Thursday, May 4

Tiny Buddha :

I. Healing (Self-Care)

1. You Deserve to Chill: How to Create Space to Heal and De-stress
The next step was realizing that in order to make my healing a priority, I needed one very important thing: respite.
You are cordially invited to heal from past and present hurts.

2. We All Need Alone Time: Do You Allow Yourself to Recharge? [<3]
What I am saying is that we should minimize our need for external validation so that we can find time to recuperate from the many stressors we experience on a daily basis.See your alone time as an opportunity to take good care of yourself. The most common excuse for not taking care of ourselves is that we don’t have enough time. Combine this with your alone time and you will!
Learning to be happy alone is not about becoming a hermit; in fact, properly applied, it will help you appreciate the time you spend socializing even more.

3. 8 Simple Ways to De-Stress and Rejuvenate When You Can’t Take a Vacation
You are your own most valuable asset, and no matter how important another task is, if you don’t dedicate some time to yourself, you’ll burn out.

4. 3 Tips For Letting Go Of Control and Relaxing Into The Flow
Here are three ways I’ve learned to trust and let go of trying so hard to control.
Stepping away. Taking time to enjoy life will only inspire and rejuvenate your energy for your work.
Stop looking around so much. I want what I want, not what they have.
Listen to your body. Oftentimes, we ignore those signals and choose to follow what everybody else is telling us to do instead.

One day I came across a picture of myself at five years old. I looked at that sweet little girl and realized no parent would allow someone to treat her the way I was treating myself—or allow her to do the things I was letting myself get away with.
Listen to the ways you speak to yourself, the way you feed yourself, your hygiene and sleep habits. Which of your habits and behaviors would you not allow your (inner) child to do?
In every moment, we are taking action that either moves us toward or away from the person we want to be and the life we want to have.
Be infinitely patient with yourself, as you would be with a child. If you slip up once, instead of throwing everything out the window, have a conversation with yourself.

6. Stop Pushing Yourself: 10 Crucial Steps to Avoid Burnout
It is not admirable to push yourself when your body and mind beg you to stop.
Fear of rejection is also self-rejection; stop worrying about others’ opinions.
Trust someone close with your feelings and challenges.
Listen to your body and do all you can to be kind to yourself.

7. The Healing Power of Self-Care in a World of Chronic Stress and Anxiety
Self-care is an active and conscious choice to engage in activities that nourish us and help us maintain an optimal level of overall health.

II. Self-Understanding (Growth)

It is an act of love to honor where you are right now.
You must first honor where you are and the journey that brought you here. Our general outlook on life is a mixture of genetics and experience. Some reactions are very deeply engrained and will take a concentrated effort over time to change.

2. On Creating Positive Energy for Positive Change
You experience and create all kinds of different energies that affect how you feel and what you accomplish throughout your day.

If you were 100 percent certain that you could be or do anything you wanted and not fail, do you know the answer?
This work is hard but necessary in order to really understanding yourself on a deeper level.

4. When Happiness Feels Like a Struggle, No Matter What You Do
We have to start by focusing on who we are at our core, on our being; only then can we begin to figure out what we should be doing to fully realize this beautiful person, to let the stars that are already in us shine brightly.
How well do you know your personal value system?
Inevitably, when something’s not quite right, I can identify a value that needs more love—pronto!—and create an action item from that deep source of wisdom.

5. Growing Pains: When Becoming Something New Feels Scary
When we’re taking on something new, we don’t have to get it right every time. As a matter of fact, we can give ourselves permission not to.

Failing to acknowledge how far I’ve come robs me of a lot of joy and a lot of pride. I may not have everything figured out in my new business, but I’ve come a long way from where I was a year ago.
Whatever you are working towards, and however far you still have to go, I encourage you to take the time to truly bask in everything you have achieved thus far.
It doesn’t matter if you are moving fast or slow, only that you keep moving! And the best way to ensure that you continue to do that is to cherish each step along the way.

7. How to Let Go of the Need for Approval to Start Thriving
“Criticism is something you can easily avoid by saying nothing, doing nothing, being nothing.” ~Aristotle
This is something you can, and dare I say, must change if you want to be happy in your life and successful in your business or chosen work.
Below are a handful of strategies to help you get to “D”—the place where you no longer need others’ approval, as you have a sound sense of self-acceptance and you make choices from this place.

