Thursday, September 26

Leaving for Haridwar tomorrow noon. Parents - in - law not well.

Evening Activities

1. Salad/Fruits, Evening Snacks,..., Dinner,..., Milk
2. Face wash, Combing
3. Dawai (if)
4. Brushing teeth

Home management:
1. Keeping washed utensils in almiras (morning ones)
2. Food -- preparing dinner etc. & Emptying the slab & Arranging the dining table
3. Clothes -- Folding dried clothes n keeping inside almira
4. Utensils -- washing & slab, basin n gas stove cleaning
5. Switching on the Kent RO
6. Buying vegetables from tuesday market
7. Filling water in used utensils
8. Keeping left-over food in fridge n emptying the dining table.
9. Keeping the utensils washed in evening inside almiras
10. Preparing milk and keeping left malai n milk separately.
11. Locking all the doors.

Listening to music


Morning Activities

1. Toilet-1, Brush
2. Water n nuts, fruits, breakfast
3. Toilet-2
4. Bath, comb, moisturize
5. Dawai (if)
6. Writing diary

1. Food -- preparing & Kitchen slab emptying, Wiping table n laying out plates etc.
2. Utensils -- washing, slab n gas stove cleaning
3. House cleaning -- jhaadoo, pochha & Garbage throwing, dusting
4. Giving clothes for ironing & paying him if req.
5. Buying milk
6. Clothes -- washing & drying
7. Bathrooms cleaning on weekends
8. Bed folding
9. Cleaning the table after breakfast and arranging it for lunch

Listening to music

REST/ Do whatever u want

Monday, September 23

Pedicure/ Manicure

Things you need:

1) nail polish remover, cotton balls, 2 toe separators, a bottle of base coat and nailcolor each
2) body lotion, exfoliating scrub, thick cream for nails (op.)
3) Nail-cutter, filer, pumice stone/ brush
4) 2 clean hand towels
5) A tub/ bucket of warm water n little shampoo (place it on a newspaper on the floor)

1. Remove nail polish if req.
2. Collect towels, nail cutter, filer, brush, scrub, moisturizer, nailpaint (op.).
3. (Apply nail cream op.) Dip ur feet in warm water for 5-10 mins. Read a mag./listen to music. Sit in a chair  with back rest.
4. Clean with brush and scrub as req.
5. Wipe ur feet with clean towel, apply moisturizer.
6. Wear socks / Apply toe-separator, nailpaint, allow it to dry for 10 mins. (op.)
7. Fall in love with urself :)

Time: I guess 45 mins.

Monday, September 16

Skin care

Skin care regime:

- Cleanse and moisturize face morning and evening. (apply lip balm)
- Pack mid-week and weekend.

How to edit labels in blogger

Happy Birthday hubby! (year: 2013)

7th Sept. was my husband's birthday. He was discharged from hospital on 6th late evening.
Ma, papa, both bhaiyas were here. We cut the cake at 12 midnight.
It was nice. Thank u God.
p.s.: I gave him a photobook.

Thursday, September 12


The ego is a demanding force that's never satisfied.
When you're tempted to focus on your personal successes and defeats, shift your attention in that very moment to a less fortunate individual. You'll feel more connected to life as well as more satisfied.

Monday, September 2

haircare -- seasons

In monsoon, I need to wash my hair once in two days.
In winters, once in three days.

Days are becoming comparatively cooler.
At times it gets humid though.

read today in an article

I learned that if you want your future to be brighter than your past, you must start acting differently. Today.

I also learned another very important lesson: I need to put myself first when it comes to love.

Space taught me about freedom: the freedom to listen to my feelings, and the freedom to trust myself.
Once I understood that I could trust myself, I realized I could accept myself, too.