Friday, November 19

Ten divination tools that are speaking to me most as of now

Ten tools of my spiritual practice,  & what I love about them:
(Every deck has a unique voice.)

Five Tarot decks

-- The Light Seer's Tarot (78 cards, r)
   - The artwork speaks to me. It is very beautiful, and colourful.
   - The writing is great. It speaks to me. I really like the affirmations.
   - The cardstock is good, and light-weight, and the deck is easy to shuffle. It allows both uprights and reversals. There is a little bit of an illuminating, and healing angle in this deck.
  Spread: Light worker Illumination Spread : grounding, shadow seer, illumination.
  I am very grateful for this deck.

-- The Psychic Tarot for the Heart (65 cards)

-- Chakra Wisdom Tarot (78 cards, r)

-- The Wild Unknown Tarot (78 cards)

-- Animal Tarot Cards (78 cards)

Five Oracle decks

-- The Enchanted Map Oracle (54 cards, r)
    - It has both light and shadow messages. For each card, there is an archetypal meaning, an upright msg, and a reverse msg.
    - I love the backs of the cards, the compass with heart and light. In fact, it acts like a compass, often answering the questions, where am I right now, internally? & what’s the guidance for me?
    - The intention behind the deck, & the writing. The writing speaks to me, it's just the right amount, n well-explained. I also like that the cards are numbered.
    I am very grateful for this deck.

-- Animal Whispers Empowerment Cards (45 cards)
    - I love the beautiful artwork. These are pictures of real animals in their natural habitat.
    - The writing is very insightful & unique. A part of it are the messages channeled by the author, as she spent some time with the animals.
    - I love the back of the cards, the face of a lion. The guidebook is beautiful, & the spreads insightful.
    I am very grateful for this deck.

-- Soul Coaching Oracle (52 cards)
    - The yellow colour, the sun imagery, n the font colour :)
    - The artwork really speaks to me, its raw, untainted, n it just clicks. I esp. like the Faith, Abundance, Joy, Playfulness, and Leadership cards.
    - The guidebook messages, the writing really speaks to me. I like the affirmations too.
    I am very grateful for this deck.

-- The Power of Surrender Oracle (52 cards)

-- The Blind Spot Oracle (78 cards)

One Lenormand deck

-- Old Style Lenormand (38 cards)

Thank you!!!

(Nov 2023)

-- Angels and Ancestors (55 cards)
   - I absolutely love the design & artwork of the cards, the full-blown images, the golden brush stroke, the title, the msg. I also love the image on the backs of the cards.
   - The writing speaks to me. The messages are very well-explained.
   - I love the 4 suits: sacred ones (30), guardians (12), symbols (9), & seasons (4). I esp. love the 4 seasons cards, the 4 element guardian cards, the winter card, & the fox spirit card.
   Spread: 3-card spread : strength, heart, challenge/healing.
   I am very grateful for this deck.

-- Rumi Oracle Cards (44 cards)
   - The writing speaks to me. The messages are so sweet, so well-explained, they are full of wisdom & feel like nectar (ras) to my heart n mind.
  - I love that the artwork is hand-painted. I also like that the cards are numbered.
  - I love the backs of the cards purple n pink with golden design on it.
  I am very grateful for this deck.

-- Energy Oracle Cards (53 cards, r)
    - It has both light and shadow messages. For each card, there are keywords, an upright msg, a reverse msg, and an affirmation :)
    - The writing speaks to me. The messages are well-explained. I love that there are the seven chakra cards. I esp. love the cornucopia, the temple path, the sun, & the goddess of the moon cards.
    - I love that the cards have golden borders . I love that the cards are numbered. I love the cardstock. 
    I am very grateful for this deck.

-- Work your Light (44 cards)
    - I love the backs of the cards, the roses n triangles. I love the colour palette, light pink n light blue. I love the velvety texture of the cards.
    - The writing speaks to me. The msgs are very well-explained.
    - I love the 5 suits: confirmation, inquiry, action, activation, & transmission. I esp. love the confirmation cards, they're really unique.
   Spread: Holy Trinity (3-card spread) : head, body, heart.
   I am very grateful for this deck.

-- Earth Magic (48 cards)
   - I love the backs of the cards, the image of a tree, a sunrise, and a pond. The image itself has a very grounding effect.
   - I love the beautiful and simple design of the cards, an image, the name of the earth element, the name of the card. The artwork speaks to me. I esp. love the 4 seasons cards, and the wolf card.
  - The messages are well-explained.
  Spread: The Cross (5-card spread) : issue, subconscious, external, requirement, resolution.
  I am very grateful for this deck.

