Wednesday, October 12

Arianna Huffington's Top 10 Rules For Success : Evan Carmichael

Very Inspiring!!! Thank u Evan!!!

1. Embrace Failure
Failure is not the opposite of success. Its a stepping stone to success.
There is nobody who has not failed along the way.

2. Bring Joy To Your Life
Bringing joy back to our everyday lives.
Hey this great. I'm blessed. I am doing something I love. I'm grateful.
When I don't have that feeling, I know I'm off. I need to course-correct.

3. Do The Right Thing

4. Unplug and Recharge
What is missing is not IQ but wisdom. Tap into your own wisdom.
What I am telling you is to regularly disconnect from technology, to regularly unplug and recharge in order to reconnect with ourselves and our own deepest wisdom.

5. Dare To Live Your Life
My favourite thing is speaking.

6. Practice Death Daily

7. Don't Hold Grudges
The evil of today is enough.
Let the dead bury the dead.
Move on.

8. Prioritize Sleep

9. Nurture Your Creativity

10. Redefine Success

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