n spray for 1 month. (1 hour approx.)
3. Practicing mindful breathing for 1 month.

Saturday, June 20

Compliment from hubby

Today, out of the blue, my husband said "To marry you is the best decision I have taken in my life."

p.s.: :) feeling grateful

Personal Projects - motivation

Personal Projects:
1. Choose Something.
2. Create Constraints.
3. Be Open.
4. Ship It.

Very good article:

Weekend of 20th, 21st June

On 20th Sat,
- Spoke to Ma. She called.
- Bought vegetables with hubby.
- Read quotes on pinterest.
- Wrote blog entries.

Sunday, June 14

Weekend of 13th, 14th June

On 13th Sat,
- Went to parlour for threading.
- Painted nails.
- Went to sister's place. Had dinner with them.
- Collected hubby's new laptop from there :)
- Went to azote for ice-cream.

On 14th Sun,
- Slept a little more than usual.
- Spoke to Ma. She called.
- Spoke to MIL. She called.

LB in monsoon

Wednesday, June 10

Values, Strengths

(Value yourself. Be true to yourself.)

1. Health & Spirituality (Connection with my source of being)
2. Love/Relationships/Support system (self-compassion, family members, 0-4 close friends)
3. Self-Empowerment
4. Creativity/Creative Expression
5. Freedom & Finances (financial independence & management)
6. Humanity/Kindness/Contribution
7. Beauty & Tidiness / Organization
8. Laughter & Fun
9. Education/Knowledgeableness
10. Balance

11. Being productive / Getting results
12. Excellence in work / Growth

1. Spiritually oriented
2. Self-belief, Positive attitude
3. Kind, Compassionate
4. Caring, Loving, Warm
5. Integrity
6. Thoughtful
7. Loyal
8. Creative
9. Determined
10. Sense of Humour

1. Patience
2. Discipline

Monday, June 8

Beautiful Article - 5 Tips to Overcome a Setback

Have patience with all things but first with yourself.

How to do "something" NOW

5 Scientifically Proven Ways to Beat Procrastination:

1. Start easy.
    write it down.

2. Break it down.
    Just pay attention to the verbs you use to describe your tasks.

3. Be nice to yourself.
    show yourself some compassion.

4. Get a good why.

5. Be mindful.

Top five things in my daily routine

In life, my topmost priority is my holistic health.
1. Hygiene
2. Soothing Food
3. Soothing Clothes
4. Yoga
5. Tao

Completed 2 1/2 Years

Happy 2.5 years of us!!!
Cheers to us for supporting each other, believing in each other, being there for each other, inspiring each other, understanding each other and loving each other.
God bless us & guide us!!!

Sunday, June 7

Weekend of 6th and 7th June

On 6th Sat,

- Hubby prepared food today. Khichdi for lunch & Masoor dal + Rice for dinner.
- I am not feeling well. God bless us.

On 7th Sun,

- My sis returned from her work trip to hk. She called. Spoke to her.
- MIL called. Spoke to her.
- Chatted with mom on skype.
- Hubby had a meeting with other residents at 11:00 am.
- Wiped the centre table.
- A new cleaning maid (Lali) has joined today.
- Made Dahi ke Sandwiches for dinner.
- We had ice-cream after dinner.
- Came to know that our cooking maid is leaving for good. God, please send a good maid for work at our place.
- We saw Munnabhai MBBS partially during dinner today.

Inspirations - Role Models - People who inspire me

People who inspire me:

1. My mother

2. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

3. Mr. Barack Obama

4. Ms. Arianna Huffington

5. Ms. Sheryl Sandberg

6. Ms. Serena Williams

7. Ms. Aishwarya Rai

8. Mother Teresa

9. Ms. Kiran Bedi

10. Ms. Sudha Murthy

11. Mr. Steve Jobs

1. Dr. Albert Einstein

Saturday, June 6

Adequate Sleep and Exercise make me productive

Sleep & Exercise are perhaps two of the important things for my career.

Dressing yourself

Dressing yourself is an art.
Its a matter of your body, mind and soul.

Choosing the right clothes according to your body.
Wearing the right makeup according to your face.
Choosing the right accessories that bring a flow to your look.
Believing in yourself, caring for yourself and enjoying yourself is essential.


Friday, June 5

Top 10 Meals (my cooking)

1. Khichdi (with dahi, papad, and achaar)

2. Pulao

3. Roti + Aloo sabji (sookhe / rasile)

4. Arhar Dal + Rice

5. Kale chane / Rajma / Chhole + Rice

6. Pasta

7. Noodles

8. Bhaji + Pav

9. Dahi ke Sandwich

10. Sambhar + Idli (learn)

11. Kadhi + Rice (learn)

Sweet dish:

12. Sooji ka Halwa

13. Aate ka Halwa

Monday, June 1

TED Talks

Link 1:
1. Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action
(People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it and what you do simply serves as the proof of what you believe. "I believe...")

2. Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation
3. Larry Smith: Why you will fail to have a great career
4. Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work
(A positive mind works better.)

Link 2:

Link 3:
1. Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive creative genius
2. Brené Brown: The Power of Vulnerability
3. Meg Jay: Why 30 is Not the New 20
4. Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation
5. Ken Robinson: Schools Kill Creativity
6. Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action
7. Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are
8. Sheryl Sandberg: Why we have too few women leaders
(Sit at the table-believe in yourself-negotiate for yourself-own your own success, Make your partner(spouse) a real partner, Don't leave before you leave-your job better be really good to go back, it needs to be challenging, rewarding, you need to feel like you're making a difference)

Link 4:

1. Brené Brown: The Power of Vulnerability
(Researched Connection. Worthiness: people who have a strong sense of love n belonging believe that they are worthy of love n belonging. Wholehearted. What they had in common. courage - to be imperfect; compassion - to be kind to themselves first and then to others; connection - as a result of authenticity - they were willing to let go of who they thought they should be in order to be who they were; they fully embraced vulnerability. We live in a vulnerable world.
you are imperfect and you are wired for struggle but you are worthy of love n belonging.
- to let ourselves be seen.
- to love with our whole hearts even though there is no guarantee.
- to practice gratitude n joy. to feel vulnerable means i'm alive.
- to believe that we're enough. "I am enough".)

2. Meg Jay: Why 30 is Not the New 20

3. Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are
(We are also influenced by our non-verbals; our thoughts n our feelings n our physiology(hormones: testosterone, cortisol). Can u fake it till you make it? Do our non-verbals govern how we think n feel about ourselves? Do our bodies change our minds? Can power posing for a few minutes really change your life in meaningful ways? Its about you talking to yourself. "Our bodies change our minds, our minds change our behaviour and our behaviour changes our outcomes." Don't fake it 'til you make it. Fake it 'til u become it. 2 minuties. Get your testosterone up. Get ur cortisol down. Try a power pose.)

Discovering Happiness through Purpose in 3 Natural Steps