-- Whispers of Lord Ganesha (50 cards)
    - I love the beautiful, n simple design of the cards, an image, a number, and the name of the card.
    - I love the beautiful & colourful artwork. I love that the cards are numbered. The cardstock is good.
    - I love the writing. The messages are well-explained. I love that there are seven chakra cards too in this deck.
    I am very grateful for this deck.

-- Mystical Shaman (64 cards, r)
    - The guidebook has both upright and reverse messages, called invitation, and medicine, along with the essence of the card.
    - It is quite symbolic, full of wisdom, & at times quite thought-provoking. It gets to the root of a situation, and helps me gain deep insight and clarity. When I see it, I can solve or heal it. 
   - I really like the matte texture of the cards, the colour palette, as well as the fact that they are numbered. I esp. like the 4 elements cards in this deck.
   Spread: Medicine Wheel spread.
   I am very grateful for this deck.

I resonate with all my decks, but these are the ones that I resonate with the most, as of now. These decks work perfectly on their own, as well as with other decks. They are easy to read intuitively, as well as through guidebook.

6 special mention n completely unique tools of my spiritual practice, & what I love about them:
(Every deck has a unique voice.)

-- Keepers of the Light (45 cards)
   - I love the artwork, it's so beautiful & colourful. I love the names of the cards, they are quite self-explanatory.
   - I love the guidebook messages. They are unique, n well-explained.
   - I love the backs of the cards, esp. the image of the mandorla with Universe in it.
   I am very grateful for this deck.

-- Whispers of Love (50 cards)
      - The artwork is just so beautiful, and so unique. The colours are soothing.
    - The messages are well-explained. The writing speaks to me.
    - The deck has a soft, loving energy. Every card has a number, an image, a title, and a message. The cardstock is good, & the cards shuffle well.
    I am so grateful for this deck.

-- Moonology (44 cards)
     - The artwork is beautiful. The cards have a matte texture, and they shuffle well.
   - I love the 4 suits: Moon Phase cards, New Moon cards, Full Moon cards, & Special Moon cards. According to the author, these cards help you tap into the Moon's ancient feminine wisdom.
   - The deck is good for divination. The messages are very on-point. I like to use it for monthly readings (new moon and full moon), and more.
   I am very grateful for this deck.

-- A Yogic Path (54 cards, r)
     - I love the 5 suits: Vedic Spirituality, Ayurveda, Chakras, Yoga, & Deities.
   - The messages are well-explained. It is a deeply spiritual deck, yet easy to understand. For every card, the guidebook has the full colour picture, the name, the keywords, the upright msg, & the reverse msg.
   - The artwork is so very beautiful. The guidebook is fully coloured, & very beautiful, so is the box, & the backs of the cards. The energy of the deck is very pure.
   I am very grateful for this deck.

-- The Akashic Tarot (62 cards, r)

(As of: 1.2.22)

Tuesday, October 12

Some spreads I like

 Some spreads I like:

1. The hidden treasures in the medicine wheel (four card reading).

2. Balancing your masculine and feminine (two card reading).

3. The past-life lessons spread (seven card reading).

4. The life path spread (seven card reading).

5. Star origins (five card reading).

Sunday, August 29

Spiritual & Divination Tools

68 Divination Tools and their unique purpose:
(Every deck has a unique voice.)

I. Soul/Light/Ascension -themed decks

1. Chakra Wisdom Tarot (r)
allows each of the 78 tarot cards to be interpreted through one of the seven chakras; each card offers a window into both systems; this deck tells you where you are on your internal journey, as well as revealing secrets of divination to guide you toward your chosen outcome. (the chakra always offers us a window of understanding into our current situation.)

2. Soul Coaching Oracle Cards (s)
provide a direct connection to the Soul; help u touch the sacred place within; can help u receive profound spiritual guidance from ur higher self; to clearly hear whatever our Soul wants us to know.

3. The Power of Surrender Cards (e)

4. Oracle of the 7 Energies

5. Work your Light Oracle
to help u live a life in alignment with who u truly are; to access and increase ur psychic senses.
to help u increase ur connection to ur intuition, clearly hear the whispers of ur soul, align ur life to who u r at soul level, and tap into the field of consciousness where all wisdom resides.

6. The Starseed Oracle
to help u to unlock ur soul gifts, connect with ur cosmic origins, and remember who u truly are.
to support u in remembering who u r from a soul perspective, in clearly hearing the whispers of ur soul, and turning these whispers into grounded action.

