Monday, October 9

DCR - Traits of Being A Great Developer (Recap) : Developer Tea

Traits of Being A Great Developer

So much of what we do isn't about managing the code itself but it's about managing ourselves, it's about managing the creator of the code and setting us up for success.
These traits are things that you can develop and you can work on.

1. Humility
Humility is the foundation for good software development practice and that's because humility is the foundation of lifelong learning.

2. Grit of a Scientist
As you go throughout your career, it's going to be laden with failures. You're going to experience failure over and over and over.
It's important that you realize that your success is typically correlated most directly with your ability to continue, to keep putting one foot in front of the other. And that is kind of the definition of grit.
Continuing with the grit of a scientist means that failure is always an option to you and you will take that failure and learn from it and refine your ongoing experiment.

3. Expanding Perspective
The ability to have an expanding perspective.
A constantly expanding perspective.
This means getting out of your own head and recognizing the value for example that other people in your team are providing to what you're doing.
This means being able to empathize with the people who are using whatever you're building.
It also means being able to think well in advance of the thing that you're building, you can think towards the future, you can think about what this product or this particular piece of software might need in seven months or seven years from now.

4. Communications Expert
Becoming a communications expert.
Study communication.

5. Growth Mindset
Having a growth mindset.
One of the expressions of a growth mindset is that you are committed to learning.
I encourage you to begin developing a growth mindset.
Don't ever put a label on your own abilities. Always see them as fluid and consistently growing. That's such an important factor of becoming a great developer.

6. Owner mentality responsibility

7. Open Minded Curiosity
The hunger for new input into your brain.
Developing an appetite for new information.
What is happening in this industry?

8. Bravery
Bravery is the ability to do something that you've never done before, without knowing whether you'll succeed or not, and be ready for that failure, if it occurs.

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