“When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt.” ~Honore de Balzac

9. 3 Principles for Accepting Yourself and Being Authentically Happy
“Happiness is really a deep harmonious inner satisfaction and approval.” ~Francis Wilshire
I want to share with you three of the most important principles that I’ve learned about authentic happiness.

III. Life

1. 5 Lessons on Living a Long, Healthy Life, from a 90-Year-Old

IV. Dreams (Purpose, Creativity)

1. 5 Limiting Beliefs That Sabotage Your Dreams
Most of the time, the only things holding you back are your limiting beliefs.
If that sounds like infinity to you, just ask yourself: “Would you rather get there late? Or would you rather not arrive at all?”
You are right; you might fail. But here’s what you must ask yourself: Are you completely happy with your life right now? In your twilight years, when you look back, will you regret not trying hard enough?
What small steps will you take today to make your dreams come true?

2. Discovering Happiness through Purpose in 3 Natural Steps
Our focus on ‘success,’ as society calls it, blurs our more important intangibles of life—our relationships and experiences.
To confidently begin the journey, you must better know the traveler—you.
No two of us are the same and no two of us will have the same path and impact on the world.
When you know what you’re looking for, they’ll start to appear.
It may be in the form of a new friend, career, volunteer position, or random adventure.
Once you’ve found your path, the superficial destination the world defaults to becomes unimportant.
Comparison disappears and all of a sudden it’s the travel itself that becomes meaningful.
You’re there today and you’ll be there tomorrow.
That’s happiness.

I admit I was skeptical that fifteen minutes would be enough to accomplish much, and I couldn’t imagine that such a short amount of time would even begin to satisfy my hungry inner artist.
But it didn’t just make a difference for my art life. This experiment had effects that rippled out into the rest of my life, too.
No wonder we resist! It feels so much safer not to try at all.
It won’t happen overnight, but my fifteen minutes a day commitment to my art showed me that baby steps, over time, will take you further than you ever imagined.

4. 10 Tips to Nurture Your Creative Life: Making Time and Space
Still, all that unused creativity made me feel like I had no purpose in life—looking around I saw dried up, brown grass. What I should have been tending to, lay fallow and ignored.
It isn’t selfish to honor your creative self; it’s self-care.
Start small, start with what you have.The grass doesn’t get green from the occasional heavy watering. It gets green from regular tending.

5. How to Reclaim Your Energy So You Can Follow Your Dreams
There’s always somewhere to go and something to do.
The list is endless and exhausting. It’s no wonder we have nothing left in the tank for a better life. It’s all we can do to maintain the life we have.
Worry. Fear. Regret. Anger. They’re all “pin in the balloon” energy busters.
Fortunately, there’s hope. Lots of hope. We just need to learn how to get our energy back.
When talking about yourself (or to yourself), use only positive, energizing, and life-affirming words.

6. Why We Find It Hard to Do Things That Are Good for Us
And out of all those reasons came the realization: the resistance is on my side; sometimes it’s just misguided.
Trusting a process—especially a slow process that might not contain any obvious light-bulb moments and requires time and patience—is difficult.
I can’t think of any major changes that happened day-to-day, but when I look back on a few years ago, the difference is enormous.
When we’ve been doing something for a certain amount of time, we can build up expectations around our “performance.”
We expect those emotions on the “negative” end of the spectrum to disappear.
An important part of my journey is learning to accept that those things might never change, and to have respect for my resistance and the many ways it is trying to protect me.
When we have respect for ourselves, with patience and compassion, we can handle anything—especially resistance.

V. Relationships (Healthy Boundaries, Social)

1. How to Help Others Without Compromising Yourself

2. How to Love More and Hurt Less in Relationships
The place where we should hang out is in the being. Being allows us to show up as our authentic selves. When we show up as humans being, something magical happens.
As humans being, we are constantly growing and discovering new passions and experiences.

3. When Relationships Change: Growing Together, Not Apart
No one wants to feel annoyed, hurt, angry, or sad. But if we feel that way, we must accept. Otherwise we suppress and miss an opportunity for self-growth.

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