Sunday, May 31

Make Connections

We thrive in the company of people we like & respect.

How do we enhance our social connectedness.
1. Find your support system.
Focus on the number of meaningful social connections you have. These may be family members, friends or groups that you belong to.
2. Invest in relationships.
Just as you invest in a gym membership or allocate time for your morning walk, invest in meaningful relationships.
3. Enhance your social skills.
Go ahead and say hello to new people, and strike up a conversation. Talk about your kids, what you're reading or a film you watched. Ask people about their own thoughts or ideas.
4. Embrace change.
It could that you do not speak the language, or are not feeling confident in your new environment--you'll be surprised how many people are willing to help out if you ask.

Remember that 80% of our waking hours are spent with others. So go ahead & harness the power of social connections in everyday life.
(Men & women bond differently, so even if you socialise as a couple, try and have your own circle of girlfriends.)
- read in 'Prevention'

Ripe Mango Pop Recipe

1. Blend 100gm chopped mango with 15 ice cubes until it is smooth.
2. Place in pop moulds and freeze for 2 hours.
It's an instant pick-me-up for lazy afternoons.
- read in 'Prevention'

Comedy Videos - Laugh

Mother's messages to her daughters (read in 'Prevention')

Do ask yourself if, unwittingly, you are sending out conflicting messages to your daughter. Remember, even the subtlest cues can shape the way your daughter feels about herself, and the world.

Four clear and important messages to convey to them:
1. You are accepted, unconditionally. "I accept you and love you as you are."
2. Dare to be different. (it is your choice and should not be dictated by societal expectations.)
3. You are worthy. "You are worthy as you are now."
4. Speak up and stand tall. (Empowerment is something you may have fight for. Chin up, stand tall and speak out.)

Saturday, May 30

Weekend of 30th, 31st May

On 30th Sat,
- Went to parlour for waxing.
- Went to the doctor sec-41.
- Cleaned & arranged the kitchen almira.
- Arranged the dining almira. Felt good.
- Our new neighbours moved in yesterday.

Saturday, May 23

Setting my Goals!

Planning my day & week!

Read two excellent & inspiring articles on planning your day & week.



Weekend of 23rd, 24th May

On 23rd Sat,
- Our new neighbours came in the afternoon. They needed an inch-tape. Then sat for sometime. They will shift on 29th.
- Read articles on Pinterest & web.

On 24th Sun,
- Went to parlour for threading.
- Went to Ghaziabad to Sadhna Bua's place.

Yummy Breakfast

Hubby n I had Masala dosa n chatney for breakfast yesterday.
Our helper made Dosas n I made chatney.

p.s. : if this isn't nice, i don't know what is.

Tuesday, May 19

Little Tricks to Deal With People Who Offend You

Inspiring Article:
3 Little Tricks to Deal With People Who Offend You

Some things people have said elsewhere:
- Having love and compassion for yourself makes it easier not to take things so personally.
- I have to admit that when I am tired or feeling out of sorts I am more likely to be offended.
- Self esteem can play a big part in how you handle someones remarks. When our self worth is low we get too sensitive about things.
- There are ways of actually changing what we feel about events or sets of circumstances. It’s not repressing your feelings if by changing how you think about things, you no longer feel that way.
- What people do or say is mostly not about us. It’s about them.

Monday, May 18

Weekend of 16th, 17th May

On 16th Sat,
- Did Laundry.
- Washed toilet floor.
- Called MIL. Spoke to her.
- Watched IPL match partially.
- Folded clothes & kept inside.
- Cut, file n painted nails.

On 17th Sun,
- Did dusting & changed bedsheet.
- Went to Varsha Bua's place. Sonia had a baby boy 'Ramit' on 3rd. God bless him!

Weekend of 9th & 10th May

On 9th Sat,
- Wiped centre table.
- Did Laundry.
- Called Sonia. Congratulated her.

On 10th Sun,
- Called MIL. Spoke to her.
- Folded clothes & kept inside.
- Went to Vinod Bhaiya's place. Meena Bhabhi's mother passed away recently. She had cancer. May God bless her soul.

Friday, May 15

Yoga time

Did Yoga (very basic) on my own. It felt nice.

p.s.: "if this isn't nice, i don't know what is."

Mango time

Ate a mango :)

p.s. "if this isn't nice, i don't know what is"


Our next door neighbours have shifted to Delhi. They were nice.
Said good-bye to them...

Monday, May 11

Hair n Scalp

I am experiencing hair-fall n itchy scalp.... Need to visit a dermatologist.  


Our house-cleaning help, Suneeta auntie has left work this month. 
We have spoken to a new help today. Hopefully she will join from tomorrow.

Thursday, May 7

Summer: Cantaloupe

Ate Kharbooja today...


Dahi jam gaya hai. Just kept it in the fridge. Will eat the first home-made dahi of this year's summer...

Also, had the first ice-cream of this year's summer. Thank u hubby.

Saturday, May 2

Weekend of 2nd, 3rd May

On 2nd Sat,
- Dusting of book shelf in living room.
- Laundry
- Called yashu-swati to wish them.

On 3rd Sun,
- In pain.
- Slept in the day.
- Folded & arranged clothes.
- Called Varsha Bua n congratulated her.
- Installed TripAdvisor App on my phone.
- Watched match partially RR vs DD