Monday, June 12

Learn to Speak The Language of Success : Terri

When you win the battle in your mind, you'll win the battle in your life.

In order to achieve anything in your life, you must believe.

We get have to get into this routine of:
1. Stop speaking negative words over ourselves, over our lives, over our future.
2. Start speaking positive words.

I want you to learn the vocabulary of silence.
That means, if you can't speak something positive, then just be quiet. Don't speak it.
Learn the vocabulary of silence.

Use your words to change your life, not just describe your life.

Your words create your reality.

Its with an intentional effort.

Make a list of positive declarations.

Program your mind for greatness.

How you talk to yourself determines how successful you're gonna be.


Its gonna lift your spirit.
Its gonna change your mindset.
You're gonna program your mind for greatness, for success.

Act as if you already have it.
Learn to become you own best cheerleader, with the language of success.

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