Friday, October 31

Birthday Woman (year: 2014)

It was my birthday on 5th.
I was in Gangtok.
A wonderful year came to an end.
Last year I was in Haridwar at the time of my birthday.
Thank you God for the wonderful journey, for all the wonderful experiences.
I have evolved as a human being, as a home-manager, as a relative, as a programmer(engineer).
I have let in more love, respect n laughter.
I have understood myself more and taken better care of myself.
In the meantime, I :
completed 1 year of marriage.
started learning android application development. (100 tiny tutorials)
went to jbp in nov n may.
went to har in nov n march.
went to sikkim for family vacation.
wrote thought for the day.
found some time to pursue dancing. (jun to sep approx.)
cooked kheer, paneer, curd sandwich, pasta, pavbhaji, pulao.
played cards.

p.s.: Husband gifted me a bag(tan color) and a card <3
Yesterday was my Father's Birthday. God bless him n family.
Papa, Ma, Bhupendra bhaiya, Anshu bhabhi were here till 12th October. She underwent 2 operations. Hope she heals fast. God bless her.
Papa, Buaji, Phuphaji, Shanu, Meenu were here for 2-3 days.... They came on 16th October...

Saturday, October 25

read on the web

Don't be so hard on yourself for not having it together all the time, for not knowing all the answers.
You don't always have to be sure of who you are, otherwise there' be nothing left to discover.
You don't have to know where you're headed or have a clear vision of the bigger picture.
Sometimes taking one tiny step at a time is more than enough.
Sometimes slowing down just to feel the wind blow against you is the beauty of life right there.
Wander, be unsure when it is natural to be. Let yourself breathe.
We're all rushing for no reason anyway.
--S.C Lourie

Saturday, October 18