Thursday, November 24

Skill Set Development : Developer Tea
(Step-3b of the Developer Career Roadmap)

Learning is one of the most important things you can do for your career.

Two modes of information that you can learn as a developer:

1. Passive information gathering
When you are going along the route of solving a problem, the information that you gather in order to take the next step, that is passive information. You are gathering that information for immediate use or quite simply just to get you moving forward.

2. Active information gathering
Active information is the information that you gather by actively seeking that information.
There are so many different ways to solve problems.

Most of your career learning will happen in the passive state.
Your career must include some active information seeking. You must take some time to learn information that you otherwise would not be able to gather on your own simply through developing on a day to day basis.

Basic format for your learning cycle:

1. Start by building a series of small projects.
This type of repetition is important because as you are going through these project creation cycles, evaluate yourself. This is a huge step that a lot of people skip. Evaluate the things you are learning and the progress you have made.

You have to create a time budget to give yourself the freedom to go and do these types of things.

I highly recommend you make them doable within one to three days, at most a week.

2. Have a support community.
A lot of what it takes to be a great developer is simply deciding to take the next step, making the decision that you are going to spend that time necessary, spent that effort necessary to learn.

Don't miss out on the value that a community of other developers can provide to you.

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