Tuesday, January 23

Goal-Setting: 11 Minutes that Can Change Your Life : Terri

How to effectively set goals:

1. Write your goals for 30 days.

2. Set 7 to 10 goals.

3. Be specific.

4. Assign a deadline.

5. Stretch outside your comfort zone.

6. Put your goals in sight.

Saturday, January 20

The 5 Most IMPORTANT Business SKILLS EVERY Entrepreneur MUST Have! : Evan Carmichael

The 5 Most IMPORTANT Business SKILLS EVERY Entrepreneur MUST Have!:

1. Learn to influence and persuade.

2. Amaze your customers.

3. Articulate your vision clearly.

4. Have a plan.

5. Question everything
Always ask, 'Why you do things'?

6. Listening.

7. Communication.

Wednesday, January 17

Updates Android

Updated to Android Studio 3.0.1 and Android API 27 yesterday.
Thank you God :)

Wednesday, January 10

Winter : Cheeku

Had 3 of the yummiest cheekus.
They were sooooo sweet.

p.s.: If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.

Tuesday, January 9

"Padmavati Song" Ghoomar: Deepika Padukone


My Self Care Goals - 2018 : Rachel Talbott

My Self Care Goals - 2018

1. (Getting a) Healthy start in my day.

2. Organize something.

3. (Physical) Movement.

4. Quiet Time, Self-Reflection & Vitamin D.
best case scenerio: I just sit down and listen to the birds chirp and I just let the sun hit my face, and it makes a massive difference in my mood. Just a little bit of sun and just some time to pray or self-reflect everyday.

5. Skincare.

6. Special Treatments & Supplements.

7. Following My Passion (Exploring hobbies and creative expression).

Friday, January 5

The Anatomy of Change : Developer Tea


The Anatomy of Change
1. Pre-contemplation

2. Contemplation

3. Preparation
To allow your life to accommodate the new changes that you are about to make.

4. Action

5. Maintenance

Thursday, January 4

Practical Advice for Changing Your Habits : Developer Tea


Practical Advice for Changing Your Habits

Opt yourself in to your good behaviours by default.

Automate your good intentions.

Wednesday, January 3

Tips to Structure Your Day | Brian Tracy

Tips to Structure Your Day

1. Every minute spent in planning saves 10 minutes in execution.
Plan your day preferably the night before.
Writing down a list forces you to think at a higher level.

2. Set priorities on your list before you begin.
Don't just rush into it. Look over the list and apply the 80/20 rule. If you have 10 items to do on the list 2 will be more valuable than the other 8 put together. Sometimes its the 90/10 rule.

3. Begin immediately on your most important task and then stay with it until its complete.
You can actually increase your productivity by 50% by simply starting and completing your most important task first thing every day.

How Successful People Plan Their Week : Terri

Focus is the number one key ingredient to success.
In order to get focused, you have to get organized.

Failing to plan is planning to fail.

1. Get a planner.
2. Make a weekly "To Do" list.
(I plan out the whole week on Sunday.)
3. Prioritize your tasks.
(Do your most difficult task first.)

Assign a day for each task.
Keep an organized space.

How to Create an Effective Action Plan | Brian Tracy

1. Decide exactly what you want.

2. Write you goal or goals down on paper.

3. Set a deadline.

4. Make a list of everything you could possibly think of that you will have to do to achieve your goal.

5. Schedule it into a comprehensive plan.

Tuesday, January 2

The Key To Reaching Your Goals This Year : Terri

The Key To Reaching Your Goals This Year:


How To Achieve Your Goals This Year:

1) Start with the end in mind.
Where do I want to be 12 months from now.
Write it down.

2) Break your goals down.
You have to break your goals down to increase your commitment.
Break them down into practical steps.
It increases you commitment when you have a plan attached to it.
Break it down into steps.

3) Set fewer goals.
Stay between 7 to 10 goals for the year.

4) Set your goals in writing.
Write the vision, and make it plain.

5) Set a deadline.
Don't be afraid of setting a deadline.
Set a deadline that's gonna motivate you.

How to Prepare for 2018 [Quick Tips] | Brian Tracy

1. Review your last year.

2. Set goals for the New Year.

3. Deploy the "10 Goal Method".

4. Prioritize a single goal.

5. Make a plan.

6. Mindstorm.

Write out your goals on index cards and review them twice each day.

If you want to change your future then take action and take action now.

New Year 2018

Thank you 2017 !!!
Welcome 2018 !!!
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