Friday, September 22

Thursday, September 21


1. Well-being (Health, Spirituality, Beauty, Self-compassion, Presence).

2. Love (Self-Love, Relationships, Immediate Family, Close Friend(s), Healthy Boundaries).

3. Profession (Creative Work, Learning, Earning).

Wednesday, September 20

3 Lessons of Productivity : Developer Tea

3 Lessons of Productivity

1. Do not base your productivity on your emotions.

2. Always pair your idealistic value driven goal with a simple goal of progress.

- to create. to do creative work.
- to learn. to practice. (skill-set, tools).
- to earn money.
- to help people. to make a difference.

- To build the Newz Android App.
- To do CTCI puzzles, 20 minutes a day.

3. Understand your fundamentals.

Thursday, September 14

Breadth First Search Algorithm BFS : Yusuf Shakeel

Depth First Search Algorithm DFS : Yusuf Shakeel

Introspection - Part 2 - Why & Why Not : Developer Tea

What are your values?

Ques.1: Why am I doing this particular thing, today, right now, in this moment?

Ultimately, what we are trying to do is start to recognize things that we are doing, that we need to stop doing.

Values are really driving us to do everything that we do. And asking why I'm doing something, should lead me back to my values.

Ques.2: Why not?

When you encounter a decision that you deny or perhaps you are trying to decide between whether or not you should do that thing, I want you to ask that question, why not?

Our values can be used in both a constructive and a protective manner.
Constructive, to generate ideas. to generate what you should do today.
You can also use your values to judge what you shouldn't do today, that is, protective.
Your values can be used as a measuring stick to say no.
Even if it looks attractive, even if it looks exciting.
Not every good opportunity is good for you. Not every positive decision or profitable decision is going to be aligned with your values.

My goal is for you to return to these on a regular basis. I would say, even on a quarterly basis.
You are going to find that the answers are going to change, your vision is going to be clarified.
And, ultimately, you are going to be making better decisions with your time.

Wednesday, September 13

Introspection - Part 1 - Finding What You're Best At : Developer Tea

Turning the camera around and looking inward and trying to understand yourself.
The answer will change overtime.
My hope is to equip you to make better decisions for yourself, to make better decisions for your career and for the people that you work with and for.

Ques.1: What are you best at? What is going to maximize your potential?
(I don't want the answer to be hyper specific. There are a lot of ways to evaluate this question.)
This is going to help your career because you have clarified picture of what you will be best at doing and ultimately what you're going to provide the most value doing?

Ques.2: What am I doing now, that I don't have capacity to become significantly better at?
(There's tons of things that could fit into this category.)
Those things are taking the energy that could possibly be added to the correct place.

Ques.3: What things / what roadblocks have I placed in my own way that keep me from being better at the things that I'm already best at? How am I holding myself back in maximizing my own potential?
(Identifying the specific behaviours and triggers that cause you to not grow, that cause you to be limited in your capacity.)

Thursday, September 7

Tuesday, September 5

Happy Teacher's Day

Happy Teacher's Day!!!
I'm so grateful to all my teachers. God bless them.
Thank you so much God.

Happy Anant Chaturdashi!!!
Lord Ganesh bless us.

Sunday, September 3


Met my friend Shilpi today. Spent the day with her at the Advait BodhSthal, Greater Noida.
Thank you God!