Friday, August 18


Things I do everyday to feel more feminine:

1. Dancing
Feminine is more about flow and movement.
It gets us out of our head and into our bodies.
It can be as simple as dancing for five to ten minutes while you are getting ready in the morning.
This is about connection and letting go.
It puts you in a different headspace, a more relaxed, connected, feminine headspace.

2. Aiming for only positive content.

3. Read before rising.
Taking just a little bit of time to be still with myself, and prioritising a little bit of pleasure has helped me start the day off on the right foot, and in the right mindset.
You could meditate, you could journal.

4. Getting ready every morning.
Getting ready everyday, while honouring the flow of your style.
The feminine energy is always evolving, always changing.
We tend to thrive off of a bit more variation, flexibility, and by following our inspiration, and our desires.
Tuning in to how we feel that day.

5. Taking care of myself.
Taking care of myself and my body in the ways that are most impactful for me.
8 hours sleep.
Listen to your body, and take the time to do the things that make you feel your best.
They're probably going to be different for everyone. Honouring them.
It takes time. Think about it more like an investment into yourself.

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