7. The Native Heart Healing Oracle

8. A Yogic Path Oracle Cards (r)

9. Sacred Light Oracle

10. The Priestess of Light Oracle Cards

11. Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle Cards

12. Star seeds cards

II. Light-beings -themed decks (Goddesses/Gods, Ascended Masters, Angels, Dragons, Unicorns)

1. Angel Tarot Cards

2. Rumi Oracle Cards
being spiritually supported to take a healing and deeply transformational journey though the love of Rumi.

3. Whispers of Lord Ganesha Oracle
Ganeshji is the remover of obstacles in one's path, the sponsor of success in all ventures. He supports and guides all of the chakras.
to help u connect with the beautiful energy of Ganeshji; to help u develop a more loving and positive outlook on ur life, clear obstacles on ur path, and bestow infinite blessings.

4. Isis Oracle Cards
spiritual growth; to help to navigate thru the experiences and challenges in ur daily life; as u journey with the Her from darkness and uncertainty into light, love, and power.

5. The Angel Guide Oracle

6. Keepers of the Light Oracle

7. Crystal Mandala Oracle (s)
to assist you in living into the fullness of ur divine destiny, to shine your heart light in the world, and live your truths with freedom and grace; to help u heal; to support ur spiritual growth; to empower u to embody your spirit and express ur soul purpose in the world.

8. Angel Prayers Oracle (e)
allows you to tap into the wisdom and support of the Angels around you; spiritual support system, a conscious connection between you and the Angels.

9. Dragon Oracle Cards

10. Goddess Love Oracle (e)
in those times when u feel disconnected, alone, or unloved, let Her guide you back into the flow of Her unconditional love. If u r suffering grief, loss, or loneliness, She will hear u. Perhaps u r in need of inspiration or ur life just isn't feeling right, let Her speak to you thru the cards. You are Her dear one, and She will help u.

11. Unicorn cards

12. Goddess Power Oracle (r)
divination; bridge between seen and unseen worlds; it will guide u to ur deepest truth; freedom from ur old conditioning; heightened state of awareness; co-creation.

13. Guardian Angel Messages Tarot Cards

III. Spirit/Universe/Hidden Worlds -themed decks

1. Moonology Oracle Cards

2. Black Moon Astrology Cards

3. The Akashic Tarot (r)

4. The Spirit Messages Oracle
to assist u in gaining support, comfort, and divine guidance from Spirit; to enable you to develop a higher awareness of the Universe and remind you that you are never truly alone; it will bring insight and clarity around some of the major turning points in ur life, and will also provide reassurance that you're indeed making the right decisions.

5. Oracle of the Hidden Worlds

6. Wisdom of the Hidden Realms Oracle Cards (r)
to help u connect to the flow of Divine synchronicity; they'll reflect the issues relating to ur life that u may or may not be fully conscious of; will guide u to make choices that r in line with ur highest good; to act as ur helpers, bridging the worlds of the unseen and the material.

7. Sacred Traveler Oracle

IV. Shamanic/Nature/Earth -themed decks

1. The Crystal Spirits Oracle
you can more easily return to a state of balance and well-being as u resonate with the healing, stabilizing energies they possess; to bring u into harmony during challenging times and to support ur dreams taking form as ur personal journey evolves; 
will guide u to stay in alignment with ur highest good and remind u that u r not alone, that u r creating ur world with a powerful partner; to help keep u aware and awake when you're likely to fall into spiritual narcolepsy, forgetting ur connection to divine wisdom and the source of all love and healing.

2. Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

3. Sacred Destiny Oracle (s)
can point you in the direction of ur destiny; calls upon the energy of nature and majesty of the natural world to provide answers; you'll find solace, healing, and wisdom emerging within you.

4. Mystical Shaman Oracle (r)
to help you understand the present, heal the past, and influence the course of your future; divination.

5. Shamanic Medicine Oracle Cards

6. Earth Magic Oracle Cards
contains messages sourced from various Earth elements; they will bring forth that inner knowing into your awareness, often experienced as a felt resonance with the cards' messages; the insights can help u alter ur thoughts and beliefs so u can make choices that are more congruent and consistent with ur soul's purpose.

