Friday, May 5

Amazing Articles

I. Healing (Self-Care)

1. 15 Signs You're Working Too Much and Burning Out
If you begin dreading calls with clients, it’s a sign that something is out of balance.
Look for ways to delegate your to-do’s and make R&R part of your routine.

2. How to Deal With Burnout and Stay Motivated [<3]
Without this preparation, it is very easy to give up and lose hope before we can cross the finish line.
Without a strong physical foundation, you run a very high risk of burning out.
Whatever your belief systems are, it helps to know that you are supported by a Higher Power and to lead a spiritual life.
One of my favorite quotes on this topic is by Brene Brown, where she says, “No matter how much I get done, or is left undone, at the end of the day, I’m enough.”

3. 9 Tips to Recover From an Emotionally Challenging Situation

4. 10 Relaxation Techniques That Zap Stress Fast

It’s important to understand that Ayurveda argues that the behaviors and choices we make during our daily lives is what strengthens or weakens our health, as well as our mood throughout the day. In Sanskrit, this is called one’s Dinacharya – your daily routine.

6. Super Fruits: An Ayurvedic View on Fruits

7. Pitta Dosha

8. Emotional health and the sadhaka pitta

9. Basics of Personal Energy Management

II. Self-Awareness (Growth)

It often times takes something really disappointing, something really drastic to get us out of our comfort zone and onto a real journey through life.
Everyone experiences obstacles in some form or fashion. It’s simply a part of life.
You are more than enough.

It’s time to think more optimistically, focus on learning and growth, and look for opportunity instead of problems.
Start paying attention to your thinking.

3. How Emotionally Self-Aware Are You?
Emotional self-awareness is the ability to recognize and understand your emotions and how they impact your behavior.
This designer’s situation shows that without being able to recognize your feelings, you can’t control them.
It is something that takes attention and practice to develop, and then daily attention to maintain, just like mindfulness.

4. Are You Aware of Your Self-Defeating Habits?
The practice of mindfulness opens up the mental space that allows us to see our self-defeating habits as such rather than having them control what we say and do – and how we say it and do it – again and again and again.
Again, once we have that mental skill in our inner toolkit, then we can start tracking the triggers for those habits, recognize them as they begin, and change course to a better response.

5. Being with Your Imperfections


7. 3 Ways to Curb Approval-Seeking Behavior
Often the place where unconditional love is lacking most significantly, is within us.
What if we let go of our conditions, and just loved and accepted ourselves and others exactly the way we and they are right now?
Here are three things you can do to loosen the grip of approval seeking.
Give yourself that which you are seeking, which in most cases is love and acceptance.
As we do this important internal work, it’s essential that we’re gentle, kind and compassionate with ourselves.

One of the most powerful ways to get to know yourself is through journaling.
Journaling is one way to get quiet,” she said.
Journal writing has no rules, Grason said. Just set a timer and start writing. Don’t stop until your timer rings.

9. Why You Can't Stand To Be Alone -- And How To Learn To Love It
To remedy this, you must retrain the mind by developing habits and hobbies that can consume your attention, inspire your creativity and spark your imagination, Rosenberg says.
Knowing that there are people out there that love you whom you can call will solve your feelings in one of two ways: You’ll actually call them, or you'll just know that you can call them and that will make you feel better.

There is great value in being alone. And handling it well is a beautiful thing.
At the very least, it’s a useful life skill.
You’re a valuable person, and you don’t need the approval of anyone else for that to be true.
In a world that’s often filled with noise, you’ve been given quiet. This is a time to reaffirm the path that your life is on.
Being alone and happy doesn’t mean sequestering yourself from the world. It means being confident enough to know that you can surround yourself with people, but not depend on them for your own happiness.

III. Life

1. 9 Signs You’re Successful—Even If It Doesn’t Feel Like It
Real success is about who you are and how far you’ve come.
You know you’ve made it when you understand that other people’s opinions are just that—opinions.

Even if your family is not perfect, they're probably the ones who are there for you when you need them. Remember to express gratitude for them daily.
You are the only one who knows what’s best for you. Allow yourself to be open to endless possibilities.
They wished they had made self-care more of a priority.
Take some time to get crystal clear on what you are passionate about. You can then begin looking for work that speaks to these passions.

I’ve developed healthy routines and rituals that have fostered my personal and spiritual growth.

You are responsible for your own life – no one else. If you want to be happy and you’re not, you need to do the changing.
Dream about it, write about it, visualise it – and most of all feel it; feel what it would be like to live your life this way.
It was about small steps: reading and researching to work out what I wanted to do, industry investigation, job searching, working out a budget, revamping my CV, applying for jobs (and getting plenty of rejections), going for interviews, thinking about where I wanted to live, taking trips up to check out areas…the list goes on.

IV. Creativity (Dreams)

Turns out journaling is a powerful tool that not only unsticks the blocked Creator but also increases happiness.
Any “artist” — be you painter, screenwriter or photographer — will benefit from getting the “juices flowing.”
But the other benefit of regular journaling, it turns out, is an elevated mood.

2. Personal Projects


V. Relationships (Love)

1. 10 Ways To Make You Closer To Your Family
In a demanding, distracting, and over-stimulating world, our personal and family values help us keep focused on things that are truly important and meaningful to us.
You must be intentional with your schedule and make time for the important things. You need to communicate to your partner and children so they can control their schedule as well.
Your family being close is a decision that you, the leader, has to make.
Be the leader your family needs and deserves!

2. 7 Habits of Highly Happy Marriages
Having little conversations every day, makes it much easier to have big conversations when those moments come.
Think of marriage like a marathon, it’s long, you will get tired, and you need the water of motivation to keep you going. Laughing together and keeping that spark of flirtatious love alive will add a little joy to every day – even the hard ones.

3. How to Bring Your Family Closer Together
With a little ingenuity and persistence, it is possible to have quality family time. Be patient and take it one day at a time. It will be worth it in the end.

VI. Inspiration

1. This Woman Hopes To Become The First Female Double Amputee To Run A Marathon

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