Thursday, February 6

Quick Hairstyles For Big/Broad Forehead | Tips & Tricks To Make Big Forehead Look Smaller

SELF LOVE HABITS » 20 Real ways to practice self love // Part 2 : Simple Happy Zen

20 Real ways to practice self love // Part 2

11. Be mindful of your mental consumption.

12. Self massage (rubbing your own feet).

13. Dealing with negative self-talk.

14. Make plenty of time for things that give you energy.

15. Name one thing a day that you like about yourself.

16. Celebrate your flaws.

17. Honour your body.

18. Keep a DONE list instead of a TO-DO list.

19. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good.

20. Practice laughing at yourself.

Wednesday, February 5

The 5 LESSONS You MUST LEARN Before It's TOO LATE | #BelieveLife : Evan Carmichael


1. Have a strict sleeping schedule.

2. Redefine how you think about passion.

3. Stop being a perfectionist.

4. Change your standards.

5. Chart your own course.

ps: Conquer your fears.

Sunday, February 2

The Lost Practice of Rest : Joshua Becker

The Lost Practice of Rest

How do we begin to practice rest?

1. We need to find contentment in our life.

2. We plan for rest, we make it a part of our weekly routine.

3. We take responsibility for our own lives.

We realize that we are ultimately incharge of our schedule and our calendar.

4. Embrace simplicity in life.

5. We include family in our rest.

6. We change how we think of rest.

Resting prepares us to be more productive going forward.
We take time to rest each week.

Thank you!