7. Gaia Oracle Cards

8. Oracle of the Fairies

V. Animal-themed decks

1. Animal Whispers Empowerment Cards (s)
to empower, heal, and inspire; divination; give access to profound wisdom that pinpoints current life situations and fosters renewed self-belief and release of self-doubt; balance and align urself physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

2. Animal Tarot Cards

3. Messages from your Animal Spirit Guides
to help u clearly communicate with animal spirit guides in order to decipher questions u have about life, and access intuitive guidance to assist u along ur journey; the insights can help u alter ur thoughts and beliefs so u can make choices that are more congruent and consistent with ur soul's purpose.

4. Archangel Animal oracle cards (e)
helps u to attune with the amazing animals; offers u guidance about your daily life, your soul mission, your ascension path and how you can serve the planet.

5. Power Animal Oracle Cards

6. The Heart Path Oracle Cards
as u work with it, u step through an opening uniting you with your higher consciousness; will guide u with profound insights that will help u along ur path; will intuitively guide u to what is most right for u at the moment.

7. Bird Messages oracle cards

8. The Tarot of Curious Creatures Cards

VI. Healing-themed decks

1. The Light Seer's Tarot (r)
a healing tool and guide to explore both the light and shadow sides of our nature; to uncover the places in ur life -and in urself- that are most in need of illumination.

2. The Healing Mantra
to realign your mind, body, heart, n soul; you will strengthen your connection to the Universe, and a remembrance of your innate wholeness and perfection.

3. The Secret Language of Color Cards

4. The Self-Love Oracle

VII. Misc/One of a kind decks

1. Energy Oracle Cards (r)

2. The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards (r)
to empower u to find answers to these questions, and more: where am I right now, internally? & what’s the guidance for me?; 
to empower you to make conscious, creative choices and know the next right action; to help u see the patterns that repeat throughout ur life, and provide guidance on how to shift any that are self-sabotaging; you can never be lost with Spirit as ur constant companion, showing u True North.

3. Whispers of Love Oracle Cards

4. Divine Abundance Oracle Cards

5. The Psychic Tarot for the Heart Cards

6. The Wild Unknown Archetypes Cards

7. Spellcasting Oracle Cards

8. The Universe Has Your Back Cards

9. Gateway Oracle Cards

10. The Four Agreements Cards

11. Making Magick Oracle

12. The Blind Spot Oracle Cards

13. Everyday Tarot Cards

14. The Psychic Tarot Cards

15. Wisdom of the Oracle Cards

16. Numerology Guidance Cards

Tarot Decks:

1. The Light Seer's Tarot Cards

2. Guardian Angel Messages Tarot Cards

3. Chakra Wisdom Tarot Cards

4. The Tarot of Curious Creatures Cards

5. Everyday Tarot Cards

6. Angel Tarot Cards

7. Animal Tarot Cards

8. The Psychic Tarot Cards

9. The Psychic Tarot for the Heart Cards

10. The Akashic Tarot

Thank you God!!!

(updated: 20.7.22)

Sunday, August 8


It's not your talent or the gift at birth
Its not your bankbook that determines your worth 
Its not the colour or texture of your skin 
Its ur attitude that let's you win

Saturday, July 17

Descendants of the Sun


Descendants of the Sun (Mo-yeon & Shi-jin):

I'll find my way back to you : Mo-yeon & Shi-jin

One step closer
Closer to the light
No matter where we're going
I'll be by your side
And everything we used to know
Crashed into the great unknown
One step closer
We're gonna be alright
'Cause even underneath the waves
I'll be holding on to you
And even if you slip away
I'll be there to fall into the dark
To chase your heart
No distance could ever tear us apart
There's nothing that I wouldn't do
I'll find my way back to you
On my way now
Don't give up on me
And no one knows what
What tomorrow brings
These weary eyes will never rest
Until they look in yours again
I'm on my way now
I still believe
'Cause even underneath the waves
I'll be holding on to you
And even if you slip away
I'll be there to fall into the dark
To chase your heart
No distance could ever tear us apart
There's nothing that I wouldn't do
I'll find my way back to you
I'll find my way back to you
I'll find my way back
Into the dark to chase your heart
No distance could ever tear us apart
There's nothing that I wouldn't do
I'll find my way back to you
There's nothing that I wouldn't do
I'll find my way back to you
I'll find my way back to you
I'll find my way back

Friday, July 9

Wolf Animal Spirit Guide

Wolf Spirit Animal:

The wolf is a wild animal, and is associated with the night, and the full moon.

Pay attention to what your intuition is telling you.

A deep connection with your intuition, and instincts.

Trust is earned. Do not give it out too freely.

