Wednesday, November 30

Cross Train : Developer Tea
(Step-5a of the Developer Career Roadmap)

The first category of cross training that you can do is cross training in the workplace.

1. Learning new programming language, to increase your effectiveness in your primary language.

Deeper ideas, design paradigms.

2. Learning more about the current system you know.
For eg. if you are working with python, you may find it valuable to learn how python actually compiles to bytecode.
Understanding how package management works.
Learning about the surrounding and supporting systems when your code is running, etc.

3. Learning something about the workflows and the tools other people are using in the company you work for, that can add an immense amount of value.
For ex. you may learn a little bit about the designer's toolkit or perhaps you may learn a bit about business analytics.
It may inform the way you think about and solve problems or even just talk to your other teammates.
Other people's workflows, their ideologies, the problems that they are solving.

These three areas are gonna greatly increase your awareness as a developer, they're gonna greatly increase your ability to collaborate with other developers and other non-developers.

Cross training is about building Balance.

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