Tuesday, September 24

Feeling Stuck in Life? How to Never Get Stuck Again

Feeling Stuck in Life? How to Never Get Stuck Again (Dr. Kerry Petsinger)

Two Questions to Ask Yourself Every Day
These questions can help you stay focused on what matters most to you, help you avoid feeling stuck and frustrated, and create the best life possible.

1. Why am I going to do what I’m going to do today?

If you’re showing up to work each day and giving your years to your job, it’s important that your “why” is deeper than “to pay the bills.” Knowing why you’re doing what you’re doing can help you make choices that inspire and motivate you.

By asking yourself why you’re going to do what you’re going to do today, you will be living intentionally. In today’s incredibly busy, easily distracted world, living intentionally and focusing every day on what matters most is unique.

When you choose to ask yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing every day, it will help you stay focused on what’s truly important to you. This can prevent you from getting stuck.

2. What would future want me to do today?

Imagine yourself, in the future, as the best version of you. What would that version of you want you to do today? Making decisions from the viewpoint of the future you can help you move forward and prevent the stuck and frustrated feeling.

When you make decisions from the viewpoint of future you, you will develop perseverance and reap the benefits of delayed gratification. Today’s society is very focused on instant gratification, but a lot of great things in life take time and effort. Learning to take small steps forward by making decisions from the future you’s standpoint can help you progress toward your biggest goals and dreams.

How to Stay Positive & Motivated : Terri

How to Stay Positive & Motivated

1. Have a routine that's non-negotiable.

1. Journaling (n meditating)
2. Bathing
3. Having Breakfast
4. Exercising
5. Sleeping

2. Keep the right company.

Successful people are very careful and very intentional about their inner circle.

3. Guard your input.

Helen Keller
Shania Twain

4. Get convinced that it's no surprise to God.

5. Let go of control.

God has a way of turning things around for your benefit.

Wednesday, September 18

Building self-confidence : Pick Up Limes

Building self-confidence

There are certain areas in your life that you feel a little bit more confident in, and other areas maybe not so much.

Confidence is when we have belief in our abilities to accomplish whatever it is we are setting out to do.

How do we learn to have more of it?

1. Quote: "The no. 1 way to build confidence is to build competence."
(meaning getting really good at something.)
Put in the time.
(Be persistent.)
We wanna make sure that the initial goals we set for ourselves aren't too complicated.
Can you break down your goal into smaller more achievable steps?
(Start small.)

2. The other way that we can also build confidence is to celebrate achievements.
We can also reflect on our accomplishments.
Quote: "We overestimate what we can do in a day, and we underestimate what we can do in a lifetime."
When we are feeling bogged down, because you just feel you didn't get enough things done in the day, then when you look at this list, it's a reminder of the things that you have accomplished. It's something that we've created over the last few weeks and months that shows us that we are capable of achieving many incredible things so long as we keep working on it and putting in the time.

The other way that we can celebrate our achievements is to just learn to smile and say 'thank you', when someone gives you a compliment.

Tuesday, September 17

How to Overcome Fear & Lack of Confidence : Terri

How to Overcome Fear & Lack of Confidence


1. Practice self-discipline behind the scenes.
You have to believe in you to be successful. If you don't keep your word with yourself, you don't trust yourself, you don't believe in your potential.
Make a list of a few things you're gonna do every single day, and follow through.

2. Speak what you desire (not what you feel) about yourself.
Believe in yourself a little more.
Personal pep talk.

3. Carry yourself with confidence.

4. Do more than the average person.

5. Develop your own relationship with God.
Fear not, there is nothing to fear, for I am with you.

Monday, September 16

mindsets for GROWTH and POSITIVE thinking : Pick Up Limes

mindsets for GROWTH and POSITIVE thinking:

Mindset # 1
Focusing on Possibilities, in place of limitations.

Mindset # 2
Always ask 'Why?'.
What is your #Why-Power?
When we don't know the answers to our whys strong enough, that's when we become more susceptible to be being influenced by someone else's why?
Quote: People lose their way, when they lose their why.

Mindset # 3
Prioritizing creativity and play.
writing, cooking, filming, singing, dancing, playing games.

Mindset # 4
Small steps lead to big changes.

Mindset # 5
Taking care of me for you.
If we can learn the importance of taking some time away, every so often, to check in with ourselves, to do things that make us feel worthy, without needing that external validation, I think when we can do that, we can share more of our authentic selves, we'll have more of ourselves to give.

Thank you!
I like all 5 of them, especially mindset # 4 and 5.

Saturday, September 14

1 Simple Strategy To Dial In Your Focus | Robin Sharma

1 Simple Strategy To Dial In Your Focus

Minimalism is so valuable in terms of an approach to life.

Minimalism is a way to set up your entire life.

Do few things strikingly well.

Marshal and harness your resources, your mental focus, your physical energy, your personal willpower, your individual gifts, your time, I call those the five assets of elite performance, and you focus them on just a few things.

Tuesday, September 10

How Do You Get Yourself to Stay Focused? : Terri

How Do You Get Yourself to Stay Focused?

how do you stay focused with so many distractions?
-focus with my habits.
-focus with my time.
-focus on my dreams.

1. How do you stay focused with your habits?

Be very protective of your mornings.

Successful people are proactive about their day, not reactive.

Put your oxygen mask on first, before you attend to anyone around you.

Morning rituals can change you entire life.

I changed my routine, and it changed my whole life, and I'm referring to my morning routine.

Start being selfish at seven o'clock in the morning.

Own your mornings.

Guard your  morning routine diligently.

2. How do you stay focused with your time?

Use a planner and map your time.

a. Use one planner.
b. Write everything down.
c. Practice the "Sunday Night Strategy".
d. Plan each day the night before.
e. Time yourself.

What gets scheduled, gets done.

3. How do you stay focused on your dreams?

Success is determined by what you say NO to.

For every one hundred great opportunities that are brought to me, I say "No" ninety-nine times.
-Warren Buffet

Deciding what NOT to do is as important as deciding what TO do.
-Steve Jobs

Focus is just as much about saying no, as it is to saying yes.

What will you start saying no to, in order to achieve your most important goals this year?