Saturday, June 26

Some more of my fav decks

- The Mystical Shaman

The messages of this deck are quite deep, full of wisdom, and at times thought-provoking. Each card has the essence, the invitation (upright), and the medicine (reverse). The back of the cards has a background in shades of brown, with an image of a medicine wheel in the centre. Every card has a beautiful image, a number, and a name. The cards are matte and shuffle well. I really like the four elements cards in this deck. There are three spreads mentioned in the guidebook, the one-card reading, the three-card reading, and the four-card reading: the hidden treasures in the medicine wheel.

- Sacred Destiny

The messages of this deck are full of guidance and encouragement. The back of the cards has a beautiful picture of an ocean and a sunrise. Every card has a beautiful image and a name. I really like the simplicity of these cards. The artwork is very beautiful, colourful, and nature-themed. The cards are matte and shuffle well. There are six spreads mentioned in the guidebook one-card reading, three-card reading, five-card spread, tree of life spread, four direction spread, and the sacred circle one-year spread. Also, I really like the name of this deck.

- Animal Whispers Empowerment Cards

The messages of this deck are so appropriate to the situation, very relatable, and full of guidance. The guidebook is in colour. The back of the cards has a black background, with a blue n purple picture of a lion, and twinkling lights. Each card has a beautiful picture, name, and message. The animals are mostly shown in their natural habitat. The cards are colourful, and glossy. The guidebook has four spreads, mirror spread, balancing your masculine and feminine, relationship cards, and the chakra spread. This deck is a dream come true.

- Crystal Mandala Oracle

The messages of this deck are full of wisdom, guidance, advice, and support. The deck consists of three suits, crystal angels 444, crystal masters 333, and crystal goddesses 888. The back of the cards has white n purple background, with a crystal mandala in the centre. Each card has a beautiful image of a mandala n crystal, a number, a name, along with the name of the angel/ascended master/goddess, n the name of the crystal. The cards are matte, and shuffle well. According to the author, you can use it as one whole deck or you can sort the deck and work with separate suits. The guidebook has three spreads, one card reading, deeper insight reading, and past-present-future reading.

- The Priestess of Light

The energy of this deck is amazing. The guidebook messages are quite descriptive. Every card has a 2 page message, including an affirmation. The back of the cards depict a forest with a really big full moon behind the trees. Each card has a beautiful image, a number, a name, and one or more keywords. The artwork is beautiful. Many cards depict an animal along side the priestess. I really like that. The cards are matte, the texture is amazing, and they are easy to shuffle. The tone of the guidebook is quite empowering n encouraging. There are six spreads mentioned in the guidebook, the one-card pull, the three-card spread, the seven-card cross, the nine-card spread, the energy circle, and the road.

- The Power of Surrender

The messages of this deck are very helpful. The back of the cards has an image of a beautiful sunrise at sea. Each card has a name, an image, and a message. The cards are glossy, and shuffle well. The deck may seem simple but its very effective, full of guidance, and just amazing.

- Moonology

The messages of this deck are very on-point. Every card has 2 pages to it in the guidebook, including an overall interpretation, additional meanings, attune to the moon, and teaching. The deck is divided into 4 parts, moon phase cards, new moon cards, full moon cards, and special moon cards.  The back of the cards has a black background, with an image of eight moons in a circle each depicting a different phase during the 28-day cycle. Every card has an image, a name, and a message. The artwork is beautiful. The cards are matte, and shuffle easily. As written by the author, these cards help you tap into the Moon's ancient feminine wisdom. There are six spreads mentioned in the guidebook, Celtic cross spread, three-card spread, new moon three-card spread, full moon three-card spread, waxing moon four-card spread, and waning moon four-card spread.


They add a lot of value to my life.
I feel deep resonance with them.
Thank you.


Wednesday, June 9


 Number Archetype Planet Element 

1 Leader Sun Fire 

2 Peacemaker Moon Water 

3 Show Stopper Jupiter Fire 

4 Builder Uranus Air (stable, proper foundation)

5 Adventurer Mercury Air 

6 Creator of love n beauty Venus Earth

7 Seeker Neptune Water

8 Achiever Saturn Earth (hard-working, goal-oriented)

9 Humanitarian Mars Fire

11 Highly developed intuition

22 The master builder

33 The master teacher

Wednesday, June 2


Forgiveness is not a way of justifying cruel behaviour. It is a way of refusing to store someone else's unhappiness in your cellular body as memories of mistreatment. Each time you forgive, the imprint someone's unconscious acts leaves in your body is cleared out and returned to their energy field as blessings of evolution. From this standpoint, the act of forgiving helps not only to free others from the unhappiness causing them to withdraw, shut down, or lash out but also to free you from walking this earth as anyone's victim. From this depth of understanding, forgiveness is not passive submission but an active form of liberation in action.

