Friday, February 16

Desperate times call for desperate measures (and furious dancing).

Tuesday, February 13

CHANGE Your LIFE With The 5 SECOND Rule (MentorMeMel) : Evan Carmichael

1. Move from idea to action.

2. Be energized.

3. Take control of your thoughts.

4. It's a mind trick that causes focus.
the 5-second rule.

Bonus: Habit of hesitation is killing your dreams.

Monday, February 12

The Power Of Positive Affirmations : Terri

Speak consistently over the direction you want your life to go.

We serve a God who gives life to the dead and He speaks of non-existent things as if they already exist.
-Romans 4:17

Only you can do this for yourself.
You can't hire someone else to do your pushups.
-Jim Rohn

5 P's of Positive Affirmations:
1. Positive
2. Personal
3. Present Tense
4. Precise
5. Passion

Show God that you trust him.

Saturday, February 10


My parents came here yesterday.
Papa came from Goa, where he was attending a conference of 'Century Paper Mills'. He took a cab and reached here at around 8 pm.
Then he and I had dinner. He really liked the pattagobhi-matar ki sabzi.
He is having cold.
Ma came from Jbp. Her flight was delayed by 3 hrs. My spouse went by metro to pick her up at the airport (international terminal). She travelled by zoom air. They came back by Uber and reached here at 11 pm.
Then they had dinner.
Ma brought green chatney, gajar ka halwa, kele ke chips, mithai, juice etc.
She also brought tithi ke calanders.
Then Ma and I talked for some time.

Today morning, they left for Aligarh by car to attend Prateek's marriage.

Thank u God.