Saturday, February 26

Happy Birthday to my bro.....
God bless him.

I am so grateful for the fact that I'm able to write this....
A thousand little things could have gone wrong, and they haven't. (for eg. my computer is working fine, internet, electricity, my health, weather and so on)
Thank you, God.

p.s.: How easy it is to take everything for granted.... when none of us know if even we will be in this world the next moment or not....

Monday, February 14

Happy Valentine's Day !!!

Njoyed a lot at cousins's wedding....
All of us were together after a long time...

Got some gifts:
silver kalash

Tuesday, February 8

Tips to reduce stress at work (read somewhere)

Here are three steps to address worry before it becomes toxic:
1. Don't worry alone. Talk to someone you trust -- a friend, partner, or colleague -- about your concerns. Sometimes just talking can be a relief, and your listener may provide some reassuring guidance.
2. Get the facts. Often a small problem can get blown out of proportion. Before you let worry consume you, get the facts. Find out what, and how big, the real problem is.
3. Let it go. When you can't do anything about the problem, give it up and forget about it. This may be easier said than done, but it is worth the conscious effort.

Wednesday, February 2

Happy February!

Will be gone for two weeks approx...

God bless!