Sunday, June 26

Julie Hanks

Fav 5 Julie Hanks Quotes
1. Value yourself, because when we value something we protect it.
2. How we treat ourselves is always in our control.
3. Invest in Important Relationships.
4. Be who you are and let that be enough.
5. It's none of my business what other people think of me.

1. Self-Worth (valuing yourself, caring for yourself)

a. Self-compassion matters more than self-esteem [<3<3]
b. Stronger self-esteem when you don't look your best [<3]
c. Four ways to appreciate yourself now
d. Accepting your strengths [<3]
e. Make self-care your top priority [<3]
f. Love Your Body Without Losing a Pound [<3]
g. 5 Ways to Develop Resilience [<3]

5. Self-awareness (self-understanding, self-mastery)

a. Worry less about what others think [<3<3]
b. Daily Mindfulness For a Better You [<3]
c. Harnessing the power of procrastination [<3]
d. How to Stop Comparing [<3]
e. Survival Tips for Overwhelmed Women #Burnoutcure

6. Other Topics:

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