Sunday, September 23

Push Yourself: Go After What You Want : Terri

Be aggressive with your faith.

Faith without action is dead.

Nick Woodman:
He had to be aggressive no matter how much he lost in the past.

Jack Andraka

I wanna encourage you, be aggressive, push yourself. Why? Because nobody else is gonna do it for you.

Remember, I am cheering you on to live your dreams.

Saturday, September 22

Stop living for everyone else - Mel Robbins

The reality is, parents and people who truly care about you aren’t looking for perfection, they are looking for connection.

Thursday, September 20

7 Tips for Reducing Anxiety, Rumination and Avoidance

Very good article:

7 Tips for Reducing Anxiety, Rumination and Avoidance:

1. Learn to tolerate not knowing the reasons for someone else's behavior.

2. Learn to recognize when you're avoiding doing something you want to do because you can't be completely certain of a positive outcome.

3. Learn to delegate.

4. Learn to recognize when you're taking too much responsibility for protecting others from possible negative outcomes.

5. Learn when to stop seeking information and start acting.

6. Learn to recognize when you’re procrastinating getting started due to feeling unsure.

7. Learn to recognize when you're jumping from one idea to the next due to intolerance of uncertainty.

The trap for people with intolerance of uncertainty is that sometimes behaviors like overthinking, doing extra checking, seeking extra information, and taking excessive responsibility do help prevent things going wrong. Look at whether, on balance, these things help you or whether they mostly just perpetuate your stress and anxiety, hold you back, and cause problems in your relationships. You can then make adjustments based on your own assessment.

Monday, September 17

Trust Your Intuition: If It Feels Like a No, It’s a No : Tiny buddha

1. I regularly check in with my body.

2. I look for the next right step instead of trying to figure out a thirty-year plan.
If I’m frazzled and worrying about a million things that are work or business related, I slow myself down and ask what has to be done right now. The answer is usually something simple, like answer this email or take a break for lunch and come back when I feel refreshed.

3. I do the thing that makes me feel good whenever possible.

4. I ask questions with the intention of getting an answer.
Instead of walking around all day thinking “I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what to do,” I now make a point of asking, either in writing or in my head, “What’s the best thing for me?” It takes practice, but you’ll get answers, even if they’re subtle.

You already know the answer; you just have to listen.

Relationships: 4 Questions For Success by Gaur Gopal Das

Q.1) Am I the right person to correct the other individual? And who is the right person?

Am I a relative?
Am I a friend?
Am I an authority in any way that I can give a corrective feedback?

Q.2) Do I have the right motive to correct?

Q.3) Do you actually know the right way to correct?

Q.4) Is it the right time to give the feedback?

"Listen to the UNIVERSE!" | Oprah Winfrey : Evan Carmichael

The Universe speaks to us always.
First, in whispers. And a whisper usually in your life feels like,
Hmm... that's odd...
Hmm... that doesn't make any sense...
Hmm... is that right?
It just really feels like that. Its that kind of subtle.

Three-step process:
1. Audit (3:36)
2. Act (4:51)
the 5-95 rule.
you can think of the idea, but it's the feeling that you get by acting that dictates the momentum and ultimately whether you would get results or not.
3. Adjust (6:13)
it's about acting and then adjusting.
the plan you start with is never going to be the plan you end up with.
it's the ability to adjust your initial idea and then change it and make it better.
Lamborghini, Wrigley's, BMW.

Saturday, September 15





1. What's truly important actually lies within you.

2. Unless what is within you comes out you can't make an impact.

3. Unless you go through sharpening, what is within you will not come out.

4. Erase, correct mistakes, and rewrite our stories.

Loneliness and How to Uplift Yourself | Dandapani

Excellent Video in entirety.

"Lean on your own spine."

Friday, September 14


"Take 5 minutes out of the day every morning."

"You can't know what you want until you spend time with yourself."

"Are You Willing to PAY the PRICE?" | Dandapani : Evan Carmichael

"If you want something new, you have to give up something old."

Tired of Waiting? How to Thrive When Your Life Feels On Hold : Tiny buddha

Start by trying one of the steps above tomorrow morning when you get out of bed.

Try a different step every day. Keep those that work and lose those that don’t.

You can make this period of waiting in your life a personal success!

Tuesday, September 4

Overcoming FEAR by Gaur Gopal das

This is one of the most beautiful messages I've ever heard.
Thank you Mr. Gaur Gopal Das and Youtube.

When the motive is to serve and contribute, we have to face our fears.
We have to deal with our fears, face them, and rise above them.

In order to deal with these fears, we have to face them, we have to start somewhere, and if our motive is to serve, I think, God is there to help us.

When you run alone, its called race, but when God runs with you, that's called grace.

So when I'm by myself, to deal with all of these things is difficult, but when I have God with me, because the purpose is to serve Him, and to serve His children in this world, by His grace we can all do something beautiful and wonderful for the world.

Why you never have to worry in life again by Gaur Gopal Das