Thursday, October 26

Jillz Guerin: MORNING HABITS THAT ARE KILLING YOUR FEMININE ENERGY // feminine morning routine tips


1. Forcing yourself to have the same morning routine every single day.
Intense structure, inflexibility, and lack of flow.
It's important to be flexible with it.

2. Not tapping into your body every morning and checking in with yourself.
What do I need?

3. Not getting ready in the morning.
The feminine energy is just that, an energy.
It's not a look, and it has nothing to do with your physical appearance.
The feminine is an energy, and a feeling.
The feminine loves creativity and beauty. But remember beauty is subjective.
Spend a little bit of time getting ready in the morning. Flex this creative muscle. Make yourself feel beautiful whatever that is to you.
The feminine ebbs and flows.

4. Waking up and immediately scrolling on your phone.

5. Waking up too late, and not making time for yourself.
Some of your morning should be dedicated to you, and only you.
Have at least a few moments of quiet and alone time before you start your day.
Even just five to ten mins can really set you up to being more present throughout your entire day.

6. Not giving your body a little bit of love every morning.
Connecting to your body is a very big part of connecting to your feminine.
Loving and opening your heart to your physical body and giving it the love and care that it deserves is a powerful way to get more in touch with this side of yourself.
Exercise, stretching, yoga, skincare, making yourself and having a good healthy breakfast.
Take care of your body, and show yourself some love.
If you get your energy in the morning into a state of love, connection, and full presence, then this will make a big difference in how you feel mentally and how connected you are to your feminine.

Our mornings are sacred. Make your mornings more about flow, connection to your body and your heart, love, creativity, beauty, nature. This can make a really big difference.

Wednesday, October 25

10 Pieces of Advice You Didn't Know You Needed : Simple Happy Zen

10 Pieces of Advice You Didn't Know You Needed

1. If someone wants something from you, it's usually in their best interest, not necessarily in yours.

2. It is ok if friendships are based on circumstances.

3. It's ok to show how hard you are trying.

4. A wise person should have money in their head, not in their heart.

5. You only have one body.
Take care of it.

6. You can't be happy if you have a negative attitude.

7. If you are feeling bad, and it's night time just go to sleep.

8. Self-compassion is key.
Acknowledge how hard you're trying, and give yourself a hug.
Trying to do life in general.

9. Trusting your gut and your instincts and your intuition is so important.

10. The most important thing is to be able to look at yourself in the mirror.
Honouring your ethics, your beliefs, your values.

Thank you!!!

Thursday, October 5

Mantra: I don't take anything personally

My Mantra for my new life from today onwards is:


Catch yourself when you are taking something personally, and say as many times as you need to:

This is about them, not me.
I refuse to take it personally.
I refuse to take it personally.
I refuse to take it personally.
I refuse to take it personally.
I refuse to take it personally.

Accept what is offered

Do the Tao now by accepting what is offered. 

Know that this situation in some way that your striving ego rejects is actually sustenance from the Great Mother.

- Living without Striving, Tao Te Ching

Tuesday, October 3

Why Self-Care is Important for Loving Others

Treat yourself as someone worth taking care of.

See yourself as someone worth taking care of.

Example: Pipe vs Overflowing Cup.

Thank you <3

Sunday, October 1

Keep Your Dream Alive | The Power of Faith and Imagination | Terri Savelle Foy

Three Keys to Awaken Your Dreams

1. Use your imagination.
Your imagination is a gift from God.

2. Build your Faith.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

3. Speak to your dream.
Keep your dream alive.

Thank you!

Matt Kahn - Whatever Arises, Love That

You are the one that can clear and rewrite your DNA.

Love your heart on a regular basis relentlessly.

When you love your own heart, you’re loving all heart simultaneously.

Creating new patterns within your subconscious mind by making I love you the most popular thing you say to yourself, and you become the most safe person for you to be around.

Manifest prosperity. It’s all an energy game.

I have everything I need, exactly when I need it.

What matters is that you start your own love revolution.

Embrace the power of your own Divine authority.

Thank you!!!