- The Universe always has a plan, pg. 33

Saturday, May 29

Zodiac signs

 S.No. Name Symbol Planet Element Quality

1. Aries Ram Mars Fire Cardinal

2. Taurus Bull Venus Earth Fixed

3. Gemini Twins Mercury Air Mutable

4. Cancer Crab Moon Water Cardinal

5. Leo Lion Sun Fire Fixed

6. Virgo Maiden Mercury Earth Mutable

7. Libra Scales Venus Air Cardinal

8. Scorpio Scorpion Pluto Water Fixed

9. Sagittarius Archer Jupiter Fire Mutable

10. Capricorn Sea-Goat Saturn Earth Cardinal

11. Aquarius Water-Bearer Uranus Air Fixed

12. Pisces Fish Neptune Water Mutable

Thursday, May 27

My Top 5 Fav Decks

 1. Work Your Light

The messages of this deck are deep, the guidebook is very well written. I like the back of the cards, soothing pink and blue, and the imagery of pink roses. They have a soft velvety feel to them, and shuffle easily. Every card has an image, the name of the card, and a message. There are five spreads mentioned in the guidebook, instant guidance, soul callings, holy trinity, decision maker, and cosmic cross.

2. Keepers of the Light

This deck has a very protective feel to it. The messages are full of guidance, and there is also a brief description about each keeper of the light. The back of the cards has a beautiful mustard yellow background, with a blue mandorla in the centre with stars, sri yantra, and vesica piscis with angel wings on it. The cards are glossy. Every card has an image, the name of the keeper of the light, the name of the card, and a message. The artwork is beautiful, n colourful. The deck is gentle, and has a very positive energy. There are two spreads mentioned in the guidebook, the two card spread, and the life path spread.

3. Oracle of the Hidden Worlds

The messages of this deck are deep, and the artwork is just absolutely beautiful. It just feels so full of light. The tone of the guidebook is very kind and caring. The artwork, and the messages complement each other very well. The back of the cards is purple. Each card has an image, a number, the name of the card, and three keywords. There are six spreads mentioned in the guidebook, one card a day, three worlds spread, the gateway, beyond the veil, the temple spread, and the Celtic cross.

4. Angels and Ancestors

The thing I like most about this deck is the wide variety of messages. It is divided into four parts, sacred ones, guardians, warrior symbols, and seasons. I really like the season cards. The messages are full of guidance, and there is also a description about each being or symbol. It has an earthy colour palette, and has a very beautiful minimalistic design. It has a grounding effect. The back of the cards have a deep green background, with a light brown drum, and owl in the centre. Each card has a beautiful image, the name of the card, and a short message. They are matte, and shuffle easily. There are three spreads mentioned in the guidebook, the two card spread, the Celtic compass spread, and the past-life lessons spread.

5. The Crystal Spirits Oracle

The messages in the guidebook are comprehensive. Every message is further divided into a few keywords, a general message, a relationship message, and a prosperity message. The card stock is amazing, it is matte and the deck shuffles very well. I really like the back of the cards, beautiful n soothing blue. Every card has a beautiful image, the name of the crystal, and a number. The artwork is beautiful and colourful. The cards have a very sacred feel to them. There are three spreads mentioned in the guidebook, one-card reading, two-card reading, and three-card reading.


I begin my readings with one or more of the above oracle decks. 
Although I mostly use oracle decks in my readings, there are some situations where using a tarot deck is more helpful. The tarot deck I use is the Animal Tarot Cards.

- Animal Tarot Cards

This deck is colourful, gorgeous, and nature-based. The messages are pretty detailed. Every message is further divided into keywords, the message, and a description about the animal. The deck is divided into major arcana and minor arcana. The minor arcana is further divided into four suits. The back of the cards has a purple background, with the image of the queen of wands (white persian cat). The cards are somewhat glossy, and shuffle easily. Each card has an image, the name of the card, the name of the animal, and a message. The artwork is just beautiful. The cards have a gentle feel to them. There are two spreads mentioned in the guidebook, the three-card message, and the Celtic cross card spread. 


They add a lot of value to my life.
I feel deep resonance with them.
Thank you.


Wednesday, April 7


Be true to your own values, because life's greatest heartbreak is self-betrayal.